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Reactive programming is a declarative programming paradigm concerned with data streams and the propagation of change.

Reactor is a fully non-blocking reactive programming foundation for the JVM, with efficient demand management (in the form of managing "backpressure"). It integrates directly with the Java 8 functional APIs, notably CompletableFuture, Stream, and Duration. It offers composable asynchronous sequence APIs Flux (for [N] elements) and Mono (for [0|1] elements), extensively implementing the Reactive Extensions specification.

difference to imperative approach

  • imperative
    b = 1
    c = 2
    a = b + c
    b = 2
    print a; // 3
  • reactive
    b = 1
    c = 2
    a = b + c
    b = 2
    print a; // 4

So shortly - reactive programming is all about datatypes that represent a value 'over time'.

cold vs hot streams

  • Cold streams are lazy. They don’t do anything until someone starts observing them (subscribe in RX). They only start running when they are consumed. Cold streams are used to represent asynchronous actions, for example, that it won’t be executed until someone is interested in the result. Another example would be a file download. It won’t start pulling the bytes if no one is going to do something with the data. The data produced by a cold stream is not shared among subscribers and when you subscribe you get all the items.

  • Hot streams are active before the subscription like a stock ticker, or data sent by a sensor or a user. The data is independent of an individual subscriber. When an observer subscribes to a hot observable, it will get all values in the stream that are emitted after it subscribes. The values are shared among all subscribers. For example, even if no one has subscribed to a thermometer, it measures and publishes the current temperature. When a subscriber registers to the stream, it automatically receives the next measure.

  • Why it’s so important to understand whether your streams are hot or cold? Because it changes how your code consumes the conveyed items. If you are not subscribed to a hot observable, you won’t receive the data, and this data is lost.

