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JaeWoong Oh edited this page Sep 26, 2017 · 48 revisions

Android Propose

Even though the animation provided by Android is easy to use,
developers are still customizing views.
This is because Android native animation doesn't support touch events.

Surprisingly, Propose enables touch events to Property animation
with couple of lines of code.
You can also implement high quality interactions by combining various animations.
Now, you're able to make anything you imagine.

Android Propose Story book
It's property animation. can you believe this?

Propose uses property animations provided by Android.

  • You can implement interactions with familiar animations.
  • It's possible to make interactions without complicated mathematical calculations.
  • It's safe as all thread is handled by property animation.

You can add interactions without modifying your source code.

  • Propose is not dependent unlike CustomView.
  • You can add interactions without customizing views.
  • You can apply this feature to all sort of views such as Viewgroup, CustomView.

How to use?


Put a new build rule on your file.

dependencies {
    compile 'com.markjmind.propose:propose:1.1.+'

Getting Started

1. What's Propose
2. Starting
3. Motion
4. Combining animation
5. Event