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Application Insights Profiler for Asp.Net core on Linux App Services

This is the project home page for App Services Linux profiler. Our NuGet package can be found here.

Notice: It is highly recommended to use Application Insights Profiler with CLR 2.1 (shipped with Dotnet Core SDK 2.1.300) and above since there are fixes for fundamental reliability issues.

Profiler Traces

Get Started

  • Create a WebApi project

    dotnet new webapi -n ProfilerEnabledWebAPI
  • Add the NuGet package

    dotnet add package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Profiler.AspNetCore -v 1.1.4-*

    Note: Find the latest package from the here.

  • Create an Application Insights in Azure Portal, set Application Insights instrumentation key in appsettings.json:

        "ApplicationInsights": {
            "InstrumentationKey": "replace-with-your-instrumentation-key"
  • Enable Application Insights in Program.cs:

    public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
            .UseApplicationInsights() // Add this line of code to Enable Application Insights
  • Enable Profiler in Startup.cs:

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddServiceProfiler(); // Add this line of code to Enable Profiler
  • Run the code:

    dotnet run

    And you will see the following logs, indicating Profiler is up and running:

    dbug: ServiceProfiler.EventPipe.AspNetCore.ServiceProfilerStartupFilter[0]
        Constructing ServiceProfilerStartupFilter
    dbug: ServiceProfiler.EventPipe.AspNetCore.ServiceProfilerStartupFilter[0]
        User Settings:
            "BufferSizeInMB": 250,
    dbug: ServiceProfiler.EventPipe.Client.Utilities.RuntimeCompatibilityUtility[0]
        Checking compatibility for Linux platform.
    dbug: ServiceProfiler.EventPipe.AspNetCore.ServiceProfilerStartupFilter[0]
        Pass Runtime Compatibility test.
    dbug: ServiceProfiler.EventPipe.Client.Schedules.TraceSchedule[0]
        Entering TriggerStart - initial: True.
    dbug: ServiceProfiler.EventPipe.Client.Schedules.TraceSchedule[0]
        Entering StartAsync, idle for the interval of 3000 ms.
    Hosting environment: Development
    Content root path: /mnt/d/ApplicationInsightsProfiler
    Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
    Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
    Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

You have been start to run the the WebApi with Profiler on.

Learn More

Supported Versions

Application Insights Profiler Windows Linux
1.1.4-beta1 Experimental support for .NET Core App 2.2. Trace tree in the trace explorer looks very noisy. Supported for .NET Core App 2.1+
1.1.3-beta2 Not supported. Supported for .NET Core App 2.1+
1.1.3-beta1 Not supported. Supported for .NET Core App 2.1+
1.1.2-beta1 Not supported. Deprecated.
1.0.0-beta1 Not supported. Deprecated.




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Application Insights Profiler sample and documentation





