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=== Portfolio Slideshow ===
Contributors: daltonrooney 
Tags: slideshow, responsive, gallery, images, photos, photographs, portfolio, jquery, cycle,mobile, iphone, slider
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.5.0
Stable tag: 1.5.0

Add a clean, responsive javascript slideshow to your site. The slideshow integrates well into any design, supports fluid-width themes, and offers lots of options for power users, too. 

For more advanced features, please be sure to check out [Portfolio Slideshow Pro]( Portfolio Slideshow Pro includes:

* Unlimited custom slideshow sizes
* Standalone slideshow editor
* Graphical navigation
* Additional pagers: bullets, carousel, numbers, and slide titles
* Inline video
* Full-screen mobile galleries
* Touch/swipe and keyboard navigation
* [Much more](!

If you have any problems getting the plugin to work, please post to the forum and let us help before leaving a negative review! Most problems are caused by incorrectly coded themes or plugins, and can be solved quite easily.

== Installation ==

Extract the zip file and upload the contents to the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the plugin from plugins page. 

The settings & reference page for the plugin is in "Settings -> Portfolio Slideshow" 

To use the plugin, upload your photos to your post or page using the "Upload and Manage Images" button in the Portfolio Slideshow metabox. Use the [portfolio_slideshow] shortcode to display the slideshow in your page or post (see screenshots for an example).

By default, the slideshow will use the medium version of the image that WordPress generates when you upload an image. You can change this default in the Settings panel or on a per-slideshow basis. The image sizes available are  "thumbnail", "medium", "large", and "full". 

**The shortcode supports the following attributes:**

If you would like to customize your slideshows on a per-slideshow basis, you can add the following attributes to the shortcode, which will temporarily override the defaults.

To select a different page parent ID for the images:

[portfolio_slideshow id=xxx]

To change the image size you would use the size attribute in the shortcode like this:

[portfolio_slideshow size=thumbnail], [portfolio_slideshow size=medium], [portfolio_slideshow size=large], [portfolio_slideshow size=full]

This setting can use any custom image size that you've registered in WordPress.

You can add a custom slide container height:

[portfolio_slideshow slideheight=400]

Useful if you don't want the page height to adjust with the slideshow.

Image transition FX:

[portfolio_slideshow trans=scrollHorz]

You can use this shortcode attribute to supply any transition effect supported by jQuery Cycle, even if they're not in the plugin! List of supported transitions here Not all transitions will work with all themes, if in doubt, stick with fade or none.

Transition speed:

[portfolio_slideshow speed=400]

Add a delay to the beginning of the slideshow:

[portfolio_slideshow showtitles=true], [portfolio_slideshow showcaps=true], [portfolio_slideshow showdesc=true] (use false to disable)

Time per slide when slideshow is playing (timeout):

[portfolio_slideshow timeout=4000]


[portfolio_slideshow autoplay=true]

Exclude featured image:

[portfolio_slideshow exclude_featured=true]

Disable slideshow wrapping:

[portfolio_slideshow nowrap=true]

or enable it like this:

[portfolio_slideshow nowrap=false]

Clicking on a slideshow image::

Clicking on a slideshow image can advance the slideshow or open a custom URL (set in the media uploader):

[portfolio_slideshow click=advance] or [portfolio_slideshow click=openurl]

Navigation links can be placed at the top:

[portfolio_slideshow navpos=top]

or at the bottom:

[portfolio_slideshow navpos=bottom]

Use [portfolio_slideshow navpos=disabled] to disable navigation altogether. Slideshow will still advance when clicking on slides, using the pager, or with autoplay.

Pager (thumbnails) position can be selected: [portfolio_slideshow pagerpos=top]

or at the bottom:

[portfolio_slideshow pagerpos=bottom]

or disabled :

[portfolio_slideshow pagerpos=disabled]

Include or exclude slides:

[portfolio_slideshow include="1,2,3,4"]

[portfolio_slideshow exclude="1,2,3,4"]

You need to specify the attachment ID, which you can find in your Media Library by hovering over the thumbnail. You can only include attachments which are attached to the current post. Do not use these attributes simultaneously, they are mutually exclusive.