Reactor API

  • Mono
    • static
      • Mono<T> error(Throwable error) - Create a Mono that terminates with the specified error immediately after being subscribed to.
      • Mono<T> just(T data) - Create a new Mono that emits the specified item, which is captured at instantiation time.
      • Mono<T> justOrEmpty(@Nullable Optional<? extends T> data), Mono<T> justOrEmpty(@Nullable T data) - Create a new Mono that emits the specified item if non null / Optional.isPresent() otherwise only emits onComplete.
      • Mono<Long> delay(Duration duration) - Create a Mono which delays an onNext signal by a given duration on a default Scheduler and completes.
      • Mono<T> empty() - Create a Mono that completes without emitting any item.
      • Mono<T> first(Mono<? extends T>... monos) - Pick the first Mono to emit any signal (value, empty completion or error) and replay that signal, effectively behaving like the fastest of these competing sources.
      • Mono<T> never() - Create a Mono that will never signal any data, error or completion signal.
      • Mono<Tuple2<T1, T2>> zip(Mono<? extends T1> p1, Mono<? extends T2> p2) - Merge given monos into a new Mono that will be fulfilled when all of the given Monos have produced an item, aggregating their values into a Tuple2.
    • instance
      • Mono<T> delayElement(Duration delay) - Delay this Mono element (Subscriber.onNext(T) signal) by a given duration.
      • Disposable subscribe(Consumer<? super T> consumer) - Subscribe a Consumer to this Mono that will consume all the sequence.
      • Mono<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper) - Transform the item emitted by this Mono by applying a synchronous function to it.
      • T block() - Subscribe to this Mono and block indefinitely until a next signal is received.
      • Mono<V> compose(Function<? super Mono<T>, ? extends Publisher<V>> transformer) - Defer the given transformation to this Mono in order to generate a target Mono type.
      • Flux<T> concatWith(Publisher<? extends T> other) - Concatenate emissions of this Mono with the provided Publisher (no interleave).
      • Mono<T> defaultIfEmpty(T defaultV) - Provide a default single value if this mono is completed without any data
      • Mono<Tuple2<Long,T>> elapsed() - Map this Mono into Tuple2<Long, T> of timemillis and source data. The timemillis corresponds to the elapsed time between the subscribe and the first next signal, as measured by the parallel scheduler.
      • Mono<Tuple2<T, T2>> zipWith(Mono<? extends T2> other) - Combine the result from this mono and another into a Tuple2.
      • Mono<V> then(Mono<V> other) - Let this Mono complete then play another Mono.
      • Mono<T> retry() - Re-subscribes to this Mono sequence if it signals any error, indefinitely.
      • Mono<T> doOnNext(Consumer<? super T> onNext) - Add behavior triggered when the Mono emits a data successfully.
      • doOnCancel
      • doOnEach
      • doOnError
      • doOnRequest
      • doOnSubscribe
      • doOnSuccess
      • Mono<T> log() - Observe all Reactive Streams signals and trace them using Logger support.
      • Mono<R> handle(BiConsumer<? super T, SynchronousSink<R>> handler) - Handle the items emitted by this Mono by calling a biconsumer with the output sink for each onNext. At most one call must be performed and/or 0 or 1 SynchronousSink.error(Throwable) or SynchronousSink.complete().
  • Flux
    • static
      • Flux<Integer> range(int start, int count) - Build a Flux that will only emit a sequence of count incrementing integers, starting from start.
      • Flux<T> from(Publisher<? extends T> source) - Decorate the specified Publisher with the Flux API.
      • Flux<T> fromIterable(Iterable<? extends T> it) - Create a Flux that emits the items contained in the provided Iterable.
      • fromArray
      • fromStream
      • Flux<Long> interval(Duration period) - Create a Flux that emits long values starting with 0 and incrementing at specified time intervals on the global timer.
      • <T1, T2, V> Flux<V> combineLatest(Publisher<? extends T1> source1, Publisher<? extends T2> source2, BiFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? extends V> combinator) - Build a Flux whose data are generated by the combination of the most recently published value from each of two Publisher sources.
      • Flux<T> concat(Iterable<? extends Publisher<? extends T>> sources) - Concatenate all sources provided in an Iterable, forwarding elements emitted by the sources downstream.
      • Flux<T> defer(Supplier<? extends Publisher<T>> supplier) - Lazily supply a Publisher every time a Subscription is made on the resulting Flux, so the actual source instantiation is deferred until each subscribe and the Supplier can create a subscriber-specific instance.
      • Flux<T> generate(Callable<S> stateSupplier, BiFunction<S,SynchronousSink<T>,S> generator) - Programmatically create a Flux by generating signals one-by-one via a consumer callback and some state.
      • Flux<I> merge(Iterable<? extends Publisher<? extends I>> sources) - Merge data from Publisher sequences contained in an Iterable into an interleaved merged sequence.
      • Flux<T> switchOnNext(Publisher<? extends Publisher<? extends T>> mergedPublishers) - Creates a Flux that mirrors the most recently emitted Publisher, forwarding its data until a new Publisher comes in in the source.
    • instance
      • T blockLast() - Subscribe to this Flux and block indefinitely until the upstream signals its last value or completes.
      • Mono<R> collect(Collector<? super T,A,? extends R> collector) - Collect all elements emitted by this Flux into a container, by applying a Java 8 Stream API Collector The collected result will be emitted when this sequence completes.
      • Flux<Flux<T>> window(int maxSize) - Split this Flux sequence into multiple Flux windows containing maxSize elements (or less for the final window) and starting from the first item.
      • Flux<List<T>> buffer(int maxSize) - Collect incoming values into multiple List buffers that will be emitted by the returned Flux each time the given max size is reached or once this Flux completes.
      • Flux<V> concatMap(Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends V>> mapper) - Transform the elements emitted by this Flux asynchronously into Publishers, then flatten these inner publishers into a single Flux, sequentially and preserving order using concatenation.
      • Flux<T> take(long n) - Take only the first N values from this Flux, if available.
      • Flux<T> skip(long skipped) - Skip the specified number of elements from the beginning of this Flux then emit the remaining elements.
      • Flux<T> distinct() - For each Subscriber, track elements from this Flux that have been seen and filter out duplicates.
      • Flux<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> p) - Evaluate each source value against the given Predicate.
      • Mono<A> reduce(A initial, BiFunction<A,? super T,A> accumulator) - Reduce the values from this Flux sequence into an single object matching the type of a seed value.
      • Flux<GroupedFlux<K,T>> groupBy(Function<? super T,? extends K> keyMapper) - Divide this sequence into dynamically created Flux (or groups) for each unique key, as produced by the provided keyMapper Function.
      • Mono<Map<K,T>> collectMap(Function<? super T,? extends K> keyExtractor) - Collect all elements emitted by this Flux into a hashed Map that is emitted by the resulting Mono when this sequence completes.

project description

  • BaseSubscriberRequestOneTest
    • subscribe
    • error
    • cancel
  • ConnectableFluxTest
    • subscribing to ConnectableFlux (with / without autoConnect)
  • FluxBasicFactoryTest
    • empty
    • never
    • just
    • fromIterable
    • error
    • interval by 100 ms
    • interval by 1s (with virtual time simulation)
    • generate
    • combineLatest
    • concat
    • defer
    • merge
    • switchOnNext
  • FluxBasicFunctionsTest
    • handle
    • onErrorReturn
    • onErrorResume
    • onErrorMap
    • retry
    • zip
    • buffer
    • window
  • FluxGroupByTest
    • grouping finite streams
    • grouping finite streams with flatten
    • grouping infinite streams with flatten
  • FluxSchedulersTest
    • default (parallel)
    • elastic
    • single
    • newSingle
    • publishOn
    • subscribeOn
  • HotVsColdTest
    • creating hot flux by publishing on UnicastProcessor
  • MonoBasicFactoryTest
    • empty
    • never
    • just
    • justOrEmpty
    • error
    • first
  • SubscribeToFluxTest
    • subscribing with consumer
    • subscribing with BaseSubscriber (reactor class inheritance)
    • subscribing with consumer of error
    • subscribing with consumer of complete
    • subscribing with subscription consumer (requests for elements)
  • SubscribeToMonoTest - same as above
  • TransformVsComposeTest
    • transform (bounded before subscription)
    • compose (bounded just in time)


Exploring basic features of Reactor API.







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