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This instructions below are guidelines for anyone who wants to contribute to ToUI. You need do not need to be an expert in ToUI in order to contribute to it. Some areas where you can contribute are simpler than others.


Structure of the package

In ToUI there are several modules. The most important modules of ToUI are listed below:

This module contains the classes that create applications: Website and DesktopApp. The base class for these two classes is _App. The most important points to understand about _App are the following:

  • It has the attribute flask_app which is an instance of Flask.
  • It adds new web pages or windows using add_pages() methods.
  • The private method _communicate() is the method that allows the app to receive messages from JavaScript via WebSockets.
  • run() is an abstract method, which means that any class that inherit _App should define a run() method.

This module allows you to create web pages or windows using HTML. You can create a Page object to create a web page or window, then add the page to the app using Website.add_pages() or DesktopApp.add_pages() methods. In the same module, there is a class called _PageSignal which sends instructions related to the page to JavaScript. More information about _PageSignal will be explained below (

This module contains the class Element which allows you to create HTML elements. It also contains the class _ElementSignal which sends instructions related to the element to JavaScript. More information about _ElementSignal will be explained below (

This module contains a JavaScript code that will be added to each HTML file. The most important notes about this JavaScript code are:

  • It connects to the apps Website and DesktopApp using the WebSocket object.
  • The JavaScript function _toPy() sends the HTML document along with other information to Python using socket.send(). The Python method Website._communicate() or DesktopApp._communicate() receives these information from JavaScript.
  • Python sends instructions to JavaScript (more about it below in The JavaScript function _findAndExecute() executes the instructions sent from Python.

This module allows Python to send instructions to JavaScript. The class _Signal is used each time you want to send a signal (instruction) to JavaScript. However, this class is not used directly. You need to use its children classes: _PageSignal to send signals related to updating an HTML page, or _ElementSignal to send signals related to updating an HTML element. These two classes should decorate the methods that will send the signals. For example, if you check the method Element.set_attr() in, you will notice the decorator _ElementSignal() above it, which means that if the function Element.set_attr() was called after the app starts running, a signal will be sent to JavaScript.

Areas where you can contribute

Mobile apps

In there are two classes: Website which creates websites and DesktopApp which creates desktop apps. Mobile apps are not yet included. To include a mobile app, you need to create a new class in that inherits _App base class. You also need to define the method run() otherwise your new class will not work. Note that the mobile app needs to be based on flask.

Additional methods for Page class and Element class

Sometimes you can find some JavaScript functions that update HTML documents or HTML elements that are not yet available in ToUI. If you want to create a new Python method that updates HTML documents or elements, you need to follow the following steps (the steps below are for Element class but the same can be applied for Page class):

  1. Make sure to understand the structure of ToUI, especially
  2. Add a new method in Element class (lets call it method do_something()).
  3. Under do_something(), write the Python code that will update the Element object when calling the method.
  4. If the method does not need to send signals to JavaScript, then you can stop here, otherwise decorate do_something() by writing @_ElementSignal() above it.
  5. Add a new method in _ElementSignal class in the beginning of and give it the same name as do_something(). Make this method a static method by adding the decorator @staticmethod.
  6. Make sure that this static method has only **kwargs as a parameter and that it returns a dictionary with the following keys:
    • func: put here the name of the JavaScript function that you want to call (even if you did not create the JavaScript function yet). Lets call the function _doSomethingJS()
    • args: keep this as an empty list.
    • kwargs: this should be a dictionary that you want to pass to the JavaScript function.
  7. In, create a new function with the same name as the func you specified in the previous step (_doSomethingJS()). Make sure it has one parameter which is kwargs. Add the JavaScript code that you want to execute within it.
  8. Add this function at the end of _findAndExecute() in an if-condition:
    if (func == "_doSomethingJS") {

Improve security

If you found a security vulnerability, report it first privately in GitHub which is the preferred way or via email ( Then we can discuss how to work on it. However, if there is no security vulnerability and you just want to provide an extra layer of security, you can contribute without reporting a security vulnerability.

Tests and examples

In "examples" and "tests" folders, you can add new examples and tests to benefit the community. This is probably the most simple way to contribute to ToUI.

Contributing steps

  1. Create an issue or contact the developer.
  2. Fork the repository.
  3. Write and commit your changes in your fork.
  4. Open a pull request.