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Kevin edited this page Dec 5, 2017 · 39 revisions

Notice: Bread and Butter is no longer being maintained or updated as of November 2017

A recent review of the build setup indicated we should move away from Bower (also no longer being maintained) and to rely on fewer build tools such as Grunt or Gulp for tasks we can achieve just using NPM.

After some initial tests and development we found that this change would drastically alter this build setup and require an almost complete rewrite of the WIKI. As we have several older projects that were built using this build setup we have decided to start a new GIT repository and keep this one as is for historical reference needed by these older projects.

Once the new build setup is released we will post a link to it here.

Welcome to the Bread and Butter wiki.

Current version: 0.11.0 (beta)


  1. Workflow
  2. Grunt
  3. Bower
  4. Modules
  5. Styling
  6. Typography
  7. Updating

General description:

This starter template is a good place to start for building the type of sites we generally build. It simplifies the setup of a site by including the bare minimum we begin with.

  • It uses the task automator Grunt for an easy build setup
  • It uses the package manager Bower to install dependencies like jquery and modernizer
  • It is designed to be used with a module based workflow for all your website elements
  • It uses the css pre-processor Less for more powerful styling

Make sure you read through this wiki before diving into the project. If you have no experience with the technologies listed above don't be afraid, it is all dead easy after you read the wiki and do a little research on those technologies. We promise.

As this template is built with php you need to use MAMP to run it on your local machine. You also need to have some experience with Git. If you don't have any experience with Git then take the time to learn it... Change your life that will.

Install instructions for a new project

If you are are setting up a brand new project follow the steps below.

  1. Download the source as a zip from the project page and copy the contents into you project folder
  2. Open Terminal and initialize git for your new project
    $ git init
  3. Install grunt and the grunt dependencies npm install - See Grunt
  4. Install and setup bower bower init - See Bower
  5. Commit the new project
    $ git add -A
    $ git commit -m"Initial commit. Project set-up."

Install instructions for an existing project

If you are coming into a project that has already been setup and are wanting to work on it locally follow the steps below.

  1. Clone the project to your local machine
    $ git clone path_to_the_remote_repository
  2. Navigate to the new project folder
    $ cd path_to_the_newly_cloned_project_folder
  3. Install grunt and the grunt dependencies - See Grunt
  4. Install Bower dependencies $ bower install