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alexfauquette committed Apr 18, 2024
2 parents 77fc90a + deefd76 commit 9f7e66a
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Showing 111 changed files with 1,456 additions and 902 deletions.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,5 +1,78 @@
# [Versions](

## v6.0.0-alpha.3

<!-- generated comparing -->

_Apr 17, 2024_

A big thanks to the 24 contributors who made this release possible. Here are some highlights ✨:

- 🔥 Converted 5 more Material UI components to use Pigment CSS.
- 🚀 Added container queries utility to the `@mui/system` package (#41674) @siriwatknp.

### `@mui/material@6.0.0-alpha.3`

- Convert `LinearProgress` to support Pigment CSS (#41816) @siriwatknp
- [Dialog] Prevent onClick on the root element from being overwritten (#41881) @ryanburr
- [FloatingActionButton] Convert to support CSS extraction (#41851) @gijsbotje
- Convert `CircularProgress` to support Pigment CSS (#41776) @siriwatknp
- [PaginationItem] Convert to support CSS extraction (#41848) @gijsbotje
- [StepConnector] deprecate composed classes (#41740) @sai6855
- [StepLabel] Deprecate `StepIconComponent`, `StepIconProps` (#41835) @sai6855
- [ToggleButton] Convert to support CSS extraction (#41782) @lhilgert9
- [ToggleButtonGroup] Deprecate composed classes (#41288) @sai6855
- [Typography] Fix Typography inherit variant styles (#41308) @kealjones-wk

### `@mui/system@6.0.0-alpha.3`

- Add container queries utility (#41674) @siriwatknp

### `@mui/codemod@6.0.0-alpha.3`

- Add styled v6 transformation (#41743) @siriwatknp

### `@mui/joy@5.0.0-beta.36`

- [Button] Disable text highlighting (#41902) @mithun522

### `@pigment-css/react@0.0.7`

- Patch WyW's WeakRef usage (#41909) @DiegoAndai
- Implement sx transform for system components (#41861) @brijeshb42

### Docs

- [material-ui] Add Connect-related content (#40848) @danilo-leal
- [material-ui] Fix credit comment typo (#41872) @aarongarciah
- [material-ui] Remove Data Grid v7 beta callout (#41839) @cherniavskii
- [material-ui] Add stray design tweaks to free templates (#41696) @zanivan
- [material-ui] Simplify components styling on templates (#41845) @zanivan
- [material-ui][Button] Add `onChange` event handler to file upload example (#41863) @aarongarciah
- [material-ui] Fix import statement in migration guide (#41852) @sai6855
- Fix 301 redirection @oliviertassinari
- Fix format git diff regression (#41882) @oliviertassinari
- Fix small SEO issues @oliviertassinari
- [pigment-css] Fix README typos (#41870) @MohammadShehadeh

### Core

- Begin removing IE 11-related code (#41709) @iammminzzy
- [blog] Add post to introduce the Connect plugin (#41763) @danilo-leal
- [code-infra] Fix require.context with aliases (#41682) @Janpot
- [code-infra] Allow customizing hooks imports in API docs generator (#41828) @michaldudak
- [codemod] Add utils for `*Component` and `*Props` props deprecations (#41685) @DiegoAndai
- Replace bundle size reporter filter (#38979) @Janpot
- [docs-infra] Make the whole header clickable (#39603) @MoazMirza-13
- [docs-infra] Improve demo container and related components design (#41827) @danilo-leal
- [docs-infra] Use edge function for card generation (#41188) (#41836) @alexfauquette
- [docs-infra] Fix code block layout shift (#41917) @oliviertassinari
- [docs-infra] Fine-tune the OG card image design (#41862) @danilo-leal
- [docs-infra] Fix markdown version for material (#41908) @alexfauquette
- [docs-infra] Support multiple tabs in demos (#40901) @bharatkashyap

All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @aarongarciah, @alexfauquette, @bharatkashyap, @brijeshb42, @cherniavskii, @danilo-leal, @DiegoAndai, @EyaOuenniche, @gijsbotje, @iammminzzy, @Janpot, @kealjones-wk, @lhilgert9, @magnimarels, @michaldudak, @mithun522, @mnajdova, @MoazMirza-13, @MohammadShehadeh, @oliviertassinari, @ryanburr, @sai6855, @siriwatknp, @zanivan