Multiple slideshows per post/page:

You can insert as many slideshows as you want in a single post or page by using the include/exclude attributes,

[portfolio_slideshow include="1,2,3"]

[portfolio_slideshow include="4,5,6"]

This example will create two slideshows on the page with two sets of images. Remember, the attachment ID can be found in your *Media Library* by hovering over the thumbnail. You can only include attachments which are attached to the current post.

**Additional features from the settings page**

Autoplay: Where timeout equals the time per slide in milliseconds. Leave this set to 0 for the default manual advance slideshow.

Allow links to external URLs: By checking this box, you can enable a custom field in the photo gallery manager to hold a URL - for example, if you want your slide to link to a portfolio page or to an external site. This disables the "click slide to advance feature" and will cause problems if you've got anything but a URL in the that field, so use it wisely.

Disable slideshow wrapping: By default, a slideshow can continue cycling indefinitely; that is, if you get to the last slide, clicking "Next" will take you back to the first slide. You can disable this behavior with this setting.

Update URL with slide numbers: 

On single posts and pages, you can enable this feature to udpate the URL of the page with the slide number. Example: will link directly to the third slide in the slideshow.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Q: How do I insert a slideshow into a post or page?

A: Upload your photos to the post or page using the media uploader. The media uploader also allows you to assign titles and captions, sort, and delete photos. Then add the shortcode [portfolio_slideshow] where you want the slideshow to appear in the page. See screenshots 2 and 3 for an example.

One common mistake is to insert the images into the post using the content editor. This is not necessary--the plugin detects all images attached to the post and creates the slideshow automatically. 

Q: Does the plugin support images that are not uploaded via the media uploader?

A: No, the plugin does not support random folders of images or images on a third-party site. All images must be uploaded using the media uploader, which creates the database entries the plugin relies on to generate the slideshow. This behavior will not change in future versions of the plugin.

Q: Why isn't my slideshow loading?

A: If you can see the first slide, but clicking doesn't do anything, this is often caused by a jQuery library conflict. View the HTML source of the page which is supposed to show the slideshow. Do you see more than one copy of jQuery or the Cycle plugin being loaded? This plugin uses the wp_enqueue() function to load the necessary javascript libraries, which is the generally accepted way to do it. If your theme or other plugins load those same files directly, you will have a conflict.

Try disabling other plugins and switching to the default theme and see if that fixes the problem. You may need to get in touch with the author of that plugin to make sure they are loading jQuery correctly.

One other problem that I've seen is the missing "cycle" plugin. View your source to see if "jquery.cycle.all.min.js" is being loaded. If not, make sure your theme has the line <?php wp_footer() ?> in footer.php, which is where the cycle script is loaded. All themes should have this line, but every once in a while it goes missing.

Q: How do I change the size of the images?

A: By default, the slideshow uses the large-size images that are generated by WordPress when you upload an image. You can change this default in the settings panel for the plugin, or on a per-page basis using the size attribute (see installation instructions for usage).

If you would like to change the size of the images system-wide (for example, you want a large image to be 800px instead of 1025px) you can change the WordPress settings in the "Settings -> Media" control panel. You will need to regenerate your thumbnails to make the setting retroactive.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.5.0 =
WordPress 3.5 removed the ability to sort your attached images so we've added a custom metabox to bring back this functionality. We'll be adding more flexible media management tools in Portfolio Slideshow 2.0!

== Screenshots ==

1. Example gallery.

2. Use the "Upload and Manage Images" button to add, sort, and delete your photos.

3. Insert the slideshow by using this shortcode, exactly as shown. Do not insert the photos into the post.

4. Settings control panel.

5. Finding the attachment ID for your images.

6. Adding an external URL to a slide.

== Changelog ==


* Added new metabox on the post and page edit pages for uploading and sorting images. The main gallery uploader no longer allows you to sort images attached to a post.


