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this bot allows you to "stream" your currently playing Spotify track in a single post


with docker run

docker pull msweb3/telegram-spotify-playback
# set up data.yml
# set up .env
docker run -d msweb3/telegram-spotify-playback

with docker compose

first of all, create docker-compose.yml. it may look similarly to this:

version: '3'

    image: msweb3/telegram-spotify-playback
    restart: unless-stopped
      - .env

then, run this:

docker compose pull
# set up data.yml
# set up .env
docker compose up --build -d

manual installation

git clone
cd telegram-spotify-playback
yarn # install dependencies
yarn build
# set up data.yml
# set up .env
node .
# you could also use pm2 or whatever you want
# executables are located at /dist/bot/index.js and /dist/server/index.js

setting up data.yml

head straight to data/ directory. you will find data.sample.yml file:

# Data about channels.
# Default: []

it will contain an array of objects like this:

{ id: number; message_id: number }

as you can see from the filename, this file is a sample. simply remove .sample part from it, that's all

setting up .env

in the root folder you might find .env.sample file:


copy it into .env file (or simply rename it :P)

wow, so many values. how do i fill them up?

getting Spotify keys

first, head straight to Spotify Web API Dashboard. here you will need to log in & create an application.

here you will see App Status, Client ID and Client Secret (which is hidden by default).

grab Client ID and insert it after the SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID key in .env file.

grab Client Secret (you will have to unhide it) and insert it after the SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET key in .env file.

then, click "Edit Settings". find "Redirect URIs" field and insert http://localhost:8080/spotify here.

now starts the magic part. if you already have an access token and a refresh token, you're good to go. if you dont, you will have to run yarn start:server (or npm run start:server) and go head to localhost:8080/login. log in your Spotify account and then look at the console: here you will see values for SPOTIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN and SPOTIFY_REFRESH_TOKEN. fill them in your .env file.

getting Telegram data

go to @BotFather and create a new bot via /newbot command. give it a name and, most importantly, readable and simple username.

why? you might be using inline mode frequently. if so, you will need to type your bot's @username. do you want it to be super complicated? i dont think so =)

after you've created a bot, use /mybots command to see the list of your bots, click on your bot, click "Bot Settings" and click on "API Token". grab your bot's token and insert it as TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN in your .env file. now, press "Back to Bot" > "Inline Mode" > "Turn on". voila! you've enabled inline mode.

create a channel (or use already created one). invite your bot here as an admin.

we're almost done!

getting Lastfm data

create an API account and get API key from here. insert it in LASTFM_APIKEY in .env file

lastly, fill LASTFM_USERNAME as your's username =)

congratulations, setup is done!

fonts are missing!

yeah, that's true, i've removed fonts/ from here because i dont wanna get sued or whatever. you need to somehow get SF UI font and put .otf files of it here: ~/fonts/SF UI/*.otf

what do i do now?

simply go to a channel where the bot is an admin and execute /create command. that's it!


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