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Trivago Case Study

Further Enhancements :

  • Use Linter such as eslint.
  • Use a better logging tool such winston.
  • API documentation with Swagger (OpenAPI 3.0).

Table of Contents


For one of your next big projects, the team has decided to go with microservices. There are multiple experienced engineers with strong knowledge in NodeJS and while other programming languages were on the table, the team decided to proceed with Node only. It is your task to develop a containerized prototype for a small and simplified part of the system using docker-compose or Kubernetes. This part should enable frequent travellers to bypass the regular checkout flow and reserve a hotel room using available "bonus points" when they have an account in the system. There are no given API or payload specs and you are asked to come up with your own. In addition, you decide how the communication between services should work.


The project implements the Micro services Architecture, and it has three main services.

  • Business Logic Service:

    This is the core of the business, it consists of three components (plugins).

    • Traveller Component: used for creating new travellers, and also update specific traveller bonusPoints
    • Room Component: Used for creating new rooms.
    • Booking Component: (TASK REQUIREMENT) This compnent has the main login for making reservations and cancelling them.
  • Monitoring Service

    This Service is used for two main purposes:

    • Audit Trail and monitor every action taken regarding room reservations and cacellation.
    • Sending Emails with reservation detailed info. (whether a one was made or cancelled)

    Some might argue that every service should has its logging and monitoring service or database, but i preferred to implement the Log Aggregation design pattern. This is the idea behind AWS CloudWatch.

  • Api Gateway Service

    This is the public Service (TASK REQUIREMENT) and it is used to communicate with the BusinessLogic service. Authentication and Authorization (AS MENTIONED IN THE TASK) occurs here.

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Database Models:

Database Used Is MongoDB.

Each service has its own database (following microservices architecture), and the following are database entities per service:

  • Business Logic Service:

    • it has three different entities :

      Booking entity

      bookingKey: {type:  String, required:  true },
      travellerKey: { type:  String, required:  true },
      roomKey: { type:  String, required:  true },
      status: { type:  String, enum: ['RESERVED', 'PENDING_APPROVAL', 'CANCELLED'] },
      active: { type:  Boolean, default:  true }

      Room entity

      roomName: { type:  String, required:  true },
      roomKey: { type:  String, required:  true },
      requiredPoints: { type:  Number, default:  0 },
      availableAmount: { type:  Number, default:  1 }, // available rooms

      Traveller entity

      email: { type:  String, required:  true, unique:  true },
      name: { type:  String },
      travellerKey: { type:  String, required:  true },
      bonusPoints: { type:  Number, default:  0 }
  • Monitor Service

    • It has only one model Audit entity
        userId: { type:  String, required:  true },
        resource: { type:  String, required:  true },
        resourceId: { type:  String, required:  true },
        action: { type:  String, required:  true },
        data:{ type:  Schema.Types.Mixed },
        status: { type:  String, enum: ['SUCCESS', 'ERROR'] }
  • API GateWay Service

    • It has three models User entity

        userId: { type:  String, required:  true },
        role: { type:  String, required:  true, enum: ['CUSTOMER', 'ADMIN'] },
        email: { type:  String },
        name: { type:  String }

      Log entity

        userId: { type:  Schema.Types.Mixed },
        method: { type:  String },
        status: { type:  String },
        path: { type:  String },
        statusCode: { type:  Number },
        response: { type:  Schema.Types.Mixed },
        payload: { type:  Schema.Types.Mixed }

      Consumer entity

        api_key: { type:  String, required:  true },
        type: { type:  String, required:  true, enum: ['public', 'private'] },

API Documentation:

This part should be replaced with swagger docs (OpenApi 3.0) in the future.


  • Private Route:

    • GET /api/rooms: List all rooms in database.
    • POST /api/rooms: Create a room (roomName, requiredPoints, availableAmount, (ADMIN userId or email)) are required in req body.
    • PUT /api/travellers/:travellerKey/points: Update traveller bonusPoints (ADMIN userId or email) and bonusPoints are required in the request body.
    • Public Routes:
  • POST /api/bookings: Make Reservation. travellerKey, roomKey, (email or userId for traveller) are required in request body
    • POST /api/bookings/:bookingKey/cancel: cancel Reservation . email of the traveller is required in the body.
    • POST /api/travellers: Creates a new traveller. email is required in request body.
    • GET /api/booking?email=traveller@email: get booking for a traveller. email is required in req.query
    • GET /api/travellers/:travellerKey: gets a traveller data (only if token matches key)


An internet connection of course.


