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Overview of vavr pattern matching API.



Pattern matching is a great feature that saves us from writing stacks of if-then-else branches. It reduces the amount of code while focusing on the relevant parts.

Vavr provides a match API that is close to Scala’s match.

  • $() - wildcard pattern
    • saves us from a MatchError which is thrown if no case matches
    • it is often very handy to return Option as a way of programming no matches scenario
      Option<String> s = Match(i).option(
          Case($(0), "zero")
  • $(value) - equals pattern
  • $(predicate) - conditional pattern


Class Predicates defines general-purpose predicates which are particularly useful when working with API.Match.

method description
allOf(Predicate<T>... predicates) A combinator that checks if all of the given predicates are satisfied.
anyOf(Predicate<T>... predicates) A combinator that checks if at least one of the given predicates is satisfies.
exists(Predicate<? super T> predicate) A combinator that checks if one or more elements of an Iterable satisfy the predicate.
forAll(Predicate<? super T> predicate) A combinator that checks if all elements of an Iterable satisfy the predicate.
instanceOf(Class<? extends T> type) Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is instance of the specified type.
is(T value) Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is equal to the specified value using Objects.equals(Object, Object) for comparison.
isIn(T... values) Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is equal to at least one of the specified values using Objects.equals(Object, Object) for comparison.
isNotNull() Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is not null
isNull() Creates a Predicate that tests, if an object is null
noneOf(Predicate<T>... predicates) A combinator that checks if none of the given predicates is satisfied.


Descriptions are not available in documentation.

method description
$Cons(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1, API.Match.Pattern<_2,?> p2) ?
$Success(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$Failure(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$Future(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$Invalid(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$Valid(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$Left(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$Right(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$Nil() ?
$Some(API.Match.Pattern<_1,?> p1) ?
$None() ?
$TupleN(N...) ?

project description

We provide basic examples for some methods mentioned above ( that seemed useful).

  • ranges + allOf
    Function1<Integer, PlaneService> get = (var price) -> Match(price).of(
            Case($(n -> n > 3000), value -> PlaneService.BUSINESS_CLASS),
            Case($(Predicates.<Integer>allOf(n -> n > 2000, n -> n <= 3000)), value -> PlaneService.FIRST_CLASS),
            Case($(n -> n <= 2000), value -> PlaneService.ECONOMY_CLASS)
    assertThat(get.apply(3500), is(PlaneService.BUSINESS_CLASS));
    assertThat(get.apply(2500), is(PlaneService.FIRST_CLASS));
    assertThat(get.apply(1500), is(PlaneService.ECONOMY_CLASS));
  • exists
    var moreThan2000 = List.of(2, 2001);
    var moreThan1000LessThan2000 = List.of(1500, 3);
    var lessThan1000 = List.of(0, 5);
    Function1<List<Integer>, String> check = (var numbers) -> Match(numbers).of(
            Case($(exists(n -> n > 2000)), "> 2000"),
            Case($(exists(n -> n > 1000)), "> 1000 & <= 2000"),
            Case($(), "<= 1000")
    assertThat(check.apply(moreThan2000), is("> 2000"));
    assertThat(check.apply(moreThan1000LessThan2000), is("> 1000 & <= 2000"));
    assertThat(check.apply(lessThan1000), is("<= 1000"));
  • forAll
    var evens = List.of(2, 4, 6);
    var odds = List.of(1, 3, 5);
    var randoms = List.of(1, 4);
    Function1<List<Integer>, String> check = (var numbers) -> Match(numbers).of(
            Case($(Predicates.forAll(n -> n % 2 == 0)), "evens"),
            Case($(Predicates.forAll(n -> n % 2 != 0)), "odds"),
            Case($(), "neither evens nor odds")
    assertThat(check.apply(evens), is("evens"));
    assertThat(check.apply(odds), is("odds"));
    assertThat(check.apply(randoms), is("neither evens nor odds"));
  • Try
    Function1<Try<Integer>, String> transform = (var _try) -> Match(_try).of(
            Case($Success($(1)), value -> "success 1"),
            Case($Success($()), value -> "success default"),
            Case($Failure($(instanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class))), err -> "failure IllegalArgumentException"),
            Case($Failure($(instanceOf(NullPointerException.class))), err -> "failure NPE")
    assertThat(transform.apply(Try.of(() -> 1)), is("success 1"));
    assertThat(transform.apply(Try.of(() -> 2)), is("success default"));
    assertThat(transform.apply(Try.of(() -> {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            is("failure IllegalArgumentException"));
    assertThat(transform.apply(Try.of(() -> {
                throw new NullPointerException();
            is("failure NPE"));
  • option vs of
    var transformed = API.Match(5).option(
    @Test(expected = MatchError.class)
    public void of_withoutDefault() {
    IntFunction<String> transform = (var i) -> API.Match(i).of(
            Case($(1), "one"),
            Case($(), "default")
    assertThat(transform.apply(1), is("one"));
    assertThat(transform.apply(2), is("default"));


Overview of vavr pattern matching API.







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