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Sequence Labeling Parsing by Learning Across Representations

This repository contains the source code for the paper "Sequence Labeling Parsing by Learning Across Representations" that has been accepted for ACL 2019.

NEW VERSION OF THE CODE WITH PYTHON3+ AND PYTORCH 1+ IS AVAILABLE HERE. The code includes Multi-Task Learning, although it's only working for dependency parsing.

Core idea

Recent research has shown that constituency and dependency parsing can be recast as sequence labeling problem resulting in a fast and accurate parsing. We extend this idea by adding multitask learning (MTL) that enables learning both constituency and dependency syntactic abstractions and leveraging their complementary nature. When adding one parsing paradigm as auxiliary loss, the performance of the other paradigm consistently improves. In other words, our model achieves better results for dependency parsing when information about the syntactic representations of constituency trees is available to the model during training and vice versa. Moreover, a single sequence labeling model can serve for parsing both constituency and dependency trees at almost no cost in terms of performance or speed (when both paradigms are considered as the main tasks).

Constituency and Dependency Parsing as Sequence Labeling

Various encodings has been proposed for linearizing syntactic trees. This code employs the relative encoding proposed in "Constituent Parsing as Sequence Labeling" and relative PoS-based encoding from "Viable Dependency Parsing as Sequence Labeling". Below some examples with an intuitive explanation of how constituency and dependency trees can be encoded as labels. More detailed descriptions are to find in the papers.

(a) a constituency tree with the relative variation of encoding.

Example for the word "control" with the label (-2,S,Ø): First, we count how many ancestors are shared between the target word "control" and the next token("."), which is 1 since they only share "S". Next, we look at the relative variation with respect to the previous word. The tokens "good" and "control" share 3 levels. After subtraction of relative variation from the absolute, we get -2. The second element "S" is the last ancestor that is shared between the target and next word. The third element in the tuple is empty (Ø) because the target word is not a part of a leaf unary chain.

(a) a dependency tree with the relative PoS-based encoding.

Example for the word "control" with the label (-1,V,dobj): The head of the target word is the first token to the left (-1) that has PoS tag V with the relation dobj.

Our code is an extension of the original code for constituency and dependency parsing. We also rely on NCRF++: An Open-source Neural Sequence Labeling Toolkit that we have slightly modified. In MTL setup, our model learns many tasks jointly that consist of dependency and constituency parsing and in that way it can benefit from learning their shared syntactic representations.


It is recommended to create a virtual environment in order to keep the installed packages separate to avoid conflicts with other programs.

  • Python 2.7
  • PyTorch 0.3

The program was tested on Ubuntu 16.04, Python 2.7.12, PyTorch 0.3.1.

Encoding trees into labels

In order to train and run the model, the input files have to contain encoded trees into the labels. It can be easily done by using the following scripts for dependency and constituency trees. We follow the format setup proposed in Constituent Parsing as Sequence Labeling: better, faster, stronger sequence tagging constituent parsers.

Labels for Dependency Parsing


The file to encode has to be in the CoNLL-X format:

1   He      _   N   N   _   2   nsubj   _   _      
2   has     _   V   V   _   0   root    _   _
3   good    _   J   J   _   4   amod    _   _ 
4   control _   N   N   _   2   dobj    _   _
5   .       _   .   .   _   2   punct   _   _

The output will differ depending on the chosen MTL setup:

  • single a label will be treated as single task where its components are separated by the symbol "@"
He      N   +1@nsubj@V
has     V   -1@root@ROOT
good    J   +1@amod@N
control N   -1@dobj@V
.       .   -1@punct@V
  • multi each component in the label separated by "{}" will be treated as a separate task
He      N   +1{}nsubj{}V
has     V   -1{}root{}ROOT
good    J   +1{}amod{}N
control N   -1{}dobj{}V
.       .   -1{}punct{}V
  • combined best performance is achieved when information about the rel.position and word's head (f.ex. +1@V) is combined into one task and dependency relation as the second task
He      N   +1@V{}nsubj
has     V   -1@ROOT{}root
good    J   +1@N{}amod
control N   -1@V{}dobj
.       .   -1@V{}punct

Labels for Constituency Parsing


Check the usage here.