* Fixed typo in minified script that prevented some slideshows from loading.


* Smarter jQuery loading for better compatibility with more themes. You may need to check your options to make sure this is set correctly.
* ScrollHorz transition is now responsive.
* Nowrap setting is now called "loop". 


* Fix for minor CSS conflict with Twitter bootstrap.


* Version bump because of SVN problem with WP repository


* Compatibility fix for WordPress multisite networks.
* Fixed style issue with descriptions.


* Wrapped get_image_path function to prevent conflicts
* Moved enqueue scripts into init function to prevent error notices
* Removed deprecated and unset variables to prevent error notices


* External links weren't opening in some situations.


* Fix for "click to advance" problem in new installations. 


* Fix for some settings not being saved in the admin panel.


* All new code based on Portfolio Slideshow Pro. Be sure to read the documentation as some settings and functions have changed. Do not upgrade on a production website without testing first. 
* Much faster slideshow load time.
* Addition of optional slideheight attribute to give all slides a fixed min-height, regardless of image height. 
* Ability to deactivate support for fluid themes for better compatibility.
* Ability to select link "_target" for slides that link to a URL.
* Additional diagnostic settings for troubleshooting plugin conflicts.
* Added a play button to each slideshow.
* Separation of timeout and autoplay attributes.
* Thumbnail attribute is now "pagerpos".
* Thumbnails can now be placed above or below the main image.
* Internationalization was not carried over from previous version. It's a work in progress.

1.2 series

* Minor CSS fix for thumbnails.
* Compatibility with fluid-width themes like TwentyEleven. Slideshows now resize dynamically depending on window size.
* IE fix for squished image display in TwentyEleven.
* Fixed slideshow overlap with page content in some themes.
* Updated to the latest version of Mike Alsup's Cycle script (1.99).
* Updated to jQuery 1.6.1 as default.

1.1 series

* New admin menu
* Updated hash detection for edge cases
* CSS padding for pause/play text
* Changed source order of scripts & CSS for better performance in IE
* Added checks to ensure this plugin and the Pro version don't conflict if they're both installed at the same time.
* Bugfix: Show titles, show caps, show descriptions shortcode attributes weren't working.
* PHP: General code cleanup
* CSS: Fix for menu compatibility with Duster theme.
* JS: only loading scripts on public side to avoid conflict with admin dashboard.
* CSS: Used clearfix instead of break to end the slideshow
* Changed update logic because options tables were being updated on activation but not on upgrade. (Change in behavior of register_activation_hook in 3.1)
* Only load admin functions & update tables when necessary
* JS: Slideshows load faster (used document.ready instead of window.load)
* CSS: Added top margin to thumbnails
* Internationalization & Brazilian Portuguese translation (Thanks, Diana Cury!)
* You can add any parent ID to the shortcode to specify a different set of images
* Fix for blank slides
* Removed slideshow-related extras from feed.
* Minor CSS updates for theme compatibility.
* Add settings link to plugin activation page.
* New documentation video included within admin page

1.0 series

* Non-numerical hashes in the URL no longer break the slideshow. 
* CSS change related to which slides are shown on page load. 
* Small CSS fix for themes with max-width attribute on images
* Added information about Portfolio Slideshow Pro
* Added ability to select your jQuery version. May help with some people experiencing problems with jQuery effects related to inclusion of 1.4.4.
* Fixed problem with multiple slideshows per page.
* Removed most inline Javascript.
* Major refactoring of code.
* Loading Google version of jQuery 1.4.4 for better performance.
* Navigation & thumbnails are not shown when only single image is displayed 
* Improved container resize transitions
* Support for transition speed, transition type & slideshow wrapping in shortcode
* New nav position - below images but above captions and thumbs
* Added an awesome logo
* Reorganized options panel a bit
* Added dedicated field for image links
* Next & Previous navigation links are not shown if wrapping is disabled.

