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magArticles is a an axample Laravel 5 project for the Classes of Web Technologies in COMSATS Lahore Campus by Muhammad Usman Akram


Clone this git Repository in your Computer and open the command prompt and go to your location e.g. if you have downloaded in 'F:/magarticles' then

cd F:/magarticles 
composer install

After installing, rename '.env.example' to '.env' and CACHE_DRIVER should be set to array, fill out your database credentials and run following command

php artisan migrate:refresh --seed 
php artisan serve

Now you can access your project at localhost:8000

password: admin

Commands Available

Apart from usual php artisan commands you can try following

php artisan make:view Tag
php artisan make:view Tag -f backend
Tag is the model name and backend is the folder which you want to use to create views inside. 
e.g. -f backend.admin would create views inside backend\admin\tags folder

Pre Requisites

php and composer should be installed and setup in path variables.

Contact Me

You can contact me at 'musmanakram at ciitlahore dot edu dot pk' or at

Demo available at