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Hey developers, we're glad to have you here! Before you start contributing to these repositories , remember that it is really important to make this celebration of Open Source inclusive and open to everyone.

These repositories are made by MUJ ACM S-Chap to help developers like you get started with Open Source.

In This Repository

In this repository we are using P5js to make some fun projects. To start with we have added Tensorflow's posenet into our P5 sketch using ML5. The current sketch tracks your eyes and nose, then draw shapes on it. We have also added a sample sketch which uses FFT(Fast Fourier Transform ) an analysis algorithm that isolates individual audio frequencies within a waveform and then plots a design based on pitch. You can add more sketch.js file like these in contributions folder.


  1. P5.js Docs
  2. ML5 Docs
  3. To learn P5.js in depth

Are you a developer needing help with your project?

Don't worry, the Open Source Community have got your back!! Add your repository to this list so others can find it and start contributing.

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Suggestions for a good pull request

NOTE: Check out the file of the repository you are planning to contribute to know how the maintainers would like you to contribute to their repository.


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