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Best practice when you write an API

Some of the points to consider while writing an API:

  • Write for human.

Example: /users/{id}/card-number instead of /users/{id}/pin.

  • Should use lower case letters.

Example: /users/{id}/pending-orders instead of /users/{id}/Pending_Orders.

  • Separate words with dashes.

Example: /users/{id}/pending-orders instead of /users/{id}/pending_orders.

  • Follow the naming pattern similar to the folder structure.

  • Use Hierarchy.

  • Keep in mind while designing an API is maintaining the version number in the API.

  • No trailing forward slash.

Example: /users/{id}/pending-orders instead of /users/{id}/pending-orders/ and both should give the same output.


  • Resource should be nouns not verbs.

Example: /users/{id} instead of /get-user.

  • End-points methods should represent their work.

GET /posts Retrieves a list of posts. GET /posts/1 Retrieves a specific post. POST /posts Create a new post. PUT /posts/1 Update all post #1 details. PATCH /posts/1 Partially update post #1. DELETE /posts/1 Delete post #1.


If there is a relationship between resources it can be represented like the following example:

Suppose that each posts has a comments so the end-points will be in the following form:

GET /posts/1/comments Retrieves all comments that related to post number #1.

GET /posts/1/comments/5 Retrieves comment#5 related to post#1

POST /posts/1/comments Create a new comment related in post#1

PUT /posts/1/comments/5 update comment #5 related in post#1

PATCH /posts/1/comments/5 Partially updates comment #5 related in post#1

DELETE /posts/1/comments/5 Delete comment #5 related in post#1

Always use SSL

To secure your end-points. SSL helps to protect sensitive information such as logins, passwords, account details and cardholders information for e-commerce websites during Internet communication. All data over network will be encrypted.

Always version your api

Because end-points may be needed to changes or updated so you need to design your end-points with a version that appeared in URL.

Result filtering, sorting and searching

It’s best to keep the base resource URLs as lean as possible. Complex result filters, sorting requirements, and advanced searching

Use a unique query parameter for each field that implements filter, sorting or searching


if you want to get flight which only opened

/flight?status=open so status is a query parameter that implements a filter.


like filtering a generic parameter sort can be used to describe sorting rules.

GET /flights?sort=priority - Retrieves a list of flights in descending order of priority.

GET /flights?sort=priority,created_at - Retrieves a list of flights in descending order of priority. Within a specific priority, older flights are ordered first.


Sometimes basic filters aren’t enough and you need the power of full text search.

This is a combining between filters and sorting.

GET /flight?status=open&sort=priority Retrieves a list of opened flights in descending order of priority.

Example of search:

GET /flights?q=return&status=open&sort=priority,created_at - Retrieve the highest priority open flights mentioning the word return

Aliases for common queries

To make the API experience more pleasant for the average consumer, consider packaging up sets of conditions into easily accessible RESTful paths.

Example of alias:

GET /flights/recently_opened

Prevent abuse

To prevent abuse you can limit API calls using:

X-Rate-limit with status code response 429 Too Many Requests

X-Rate-Limit-Limit - The number of allowed requests in the current period

X-Rate-Limit-Remaining - The number of remaining requests in the current period

X-Rate-Limit-Reset - The number of seconds left in the current period.


HTTP provides a built-in caching framework! All you have to do is include some additional outbound response headers and do a little validation when you receive some inbound request headers.

There are 2 approaches: ETag and Last-Modified


Just like an HTML error page shows a useful error message to a visitor, an API should provide a useful error message in a known consumable format.

API errors typically break down into 2 types: 400 series status codes for client issues & 500 series status codes for server issues.

JSON error body should provide a few things for the developer - a useful error message, a unique error code (that can be looked up for more details in the docs) and possibly a detailed description.


  "code" : 1024,
  "message" : "Validation Failed",
  "errors" : [
      "code" : 5432,
      "field" : "first_name",
      "message" : "First name cannot have fancy characters"
       "code" : 5622,
       "field" : "password",
       "message" : "Password cannot be blank"

HTTP Status code

HTTP response status codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed.

Responses are grouped in five classes:

  • Informational responses (100–199)
  • Successful responses (200–299)
  • Redirects (300–399)
  • Client errors (400–499)
  • Server errors (500–599)

The most common responses:

  • 200 OK - Response to a successful GET, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. Can also be used for a POST that doesn’t result in a creation.
  • 201 Created - Response to a POST that results in a creation. Should be combined with a Location header pointing to the location of the new resource
  • 204 No Content - Response to a successful request that won’t be returning a body (like a DELETE request)
  • 304 Not Modified - Used when HTTP caching headers are in play
  • 400 Bad Request - The request is malformed, such as if the body does not parse
  • 401 Unauthorized - When no or invalid authentication details are provided. Also useful to trigger an auth popup if the API is used from a browser
  • 403 Forbidden - When authentication succeeded but authenticated user doesn’t have access to the resource
  • 404 Not Found - When a non-existent resource is requested
  • 405 Method Not Allowed - When an HTTP method is being requested that isn’t allowed for the authenticated user
  • 410 Gone - Indicates that the resource at this end point is no longer available. Useful as a blanket response for old API versions
  • 415 Unsupported Media Type - If incorrect content type was provided as part of the request
  • 422 Unprocessable Entity - Used for validation errors
  • 429 Too Many Requests - When a request is rejected due to rate limiting


[English Version] Best practice when you write an API







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