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#Felucia Build Status Swift 3.0 License CocoaPods Carthage

Felucia provides useful extensions to UIColor.

Project is no longer maintained!


  • iOS 9.0+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Xcode 8+



You can use CocoaPods to install Felucia by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'MyApp' do
	pod 'Felucia'

Run pods install to intagrate pods with your project.


You can use Carthage to install Felucia by adding it to your Cartfile:

github "mtynior/Felucia"

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built Felucia.framework into your Xcode project.

Swift Package Managers (SPM)

You can use The Swift Package Manager to install Felucia by adding it to your Package.swift file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "MyApp",
    targets: [],
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1)


You can also manually add Felucia to you project:

  1. Download Felucia.swift file,
  2. Drag Felucia.swift into you project's tree.


Color initialization

Hex ARGB string

UIColor(hexARGB: "#fff")
UIColor(hexARGB: "fff")
UIColor(hexARGB: "#e2f5d3")
UIColor(hexARGB: "e2f5d3")
UIColor(hexARGB: "#ffe2f5d3")
UIColor(hexARGB: "ffe2f5d3")


UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255)
UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64)

UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.5, blue: 0.25, alpha: 1.0)
UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 0.5, blue: 0.25)


UIColor(cyan: 0, magneta: 0.5, yellow: 0.75, black: 0.498)


The h can be set as value in [0, 1] or [0, 360].

The s can be set as value in l are in [0, 1] or [0, 100].

The a can be set as value in [0, 1].

UIColor(h: 157.0, s: 24, l: 51)
UIColor(h: 0.436, s: 0.24, l: 0.51)
UIColor(h: 0.436, s: 0.24, l: 0.51, a: 1.0)

Retrieving color components

UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).rgba() // (r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255)
UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).rgbaArray() // [255, 128, 64, 255]

UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).rgbaf() // (r: 1.0, g: 0.5, b: 0.25, a: 1.0)
UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).rgbafArray() // [1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 1.0]

UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).hsba() // (h: 0.056, s: 0.749, b: 1.0, a: 1.0)
UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).hsbaArray() // [0.056, 0.749, 1.0, 1.0]

UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).hsla() // (h: 0.0558464, s: 1.0, l: 0.62549, a: 1.0)
UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).hslaArray() // [0.0558464, 1.0, 0.62549, a:1.0]

UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).cmyk() // (c: 0.0, m: 0.498, y: 0.749, k: 0.0)
UIColor(r: 255, g: 128, b: 64, a: 255).cmykArray() // [0.0, 0.498, 0.749, 0.0]



Returns complementary color.

let color = UIColor.whiteColor().complementaryColor() 
color.rgba() // (r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255)


Lightens the color a given amount, from 0.0 to 1.0. Providing 1.0 will always return white.

let color = UIColor.redColor().lighten()
color.rgba() // (r: 255, g: 51, b: 51, a: 255)
let color = UIColor.redColor().lighten(1.0)
color.rgba() // (r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 255)


Darkens the color a given amount, from 0.0 to 1.0. Providing 1.0 will always return black.

let color = UIColor.redColor().darken()
color.rgba() // (r: 204, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255)
let color = UIColor.redColor().darken(1.0)
color.rgba() // (r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255)


Desaturates a color into greyscale.

let color = UIColor(r: 67, g: 122, b: 134).grayscale()
color.rgba() // (r: 106, g: 106, b: 106, a: 255)


Returns true when the color's perceived brightness is light.

UIColor.whiteColor().isLight() // true

UIColor.blackColor().isLight() // false


Returns true when the color's perceived brightness is dark.

UIColor.blackColor().isLight() // true

UIColor.whiteColor().isLight() // false


Returns a random color.

let color = UIColor.randomColor()
color.rgba() // (r: 67, g: 122, b: 134 a:255)


Felucia is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.