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AWS S3 Flutter

This plugin developed to make it easy to get object from AWS S3 without writing Android, IOS, and Web code separately using method channel.

🌟 Installing

  aws_s3_private_flutter: <latest_version>

⚡️ Import

import 'package:aws_s3_private_flutter/aws_s3_private_flutter.dart';

Screen Shot

alt text

alt text

Platform Android IOS Web
Supported ✅️️ ✅️ ✅️

Available Parameters

final String _secretKey;
final String _accessKey;
final String _host;
final String _region;
final String? _bucketId;
final String? _sessionToken;
static const _service = "s3";

/// Creates a new AwsS3Client instance.
/// @param [secretKey] The secret key. Required. see
/// @param [accessKey] The access key. Required. see
/// @param [bucketId] The bucket. Required. See
/// @param [host] The host, in path-style. Defaults to "s3.$". See
/// @param [region] The region of the bucket. Required.
/// @param [sessionToken] The session token. Optional.
/// @param [bucketId] is not required if buckedId is already available in your [host].
AwsS3PrivateFlutter({required String secretKey,
  required String accessKey,
  required String? bucketId,
  required String host,
  required String region,
  String? sessionToken});
Parameter Datatype Initial Value Required
_secretKey String null Yes
_accessKey String null Yes
_host String null Yes
_region String null Yes
_bucketId String null No
_sessionToken String null No


var url = 'bucket-folder/object-name.extension';

final AwsS3PrivateFlutter awsS3PrivateFlutter = AwsS3PrivateFlutter(
    accessKey: 'your-access-key',
    secretKey: 'your-secret-key',
    region: 'your-region-here',
    /// example host: '[bucket-id].s3.[region]' 
    host: 'your-host-here',
    /// [bucketId] is not required if bucketId is already available in your [host].
    bucketId: 'your-bucket-id');

getObject() async {
  Response res = await awsS3PrivateFlutter.getObjectWithSignedRequest(key: url);


If you encounter any problem or the library is missing a feature feel free to open an issue. Feel free to fork, improve the package and make pull request.