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mstksg committed Sep 3, 2019
1 parent 81a8a14 commit 3c61949
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Showing 5 changed files with 118 additions and 42 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
# interactive-plot

Simple terminal interactive plotter.


* Display controls on-screen
* Allow for changing of plot dynamically
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions app/demo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
import Data.Default
import Interactive.Plot

cosTest, lineTest :: AutoSeries
cosTest = funcSeries cos (enumRange 100 (R (-5) 5)) mempty
lineTest = funcSeries id (enumRange 20 (R (-4) 4)) mempty

main :: IO ()
main = runPlotAuto def [cosTest, lineTest]
main = runPlotAuto defaultPlotOpts [cosTest, lineTest]

19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,15 +21,6 @@ description: Please see the README on GitHub at <

- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- vty
- transformers
- containers
- MonadRandom
- mtl
- microlens
- microlens-platform
- microlens-th
- data-default

- -Wall
Expand All @@ -39,6 +30,16 @@ ghc-options:

source-dirs: src
- MonadRandom
- containers
- data-default
- microlens
- microlens-platform
- microlens-th
- mtl
- transformers
- vty

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126 changes: 97 additions & 29 deletions src/Interactive/Plot/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ module Interactive.Plot.Core (
Coord(..), cX, cY
, Range(.., RAbout), rMin, rMax, rSize, rMid, _rSize
, Auto(..)
, PointStyleF(.., PointStyle), PointStyle, AutoPointStyle, psMarker, psColor
, SeriesF(..), Series, AutoSeries, sItems, sStyle, toCoordMap, fromCoordMap
, PointStyle, pattern PointStyle, PointStyleF(..), AutoPointStyle, psMarker, psColor, _psMarker, _psColor
, Series, SeriesF(..), AutoSeries, sItems, sStyle, toCoordMap, fromCoordMap
, Alignment(..)
, PlotOpts(..), poTermRatio, poAspectRatio, poXRange, poYRange, poRange, poAutoMethod
, defaultPlotOpts
, renderPlot
-- * Internal
, plotRange
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,12 +75,18 @@ instance Ord OrdColor where
Color240 d -> compare c d

-- | An ordered pair in @a@.
data Coord a = C { _cX :: a -- ^ Access @x@. For getter/setter lenses, see 'cX'.
, _cY :: a -- ^ Access @y@. For getter/setter lenses, see 'cY'.
data Coord a = C { _cX :: a -- ^ Access @x@.
, _cY :: a -- ^ Access @y@.
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''Coord
-- | Getter/setter lens to the @x@ position in a 'Coord'.
cX :: Lens' (Coord a) a
cX f (C x y) = (`C` y) <$> f x

-- | Getter/setter lens to the @x@ position in a 'Coord'.
cY :: Lens' (Coord a) a
cY f (C x y) = (C x) <$> f y

instance Num a => Num (Coord a) where
(+) = liftA2 (+)
Expand All @@ -94,14 +101,26 @@ instance Applicative Coord where
pure x = C x x
C f g <*> C x y = C (f x) (g y)

-- | Basically the same as @Reader 'Bool'@, for @x@ and @y@.
instance Monad Coord where
return x = C x x
C x y >>= f = C (_cX (f x)) (_cY (f y))

-- | A specification for a range. Using 'R', contains the minimum and
-- maximum. Using 'RAbout', contains the midpoint and size.
data Range a = R { _rMin :: a -- ^ Minimum of range. For getter/setter lens, see 'rMin'.
, _rMax :: a -- ^ Maximum of range. For getter/setter lens, see 'rMax'.
data Range a = R { _rMin :: a -- ^ Minimum of range.
, _rMax :: a -- ^ Maximum of range.
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

makeLenses ''Range

-- | Getter/setter lens to the minimum value in a 'Range'.
rMin :: Lens' (Range a) a
rMin f (R x y) = (`R` y) <$> f x

-- | Getter/setter lens to the maximum value in a 'Range'.
rMax :: Lens' (Range a) a
rMax f (R x y) = (R x) <$> f y

-- | "Zipping" behavior on minimum and maximum
instance Applicative Range where
Expand All @@ -114,6 +133,10 @@ instance Monad Range where
return x = R x x
R x y >>= f = R (_rMin (f x)) (_rMax (f y))

-- | Used to specify fields in 'PointStyle' and 'Series': Use 'Auto' for
-- automatic inference, and 'Given' to provide a specific value.
-- Its 'Semigroup' instance keeps the last 'Given'.
data Auto a = Auto | Given a
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)

Expand All @@ -125,22 +148,40 @@ instance Semigroup (Auto a) where
instance Monoid (Auto a) where
mempty = Auto

-- | Specification of a style for a point.
-- | A parameterized version of 'PointStyle' to unify functions in
-- "Interactive.Plot.Series".
-- Mainly you will be using either 'PointStyle' or 'AutoPointStyle'.
data PointStyleF f = PointStyleF
{ _psMarkerF :: f Char -- ^ Marker cahracter. For getter/setter lens, see 'psMarker'.
, _psColorF :: f Color -- ^ Marker color. For getter/setter lens, see 'psColor'.
{ _psMarkerF :: f Char -- ^ Marker character.
, _psColorF :: f Color -- ^ Marker color.
deriving (Generic)

makeLenses ''PointStyleF
-- | Getter/setter lens to the marker field of a 'PointStyleF'
psMarkerF :: Lens' (PointStyleF f) (f Char)
psMarkerF f (PointStyleF x y) = (`PointStyleF` y) <$> f x

-- | Getter/setter lens to the color field of a 'PointStyleF'
psColorF :: Lens' (PointStyleF f) (f Color)
psColorF f (PointStyleF x y) = (PointStyleF x) <$> f y

