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Mule SchemaDoc Tool

The Mule SchemaDoc tool is a XSL transformer to generate Confluence Wiki Markup (a derivate of textile) from a MuleESB core, transport or module XSD.

It can generate full transport or module documentation aswell as specific element documentation.


  • XSLT source: should point to the core, module or transport XSD file that will be documented.
  • display: define which elements should be displayed.
    • all: render all elements (common first). Default value.
    • common: render connector, inbound-endpoint, outbound-endpoint and endpoint elements.
    • transformers: renders only the transformers.
    • filters: renders only the filters.
    • specific: all other elements specific to the schema being processed.
    • element name: The name of a single element to render.
  • schemaType: defines the type of schema this XSLT is processing.
    • transport: will treat the XSD as a Mule's transport. Default value.
    • module: will treat the XSD as a Mule's transport.
    • single: will only render one single element of the schema.
  • singleElementName: in case the schemaType is defined as single the singleElementName should specify the exact single element that should be shown.
  • includedSchema1: Absolute URL of an Schema that is included in the source.
  • includedSchema2: Absolute URL of an Schema that is included in the source.
  • includedSchema3: Absolute URL of an Schema that is included in the source.
  • includedSchema4: Absolute URL of an Schema that is included in the source.
  • includedSchema5: Absolute URL of an Schema that is included in the source.
  • includedSchema6: Absolute URL of an Schema that is included in the source.

Confluence XSLT Macro

This transformer is meant to be used within MuleSoft's confluence instance. In order to do so an XSLT macro plugin is used. The transformer is a single file for a number or reasons:

  • The XSLT macro for Confluence does not provide an URLResolver, and therefore is incapable of include files without an absolute URL, see this for more information .
  • Absolute URL lead to incluions of old versions. This was a predominant problem in all of the entrypoints of the schemadocs (see the history section).

Typically the following parameter will be used in the macro, in the following sections we'll find how to adapt this signature to this transformer needs:

Parameter Observation Description
output html Determines how the transformed output is to be treated. (html, xhtml, wiki)
style required #url poting to the style to be used
source required

Where parameter1..N, would be the parameters defined in the signature section.
The same conventions to pass parameters as any other confluence macro should be honored. For instance a call a transformation of the Mule HTTP schema and its two included schemas would look like this:


Transport documentation

Transport documentation includes the following:

  • Page title, in common or all mode. (schemadoc:page-title)
  • Transport documentation, in common or all mode. (xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation)
  • Connectors, in common or all mode.
  • Endpoints, in common or all mode.
  • Transformers, in transformer or all mode.
  • Filters, in filter or all mode.
  • Specifics, (not any of the previous) in specific or all mode. (not any of the previous)

Transport documentation example

Show all elements from the Mule HTTP schema:


Here the outstanding elements are:

Show common elements from the Mule HTTP schema:



Module documentation

Module documentation includes the following:

  • Page title, in common or all mode. (schemadoc:page-title)
  • Module, documentation in common or all mode. (xsd:annotation/xsd:documentation)
  • Components, in common or all mode.
  • Transformers, in common or all mode.
  • Filters, in common or all mode.
  • Specifics, (not any of the previous) in specific or all mode. (not any of the previous)

Module documentation example

Show all elements from the XML module schema:


Here the outstanding elements are:

  • includedSchema1, as This is the core schema of Mule, all the transports and modules will require this schema.
  • schemaType, as module. We need to specify the schemaType as module because the default value is transport.

Show specific elements from the XML module schema:


Here the outstanding elements are:

  • display, as specific. We are requiring the transformer to only render the specific elements.

Single Element documentation

Single element documentation includes just the following:

  • The element requested using the parameter singleElementName.

Single element documentation example

Show a selected transformer from the Mule XML Module.




This project is derivated from a previously existing MuleESB module (year 2007) called the schemadocs. The schemadocs module was abusing the capabilities or XSLT to do more than should be done.

A number fail-prone or not yet completed features of the previous module were removed from this project:

  • Generate links between elements for HyperMedia documentation
  • Aggregation of schema documents (CE only) into one big ball
  • Site deployment (only actually worked till 3.1)
  • Transport feature matrix. This is a two rows table showing the capabilities of transports.
  • Generation of confluence{snippets} from the schema extracting schemadoc:snippet elements.

The old project is represented in the following tree. Only files marked with * were preserved.

├── pom.xml  
└── src   
    ├── main  
    │   ├── java  
    │   │   └── org  
    │   │       └── mule  
    │   │           └── tools  
    │   │               └── schemadocs  
    │   │                   └──  
    │   └── resources  
    │       ├── default-links.xsl  
    │       ├── full-doc-html.xsl  
    │       ├── links.xml  
    │       ├──  
    │       ├── mule-30-index.xml  
    │       ├── mule-31-index.xml  
    │       ├── rename-tag.xsl  
    │       ├── schemadoc-postfix.txt  
    │       ├── schemadoc-prefix.txt  
    │       ├── transport-to-links.xsl  
    │       ├── transport-to-wiki.xsl  
    │       └── xslt  
    │           ├── individual-module-wiki.xsl  *
    │           ├── individual-transport-or-module-wiki.xsl *
    │           ├── individual-transport-or-module.xsl  *
    │           ├── schemadoc-core-wiki.xsl * 
    │           ├── schemadoc-core.xsl  
    │           ├── single-element-wiki.xsl  *
    │           ├── single-element.xsl  
    │           ├── transport-feature-matrix.xsl (to be fixed)  
    │           └── transport-or-module.xsl  
    └── test  
        └── java  
            └── org  
                └── mule  
                    └── tools  
                        └── schemadocs  


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