Multitask Labels for both Dependency and Constituency Parsing

Labels for constituency and dependency parsing have to be merged in order to train both parsing paradigms.

python --encoded_file_constituency $PATH_TO_ENCODED_FILE_CONSTITUENCY --encoded_file_dependency $PATH_TO_ENCODED_DEPENDENCY --merged_output $PATH_TO_OUTPUT 

An example of the output:

Monday	NNP 	1ROOT{}S{}NP{}-1@IN{}pobj

The format of each line is: a token, followed by its PoS tag as a self-defined feature and a label with 5 tasks (separated by {})


Train a model


config files for both single and multi-task models for constituency and dependency parsing. The names of the models follow the original naming used in the paper.

MTL setup in config files: examples

For a multi-task label:

multi-task label      3{}NP{}-EMPTY-{}+1@NNS{}amod
index of task         0  1      2        3     4

with 5 tasks in total where the first 3 tasks are for constituency(3{}NP{}-EMPTY-) and the last 2 for dependency(+1@NNS{}amod), we can specify:

an MTL setup for constituency parsing as the main task and dependency parsing as auxiliary task:

###MTL setup###

or an MTL setup for dependency parsing as the main task and constituency parsing as auxiliary task:

###MTL setup###

or an MTL setup where both dependency and constituency parsing are considered as main tasks:

###MTL setup###

Parse with a pre-trained model

python --test $PATH_ENCODED_TESTSET [--gold_constituency] $PATH_GOLD_TESTSET_FOR_CONST [--gold_dependency] $PATH_GOLD_TESTSET_FOR_DEPEN --model $PATH_TO_MODEL --status test --gpu False [--multitask] [--output_constituency] $PATH_OUTPUT_CONS [--output_dependency] $PATH_OUTPUT_DEPEN --ncrfpp $PATH_TO_NCRFPP [--evalb_param] $PATH_EVALB_PARAM
  • --test path to the encoded testset
  • --gold_constituency path to the gold constituency file. Required when constituency_parsing=True defined in the config file
  • --gold_dependency path to the gold dependency file. Required when dependency_parsing=True
  • --model path to the model ended with "/mod"
  • --gpu True/False
  • --multitask when multitask labels are used
  • --output_constituency path to constituency output file. Only if constituency_parsing=True
  • --output_dependency path to dependency output file. Only if dependency_parsing=True
  • --ncrfpp path to the directory containing and
  • --evalb_param path to: when evaluated on PTB "cons2labels/EVALB/COLLINS.prm" or SPMRL "cons2labels/EVAL_SPRML/". Only if constituency_parsing=True


This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC), under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (FASTPARSE, grant agreement No 714150).


If you wish to use our work for research purposes, please cite us!

    title = "Sequence Labeling Parsing by Learning across Representations",
    author = "Strzyz, Michalina  and
      Vilares, David  and
      G{\'o}mez-Rodr{\'\i}guez, Carlos",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Florence, Italy",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/P19-1531",
    pages = "5350--5357",
    abstract = "We use parsing as sequence labeling as a common framework to learn across constituency and dependency syntactic abstractions.To do so, we cast the problem as multitask learning (MTL). First, we show that adding a parsing paradigm as an auxiliary loss consistently improves the performance on the other paradigm. Secondly, we explore an MTL sequence labeling model that parses both representations, at almost no cost in terms of performance and speed. The results across the board show that on average MTL models with auxiliary losses for constituency parsing outperform single-task ones by 1.05 F1 points, and for dependency parsing by 0.62 UAS points.",


Any questions? Bugs? Comments? Contact me using michalina.strzyz[at]


Sequence Labeling Parsing by Learning Across Representations







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