-- | Specification of a style for a point.
-- Construct this wiht the 'PointStyle' pattern synonym.
type PointStyle = PointStyleF Identity

-- | A version of 'PointStyle' where you can leave the marker or color
-- blank, to be automatically inferred.
-- You can construct this with the 'PointStyleF' constructor.
-- It has a very convenient 'Monoid'/'Semigroup' instance: 'mempty' gives
-- a 'PointStyle' where every field is 'Auto', and '<>' combines
-- 'PointStyle's field-by-field, keeping the last 'Given'.
type AutoPointStyle = PointStyleF Auto

-- | Pattern synonym/constructor for 'PointStyle'.
pattern PointStyle :: Char -> Color -> PointStyle
pattern PointStyle { _psMarker, _psColor } = PointStyleF (Identity _psMarker) (Identity _psColor)
{-# COMPLETE PointStyle #-}
Expand All @@ -163,44 +204,71 @@ psMarker = psMarkerF . _Identity
psColor :: Lens' PointStyle Color
psColor = psColorF . _Identity

-- | Data for a single series: contains the coordinate map with the point
-- style for the series.
data SeriesF f = Series { _sItems :: M.Map Double (S.Set Double)
, _sStyle :: PointStyleF f
-- | A parameterized version of 'Series' to unify functions in
-- "Interactive.Plot.Series".
-- Mainly you will be using either 'Series' or 'AutoSeries'.
data SeriesF f = Series { _sItems :: M.Map Double (S.Set Double) -- ^ A map of @x@ positions to @y@ points at that position
, _sStyle :: PointStyleF f -- ^ The style of points. For 'Series', this is 'PointStyle'; for 'AutoSeries', this is 'AutoPointStyle'.

-- | Data for a single series: contains the coordinate map with the point
-- style for the series.
type Series = SeriesF Identity

-- | A version of 'Series' where you can leave the marker or color blank,
-- to be automatically inferred.
type AutoSeries = SeriesF Auto

-- | Getter/setter lens to the items field of a 'SeriesF'
sItems :: Lens' (SeriesF f) (M.Map Double (S.Set Double))
sItems f (Series x y) = (`Series` y) <$> f x

makeLenses ''SeriesF
-- | Getter/setter lens to the style field of a 'SeriesF'
-- @
-- 'sStyle' :: Lens 'Series' 'PointStyle'
-- 'sStyle' :: Lens 'AutoSeries' 'AutoPointStyle'
-- @
sStyle :: Lens' (SeriesF f) (PointStyleF f)
sStyle f (Series x y) = (Series x) <$> f y

-- | Alignment specification.
data Alignment = ALeft
| ACenter
| ARight

-- | Options used for running the plot interactively in a terminal.
data PlotOpts = PO
{ _poTermRatio :: Double -- ^ character width ratio of terminal (H/W)
, _poAspectRatio :: Maybe Double -- ^ plot aspect ratio (H/W)
, _poXRange :: Maybe (Range Double) -- ^ X Range. Use 'Nothing' for automatic.
, _poYRange :: Maybe (Range Double) -- ^ Y Range. Use 'Nothing' for automatic.
, _poAutoMethod :: Maybe StdGen -- ^ How to fill in missing values. 'Nothing' for IO, 'Just' for deterministic seed.
{ _poTermRatio :: Double -- ^ character width ratio of terminal (H/W). Default is 2.1.
, _poAspectRatio :: Maybe Double -- ^ plot aspect ratio (H/W). Use 'Nothing' for automatic. Default is @'Just' 1@.
, _poXRange :: Maybe (Range Double) -- ^ X Range. Use 'Nothing' for automatic. Default is 'Nothing'.
, _poYRange :: Maybe (Range Double) -- ^ Y Range. Use 'Nothing' for automatic. Default is 'Nothing'.
, _poAutoMethod :: Maybe StdGen -- ^ How to fill in missing
-- values when run using
-- 'Interactive.Plot.Run.runPlotAuto'.
-- 'Nothing' for IO, 'Just'
-- for deterministic seed.
-- Ignored when using
-- 'Interactive.Plot.Run.runPlot'.
-- Default is an arbitrarily
-- selected seed.

makeLenses ''PlotOpts

-- | Sensible defaults for most terminals.
defaultPlotOpts :: PlotOpts
defaultPlotOpts = PO
{ _poTermRatio = 2.1
, _poAspectRatio = Just 1
, _poXRange = Nothing
, _poYRange = Nothing
, _poAutoMethod = Just $ mkStdGen 28922710942259

instance Default PlotOpts where
def = PO { _poTermRatio = 2.1
, _poAspectRatio = Just 1
, _poXRange = Nothing
, _poYRange = Nothing
, _poAutoMethod = Just $ mkStdGen 28922710942259
def = defaultPlotOpts

-- | An alternative "constructor" for 'R', which takes a midpoint and size
-- instead of a min and max.
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Interactive/Plot/Series.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,7 +93,8 @@ combinePointStyles ms cs = combine `` S.cartesianProduct ms cs
-- | Turn an 'AutoSeries' into a 'Series', assigning styles from
-- a pre-specified "shuffled" order.
fromAutoSeries :: [AutoSeries] -> [Series]
fromAutoSeries = fromAutoSeries_ $ mkStdGen 28922710942259
fromAutoSeries = fromAutoSeries_ $
fromMaybe (mkStdGen 28922710942259) (_poAutoMethod defaultPlotOpts)

-- | Turn an 'AutoSeries' into a 'Series', drawing styles randomly in IO.
fromAutoSeriesIO :: [AutoSeries] -> IO [Series]
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