0.6 series

* Change how jQuery is loaded so error is not generated on HTTPS sites.
* Fixed height calculation bug for first slide
* Fixed overlapping text during transitions for captions and descriptions.
* Fixed loading.gif display in Chrome & Firefox when scrollHorz transition is enabled.
* Added noscript stylesheet so slideshow degrades gracefully to for users without javascript.
* Improved documentation

0.5 series

* Bugfix for URL hashes showing up on single pages even when disabled in settings.
* Cleaned up SVN repository
* Fixed a totally embarrassing bug that was causing jQuery not to load in certain situations.
* Multiple slideshows now possible on a single post/page.
* Bugfix: nav="false" hiding slideshow
* Bugfix: Option to disable URL hash updating was not working properly
* Bugfix: No longer applying the content filter to slideshow output, as it was interfering with other plugins.
* Bugfix: new loading gif not working when slideshow navigation is at the bottom.
* Bugfix: Cycle plugin not loading properly.
* Fixed improper jQuery loading on admin introduced in previous version.
* Added an option to add a loading gif if your slideshows take a little while to load.
* Disabled transition "none", because of a bug in the cycle plugin. Will be added back in when the author of that plugin fixes the bug. Use the fade transition with a speed of 1ms to simulate the "none" transition.
* Added an option for "Description" field to hold a URL that links the image to an external site.
* Removed some negative padding from the auto-rezise slideshow container calculation. This may cause some themes to display too much space between the image & the page content - if so, you can change the padding via CSS.
* Option to disable URL updating (slide number hashes in URL)
* Thumbnails, slide numbers, and autoplay now work on all pages, including index (homepage) & category pages.
* Slideshow content area is dynamically resized to conform to actual size of content.
* Fixed display bug with TwentyTen theme
* Fix for bug introduced in 0.4.3 which broke some slideshows.
* Upgraded to latest version of cycle plugin
* Support for descriptions

0.4 series

* Links in captions are now clickable.
* Documented nav="false" attribute.
* Include and exclude attributes for shortcode. Thanks to Raoni Del Persio from Central WordPress for sponsoring this feature.
* Moved styles to external file instead of loading them inline and fixed validation issue
* Fixed titles display
* Added autoplay option to options panel 
* Added nav position option to shortcode and options panel
* Thumbnails! Enable them in the shortcode or the options panel. 

0.3 series

* Continue to improve the way jQuery is loaded so it is compatible with the most number of plugin/theme combinations. 
* Bugfixes
* Improved compatibility with other cycle based plugins and themes.
* Code cleanup.
* Clarified FAQs and added additional screenshots
* Added ability to hide donation request
* Added autoplay support via shortcode attribute "timeout", defaults to 0. (Thanks Rino3000 in the WP forums for the idea)
* Added capability to turn off titles and captions by default
* Eliminated the flash of unstyled content that is sometimes shown if a page is slow to load.
* Added the size attribute to the shortcode so you can select the size of the images on a per-slideshow basis. 
* Added image permalinks so you can link to a specific image in the slideshow. (Pages and single posts only)
* Added support for slide numbering on single posts as well as pages.
* Fixed a bug where the slideshow was always at the top of the page, no matter where it is supposed to be in the content editor.
* Slideshow navigation no longer appears in the RSS feed. Images are embedded in the feed sequentially.
* Added configuration settings for transition fx and transition time.
* Added status notification in plugin upgrade area
* Added support for slide info (slide number). Works for pages only.
* Fixed issue where multiple slideshows on the same page did not advance properly.
* Small javascript fix
* Added settings panel to select image size. 
* Added support for image titles as well as captions.
* Fixed small issue related to slideshow order if the menu order isn't explicity set.


* First public release.


* Use the included WordPress version of jQuery and properly load it with enqueue.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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