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This blog is a static site implemented entirely using Scala.


Scala code and Sass scripts can be built with:

npm run build_production
# or
npm run build_dev

This will generate folder build. The site only needs this folder and the html files at project root to run.


  • This build is run by Grunt and build definitions are in Gruntfile.js.
  • We don't use sbt to build because it is too heavy, especially on laptops which doesn't have good specs.
  • It is important that packages in package.json are declared in dependencies section because Heroku will remove packages in devDependencies before our build process completes.


To run, you can simply serve index.html as a static site with a simple http server like NPM http-server



  • push/merge/rebase to branch master
  • Travis CI will automatically build and push the result to branch deploy.
  • Heroku will automatically pull from this branch and deploy the app on its server.

Development flow

  • Use IntelliJ as an IDE for coding.
  • Build the project.
  • Assuming you are using http-server, serve the site with http-server -p 3000 ..
  • Type localhost:3000 in your browser to see the site. After refresh, you should be able to see the updated site in your browser.


To have more control on how post content is displayed, I implement a parser that can work with my own customized Markdown syntax.

Cheat sheet


# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6

Bold & italic


Underscore syntax for bold text __bold__ and asterisk syntax for italic text *italic* are not supported.


Only unordered list is supported and there can be only 1 level for now.

- item 1
- item 2


Both inline and reference style are supported.

[inline link](

[reference link][ref]


[cute dog](dog.jpg)

[cute dog][dog]
[dog]: dog.jpg

Youtube video



Both inline and block syntax are supported.

Inline `code` with backticks.

println("Hello world")


> line 1
> line 2