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Overview of vavr Option API.



Option is a monadic container type which represents an optional value. Instances of Option are either an instance of Option.Some or the singleton Option.None.

If you’re coming to Vavr after using Java’s Optional class, there is a crucial difference. In Optional, a call to .map that results in a null will result in an empty Optional. In Vavr, it would result in a Some(null) that can then lead to a NullPointerException.

This seems like Vavr’s implementation is broken, but in fact it’s not - rather, it adheres to the requirement of a monad to maintain computational context when calling .map. In terms of an Option, this means that calling .map on a Some will result in a Some, and calling .map on a None will result in a None. In the Java Optional example above, that context changed from a Some to a None.


There are two functions that operate on Monads, map and flatMap. These obey specific laws. For this project it is sufficient to say that map has to preserve the computational context of a value. For context changes flatMap is used.

The constructor Option.of(value) puts a value into a computational context. If the value is null, the context is None, otherwise the context is Some.

Preserving this context means:

  • Some(value).map(v -> otherValue) ~ Some(otherValue)
  • None().map(v -> otherValue) ~ None()

We do not expect context changes when mapping values. It would break the Monad laws.

project description

We provide description and tests of Option methods.

static methods

  • Option<T> narrow(Option<? extends T> option) - Narrows a widened Option<? extends T> to Option<T> by performing a type-safe cast.
    Option<String> a = Option.of("a");
    Option<CharSequence> narrowed = Option.narrow(a);
    note that
    Option<String> a = null;
  • Option<T> none() - Returns the single instance of None
    assertSame(Option.none(), Option.none());
  • Option<T> of(T value) - Creates a new Option of a given value. Some(value) if value is not null, None otherwise
    Option<Object> option = Option.of("a");
    assertThat(option.get(), is("a"));
    Option<Object> option = Option.of(null);
  • Option<T> ofOptional(Optional<? extends T> optional) - Wraps a Java Optional to a new Option. Some(optional.get()) if value is Java Optional is present, None otherwise.
    Option.ofOptional(null); // throws NPE
  • Option<Seq<T>> sequence(Iterable<? extends Option<? extends T>> values) - Reduces many Options into a single Option by transforming an Iterable<Option<? extends T>> into a Option<Seq<T>>.
    Option<Seq<String>> sequence = Option.sequence(List.of(Option.of("a"), Option.of("b")));
    assertTrue(sequence.get().eq(List.of("a", "b")));
    If any of the Options are Option.None, then this returns Option.None.
    Option<Seq<String>> sequence = Option.sequence(List.of(Option.of("a"), Option.of("b"), Option.none()));
  • Option<T> some(T value) - Creates a new Some of a given value.
    Option<Object> some = Option.some(null);
    assertTrue(some instanceof Option.Some);
    difference to of():
    Option.of(null);   // = None
    Option.some(null); // = Some(null)
  • Option<T> when(boolean condition, Supplier<? extends T> supplier) - Creates Some of suppliers value if condition is true, or None in other case
  • Option<T> when(boolean condition, T value) - Creates Some of value if condition is true, or None in other case
    Option<Integer> when = Option.when(false, 1);
    Option<Integer> when = Option.when(true, 1);
    Option<Integer> when = Option.when(true, (Integer) null);


  • Option<R> collect(PartialFunction<? super T,? extends R> partialFunction) - Collects value that is in the domain of the given partialFunction by mapping the value to type R.

    • assertThat(Option.of("a").collect(PartialFunctionExample.stringLength), is(Option.some(1)));
    • assertThat(Option.of("b").collect(PartialFunctionExample.stringLength), is(Option.none())); where in PartialFunction:
    static PartialFunction<String, Integer> stringLength = new PartialFunction<>() {
        public Integer apply(String s) {
            return isNull(s) ? 0 : s.length();
        public boolean isDefinedAt(String value) {
            return Objects.equals("a", value);
  • boolean equals(Object o) - if Some call equals on values