  • NodeJS v12.14.0
  • MongoDB
  • Npm v6.13.4


  • Docker version 19.03.2
  • docker-compose version 1.21.0

Quick Start

When a traveller is created, a token id sent back in the response. This token with traveller email or his key (userId in req body) should be passed with each request a traveller issues.

For the admin user there is only one user seeded (I have not added routes to create system users).

Tokens for public and private users could be found in the seeded data snippets below.

The database of each service will be seeded when you start the application to make testing easier, and here is the data seeded for each service:

I had different ideas to seed the database ( with a container that whole purpose is to seed the database when we run docker-compose up , A route that you make a request to and db will be seeded, and the third option was to insert documents when each service connect to the database ).

I chose the third option, so now when you start the app, each service will seed its data.

  • Business Service:
const  travellers  = [
		email:  "",
		bonusPoints:  75,
		travellerKey:  'KeyOne',
		name: 'JohnDoe'
		email:  "",
		bonusPoints:  150,
		travellerKey:  'KeyTwo',
		name: 'JohnDoe2'
		email:  "",
		bonusPoints:  35,
		travellerKey:  'KeyThree',
		name: 'JohnDoe3'

const  rooms  = [
		roomName:  "Suite C2",
		requiredPoints:  250,
		availableAmount:  2,
		roomKey:  'RoomOne'
		roomName:  "Single Room C2",
		requiredPoints:  100,
		availableAmount:  1,
		roomKey:  'RoomTwo'
		roomName:  "Single Room C3",
		requiredPoints:  100,
		availableAmount:  5,
		roomKey:  'RoomThree'
  • API GateWay:
const  users  = [
		email:  "", 
		userId:  '111',
		role:  'ADMIN',
		name:  'John Admin',
		token:  'private-token' // P/oa1XVdX0rkOQLNjNpAvv/2oCdZlC5fwzyaK/mvdPk=
		email:  "",
		role:  'CUSTOMER',
		userId:  'KeyThree',
		name:  'JohnDoe3',
		token:  'public-token-3'  // vYSYLt1OzKvkWtmYuVUYmCRbSf20H4b/Gr1C1DzBmp8=

const  consumers  = [
		api_key:  "vYSYLt1OzKvkWtmYuVUYmCRbSf20H4b/Gr1C1DzBmp8=",
		type:  'public'
		api_key:  "P/oa1XVdX0rkOQLNjNpAvv/2oCdZlC5fwzyaK/mvdPk=",
		type:  'private'

Run Docker

Change directory to the project's root (where docker-compose.yml is ) and run the following command which will build the images if the images do not exist and starts the containers.

When ready, run it:

$ docker-compose up

Application (ApiGateway Public Service) will run by default on port 8080, and is accessible from http://localhost:8080

Configure the port by changing services.gateway.ports in docker-compose.yml. Port 8080 was used by default so the value is easy to identify and change in the configuration file.


Configure Api Keys.

When testing the Api, every call requires an api key. Public Api Key for public endpoints, and Private Api Key for the restricted ones.

When importing postman collection for testing (Section Below). provide these keys:

public-api-secret: public-api-secret
private-api-secret: private-api-secret

The Postman collection that contains sample requests. You can find a Postman collection in this project. To import this collection, do the following.

Click on the import button:

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Click on the "Choose Files":

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Select a file to import:

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Right click on the imported collection click Edit to set variables for the collection:

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Provide variables for the collection: (Change these variables when you want test different tokens permissions): javascript [{ "public-api-secret": "vYSYLt1OzKvkWtmYuVUYmCRbSf20H4b/Gr1C1DzBmp8=" }, { "private-api-secret": "P/oa1XVdX0rkOQLNjNpAvv/2oCdZlC5fwzyaK/mvdPk=" }]

NOTE: Admin email is and his userId is 111.

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Then right-click on the Private Calls folder, and write the following in the Authorization tab

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And the sane for the Public Folder:

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Flow Charts

These are the flow charts for the basic POC functionalities :

  • Public Authentication:

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  • Private Authentication:

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  • Making Reservation:

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  • Cancel Reservation:

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