## v6.0.0-alpha.2

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Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
'use client';
import * as React from 'react';
import ColorRadioButtons from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/ColorRadioButtons';
import ControlledRadioButtonsGroup from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/ControlledRadioButtonsGroup';
import CustomizedRadios from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/CustomizedRadios';
import ErrorRadios from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/ErrorRadios';
import FormControlLabelPlacement from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/FormControlLabelPlacement';
import RadioButtonsComponent from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/RadioButtons';
import RadioButtonsGroup from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/RadioButtonsGroup';
import RowRadioButtonsGroup from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/RowRadioButtonsGroup';
import SizeRadioButtons from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/SizeRadioButtons';
import UseRadioGroup from '../../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/UseRadioGroup';

export default function RadioButtons() {
return (
<h2> Color Radio Buttons</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<ColorRadioButtons />
<h2> Controlled Radio Buttons Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<ControlledRadioButtonsGroup />
<h2> Customized Radios</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<CustomizedRadios />
<h2> Error Radios</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<ErrorRadios />
<h2> Form Control Label Placement</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<FormControlLabelPlacement />
<h2> Radio Buttons</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<RadioButtonsComponent />
<h2> Radio Buttons Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<RadioButtonsGroup />
<h2> Row Radio Buttons Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<RowRadioButtonsGroup />
<h2> Size Radio Buttons</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<SizeRadioButtons />
<h2> Use Radio Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<UseRadioGroup />
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import MaterialUILayout from '../../Layout';
import ColorRadioButtons from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/ColorRadioButtons.tsx';
import ControlledRadioButtonsGroup from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/ControlledRadioButtonsGroup.tsx';
import CustomizedRadios from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/CustomizedRadios.tsx';
import ErrorRadios from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/ErrorRadios.tsx';
import FormControlLabelPlacement from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/FormControlLabelPlacement.tsx';
import RadioButtonsComponent from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/RadioButtons.tsx';
import RadioButtonsGroup from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/RadioButtonsGroup.tsx';
import RowRadioButtonsGroup from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/RowRadioButtonsGroup.tsx';
import SizeRadioButtons from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/SizeRadioButtons.tsx';
import UseRadioGroup from '../../../../../docs/data/material/components/radio-buttons/UseRadioGroup.tsx';

export default function RadioButtons() {
return (
<h2> Color Radio Buttons</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<ColorRadioButtons />
<h2> Controlled Radio Buttons Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<ControlledRadioButtonsGroup />
<h2> Customized Radios</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<CustomizedRadios />
<h2> Error Radios</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<ErrorRadios />
<h2> Form Control Label Placement</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<FormControlLabelPlacement />
<h2> Radio Buttons</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<RadioButtonsComponent />
<h2> Radio Buttons Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<RadioButtonsGroup />
<h2> Row Radio Buttons Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<RowRadioButtonsGroup />
<h2> Size Radio Buttons</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<SizeRadioButtons />
<h2> Use Radio Group</h2>
<div className="demo-container">
<UseRadioGroup />
129 changes: 1 addition & 128 deletions docs/data/material/components/autocomplete/ComboBox.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import * as React from 'react';
import TextField from '@mui/material/TextField';
import Autocomplete from '@mui/material/Autocomplete';
import top100Films from './top100Films';

export default function ComboBox() {
return (
Expand All @@ -13,131 +14,3 @@ export default function ComboBox() {