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return (obj == this) || (obj instanceof Some && Objects.equals(value, ((Some<?>) obj).value));
  • Option<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate)

    default Option<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(predicate, "predicate is null");
        return isEmpty() || predicate.test(get()) ? this : none();
    • assertThat(Option.none().filter(x -> true), is(Option.none()));
    • assertThat(Option.some(1).filter(x -> false), is(Option.none()));
    • assertThat(Option.some(1).filter(x -> true), is(Option.of(1)));
  • Option<U> flatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Option<? extends U>> mapper)

    default <U> Option<U> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Option<? extends U>> mapper) {
        Objects.requireNonNull(mapper, "mapper is null");
        return isEmpty() ? none() : (Option<U>) mapper.apply(get());
    • assertThat(Option.of(Option.of(1)).flatMap(Function.identity()), is(Option.of(1)));
    • assertThat(Option.of(Option.some(null)).flatMap(Function.identity()), is(Option.some(null)));
    • assertThat(Option.none().flatMap(x -> null), is(Option.none()));
    • assertNull(Option.of(1).flatMap(x -> null));
    • difference to java Optional flatMap: Optional.of(1).flatMap(x -> null); throws NPE
  • T get() - NoSuchElementException if this is a None.

    • assertNull(Option.some(null).get());
  • T getOrElse(Supplier<? extends T> supplier)

  • T getOrElse(T other)

  • <X extends Throwable> T getOrElseThrow(Supplier<X> exceptionSupplier)

  • boolean isDefined()

    • assertTrue(Option.some(null).isDefined());
  • boolean isEmpty()

  • Option<U> map(Function<? super T,? extends U> mapper)

    Option<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) {
            Objects.requireNonNull(mapper, "mapper is null");
            return isEmpty() ? none() : some(mapper.apply(get()));
    • assertThat(Option.some(null).map(Function.identity()), is(Option.some(null)));
    • assertThat(Option.of(1).map(x -> null), is(Option.some(null)));
    • assertThat(Option.of(1).map(Function.identity()), is(Option.some(1)));
    • assertThat(Option.<Integer>none().map(Function.identity()), is(Option.none()));
    • difference to java Optional map: assertThat(Optional.of(1).map(x -> null), is(Optional.empty()));
  • Option<T> onEmpty(Runnable action) - Runs a Java Runnable passed as parameter if this Option is empty.

  • Option<T> orElse(Option<? extends T> other)

  • Option<T> orElse(Supplier<? extends Option<? extends T>> supplier)

    • assertThat(Repository.findById(1).orElse(Repository.findByName("Michal")), is(Option.of("found-by-id")));
    • assertThat(Repository.findById(1).orElse(Repository.findByName("Michal")), is(Option.of("found-by-name"))); where Repository:
    static Option<String> findById(int id) {
        return Option.when(id == 1, "found-by-id");
    static Option<String> findByName(String name) {
        return Option.when(Objects.equals(name, "Michal"), "found-by-name");
  • Option<T> peek(Consumer<? super T> action) - applies an action to this value, if this option is defined, otherwise does nothing. It is useful to construct if-else (ifPresentOrElse in Optional API) statements:

    AtomicBoolean invokedPeek = new AtomicBoolean();
    AtomicBoolean invokedOnEmpty = new AtomicBoolean();
    Option.of(1).peek(x -> invokedPeek.set(true))
            .onEmpty(() -> invokedOnEmpty.set(true));
    AtomicBoolean invokedPeek = new AtomicBoolean();
    AtomicBoolean invokedOnEmpty = new AtomicBoolean();
    Option.none().peek(x -> invokedPeek.set(true))
            .onEmpty(() -> invokedOnEmpty.set(true));
    AtomicBoolean invokedPeek = new AtomicBoolean();
    Integer value = Option.of(1).peek(x -> invokedPeek.set(true))
    assertThat(value, is(1));
    AtomicBoolean invokedPeek = new AtomicBoolean();
    Integer value = Option.<Integer>none().peek(x -> invokedPeek.set(true))
    assertThat(value, is(-1));
  • U transform(Function<? super Option<T>,? extends U> f)

    U transform(Function<? super Option<T>, ? extends U> f) {
            Objects.requireNonNull(f, "f is null");
            return f.apply(this);

    it is useful to transform Optional into collection:

    var collection = Option.of(1)
            .transform(option ->;
    assertThat(collection, is(List.of(1)));
    var collection = Option.<Integer>none()
            .transform(option ->;
    assertThat(collection, is(empty()));

    note that you could simply use:



Overview of vavr Option API.







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