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Build Status License: GPL v3


project description

theory in a nutshell

  • Either represents a value of two possible types
    • is either a Left or a Right
  • by convention the success case is Right and the failure is Left
  • simple example
    Either<String, Integer> div(int x, int y) {
        return (y == 0) ? Either.left("cannot div by 0!") : Either.right(x / y);
  • models a computation that may either result in an error (for example returning some error message or even exception), or return a successfully computed value
  • you can think about Either as a pair (Left, Right) ~ (Object, Object) that has either left or right value
  • Try<T> ~ Either<Throwable, T>
  • Either is a generalisation of Try
  • interface Either<L, R> extends Value<R>, Serializable
    • interface Value<T> extends Iterable<T>
  • two implementations:
    • final class Left<L, R> implements Either<L, R>
    • final class Right<L, R> implements Either<L, R>

conclusions in a nutshell

  • creating
    • success: Either.right(...)
    • failure: Either.left(...)
  • conversion: Either<L, R> <-> Option<R>
    option.toEither(L left)
  • conversion: Either<L, R> <-> Try<R>
    • Left -> NoSuchElementException("get() on Left")
  • conversion: List<Either<L, R>> -> Either<Seq<L>, Seq<R>>
    • Either.sequence(list)
  • conversion: List<Either<L, R>> -> Either<L, Seq<R>>
    • Either.sequenceRight(list)
    • if any of the Either is Left, returns first Left
  • we could filter
    • Option<Either<L, R>> filter(Predicate<? super R> predicate)
  • map, mapLeft, flatMap Either<L, R>
    • Either<L, U> map(f: R -> U)
    • Either<L, U> flatMap(f: R -> Either<L, U>)
    • Either<U, R> mapLeft(f: L -> R)
  • bimap, fold Either<L, R>
    • Either<X, Y> bimap(leftMapper: L -> X, rightMapper: R -> Y)
    • U fold(leftMapper: L -> U, rightMapper: R -> U)
  • lazy alternative
    • Either<L, R> orElse(Supplier<? extends Either<? extends L, ? extends R>> supplier)
  • performing side-effects
    • on success:
      • Either<L, R> peek(Consumer<? super R> action)
    • on failure:
      • Either<L, R> peekLeft(Consumer<? super L> action)
      • void orElseRun(Consumer<? super L> action)