// Top 100 films as rated by IMDb users.
const top100Films = [
{ label: 'The Shawshank Redemption', year: 1994 },
{ label: 'The Godfather', year: 1972 },
{ label: 'The Godfather: Part II', year: 1974 },
{ label: 'The Dark Knight', year: 2008 },
{ label: '12 Angry Men', year: 1957 },
{ label: "Schindler's List", year: 1993 },
{ label: 'Pulp Fiction', year: 1994 },
label: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King',
year: 2003,
{ label: 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly', year: 1966 },
{ label: 'Fight Club', year: 1999 },
label: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring',
year: 2001,
label: 'Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back',
year: 1980,
{ label: 'Forrest Gump', year: 1994 },
{ label: 'Inception', year: 2010 },
label: 'The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers',
year: 2002,
{ label: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", year: 1975 },
{ label: 'Goodfellas', year: 1990 },
{ label: 'The Matrix', year: 1999 },
{ label: 'Seven Samurai', year: 1954 },
label: 'Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope',
year: 1977,
{ label: 'City of God', year: 2002 },
{ label: 'Se7en', year: 1995 },
{ label: 'The Silence of the Lambs', year: 1991 },
{ label: "It's a Wonderful Life", year: 1946 },
{ label: 'Life Is Beautiful', year: 1997 },
{ label: 'The Usual Suspects', year: 1995 },
{ label: 'Léon: The Professional', year: 1994 },
{ label: 'Spirited Away', year: 2001 },
{ label: 'Saving Private Ryan', year: 1998 },
{ label: 'Once Upon a Time in the West', year: 1968 },
{ label: 'American History X', year: 1998 },
{ label: 'Interstellar', year: 2014 },
{ label: 'Casablanca', year: 1942 },
{ label: 'City Lights', year: 1931 },
{ label: 'Psycho', year: 1960 },
{ label: 'The Green Mile', year: 1999 },
{ label: 'The Intouchables', year: 2011 },
{ label: 'Modern Times', year: 1936 },
{ label: 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', year: 1981 },
{ label: 'Rear Window', year: 1954 },
{ label: 'The Pianist', year: 2002 },
{ label: 'The Departed', year: 2006 },
{ label: 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day', year: 1991 },
{ label: 'Back to the Future', year: 1985 },
{ label: 'Whiplash', year: 2014 },
{ label: 'Gladiator', year: 2000 },
{ label: 'Memento', year: 2000 },
{ label: 'The Prestige', year: 2006 },
{ label: 'The Lion King', year: 1994 },
{ label: 'Apocalypse Now', year: 1979 },
{ label: 'Alien', year: 1979 },
{ label: 'Sunset Boulevard', year: 1950 },
label: 'Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb',
year: 1964,
{ label: 'The Great Dictator', year: 1940 },
{ label: 'Cinema Paradiso', year: 1988 },
{ label: 'The Lives of Others', year: 2006 },
{ label: 'Grave of the Fireflies', year: 1988 },
{ label: 'Paths of Glory', year: 1957 },
{ label: 'Django Unchained', year: 2012 },
{ label: 'The Shining', year: 1980 },
{ label: 'WALL·E', year: 2008 },
{ label: 'American Beauty', year: 1999 },
{ label: 'The Dark Knight Rises', year: 2012 },
{ label: 'Princess Mononoke', year: 1997 },
{ label: 'Aliens', year: 1986 },
{ label: 'Oldboy', year: 2003 },
{ label: 'Once Upon a Time in America', year: 1984 },
{ label: 'Witness for the Prosecution', year: 1957 },
{ label: 'Das Boot', year: 1981 },
{ label: 'Citizen Kane', year: 1941 },
{ label: 'North by Northwest', year: 1959 },
{ label: 'Vertigo', year: 1958 },
label: 'Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi',
year: 1983,
{ label: 'Reservoir Dogs', year: 1992 },
{ label: 'Braveheart', year: 1995 },
{ label: 'M', year: 1931 },
{ label: 'Requiem for a Dream', year: 2000 },
{ label: 'Amélie', year: 2001 },
{ label: 'A Clockwork Orange', year: 1971 },
{ label: 'Like Stars on Earth', year: 2007 },
{ label: 'Taxi Driver', year: 1976 },
{ label: 'Lawrence of Arabia', year: 1962 },
{ label: 'Double Indemnity', year: 1944 },
label: 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind',
year: 2004,
{ label: 'Amadeus', year: 1984 },
{ label: 'To Kill a Mockingbird', year: 1962 },
{ label: 'Toy Story 3', year: 2010 },
{ label: 'Logan', year: 2017 },
{ label: 'Full Metal Jacket', year: 1987 },
{ label: 'Dangal', year: 2016 },
{ label: 'The Sting', year: 1973 },
{ label: '2001: A Space Odyssey', year: 1968 },
{ label: "Singin' in the Rain", year: 1952 },
{ label: 'Toy Story', year: 1995 },
{ label: 'Bicycle Thieves', year: 1948 },
{ label: 'The Kid', year: 1921 },
{ label: 'Inglourious Basterds', year: 2009 },
{ label: 'Snatch', year: 2000 },
{ label: '3 Idiots', year: 2009 },
{ label: 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail', year: 1975 },

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