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Muneeb Ulla Shariff edited this page Jan 4, 2024 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the linux_course wiki!


Linux is an open-source operating system like other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, iOS, Google android, etc. An operating system is a software that enables the communication between computer hardware and software. It conveys input to get processed by the processor and brings output to the hardware to display it.

Linux OS

The Linux OS was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991, which sprouted as an idea to improve the UNIX OS. He suggested improvements but was rejected by UNIX designers. Therefore, he thought of launching an OS, designed in a way that could be modified by its users. We can use Linux through an interactive user interface as well as from the terminal (Command Line Interface)

why we use Linux

Linux may be a perfect operating system if you want to get rid of viruses, malware, slowdowns, crashes, costly repairs, and many more. Further, it provides various advantages over other operating systems, and we don't have to pay for it


Linux command cheat sheet Linux commands description
1 pwd Prints the present working directory path
2 cd To change/shift the directory
3 ls Display all the files and directories in a directory
4 mkdir To create a directory
5 clear To clear the terminal
6 rm To remove/delete the files and directories
7 vim and gvim Editors used to store the code/data
8 cat Displays the file contents on the terminal
9 echo prints the content (similar to printf in c)
10 head Display the lines from starting
11 tail Display the lines from ending
12 history Displays the previous used commands
13 mv Used to move a file to different path
14 cp Used to copy a file
15 find Searches all the files & directories from the current path specified
16 grep Searches files or directories for a particular string/pattern
17 vimdiff Used to open multiple editors at a timewhich shows difference between them
18 alias and unalias Used to create a shortcut for a command
19 environmental variables Variables which stores values & commands
20 df and du Displays the disk space available & using
21 symbolic links link which points to another files
22 ps which displays the running process
23 kill to kill a running process
24 whoami Displays the username
25 passwd used to change the password of an user
26 chmod To change the permissions of a file or directory
27 sed To replace text in all files from the terminal - TODO in a wiki page
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