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Go Learning Walkthrough and Examples

This repository contains a collection of example code and walkthroughs to help me learn Go programming language. The examples are based on the first six sections of the Go Tour website. Additionally, there's a section named "07-examples" where you can find my go implementations.

Table of Contents

  1. Packages, Variables, and Functions
  2. Flow Control Statements: for, if, else, switch, defer
  3. More Types: Structs, Slices, Maps
  4. Methods and Interfaces
  5. Generics
  6. Concurrency
  7. Examples

1. Packages, Variables, and Functions

The first section covers basic concepts such as packages, variables, functions, constants, and data types.

2. Flow Control Statements: for, if, else, switch, defer

This section introduces the various flow control statements in Go, including loops, if-else statements, and the defer keyword.

3. More Types: Structs, Slices, Maps

Learn about more complex data structures like structs, slices, and maps, along with concepts like pointers and range.

4. Methods and Interfaces

Explore object-oriented concepts in Go through methods and interfaces, and understand how Go implements them.

5. Generics

The generics section focuses on the introduction of generics in Go (as of my knowledge cutoff date), allowing for more reusable and flexible code.

6. Concurrency

Learn how to work with concurrency in Go using goroutines, channels, and the select statement.

7. Examples

In this section, you'll find a collection of your own examples and projects:

  • 01-twosum_: An example of solving the Two Sum problem.
  • 02-palindrome_: A program to check if a given string is a palindrome.
  • 03-sqrt_: Implementing the square root function using Newton's method.
  • 04-strings: Examples of working with strings, including regular expressions.
  • 05-Docker: Docker-related examples, including connecting to a PostgreSQL database.
  • 06-romanrointeger: Converting Roman numerals to integers.
  • 07-removeduplicates: Removing duplicates from a sorted array.
  • 08-weightloss: A weight loss tracking program.
  • 09-remove-element: Removing elements from an array.
  • app: An application with various sub-projects.
  • other: Implementations of the classic FizzBuzz problem and other related programs.
  • ...


Each directory corresponds to a specific topic or example. Navigate to the directory you're interested in to find the associated Go source code files. You can execute these examples using the Go compiler.

Directory Tree

├── 01-Packages-Variables-Functions
│   ├── 0_hello.go
│   ├── 0_packages.go
│   ├── 10_constant.go
│   ├── 11_numeric-constant.go
│   ├── 1_add2.go
│   ├── 1_add.go
│   ├── 3_named-results.go
│   ├── 4_multiple-results.go
│   ├── 5_variables2.go
│   ├── 5_variables3.go
│   ├── 5_variables.go
│   ├── 6_basic-types.go
│   ├── 7_zero.go
│   ├── 8_type-conversions.go
│   └── 9_type-inference.go
├── 02-flow-control-statements-for-if-else-switch-defer
│   ├── 0_for2.go
│   ├── 0_for.go
│   ├── 1_for-is-gos-while.go
│   ├── 2_forever.go
│   ├── 3_exercise.go
│   ├── 3_if-and-else.go
│   ├── 3_if.go
│   ├── 3_if-with-a-short-statement.go
│   ├── 4_switch-evalutaion-order.go
│   ├── 4_switch.go
│   ├── 5_switch-with-no-condition.go
│   ├── 6_defer.go
│   └── 6_defer-multi.go
├── 03-More-types-structs-slices-maps
│   ├── 10-slice-len-cap.go
│   ├── 11-nil-slice.go
│   ├── 12-making-slices.go
│   ├── 13-slice-of-slice.go
│   ├── 14-append.go
│   ├── 15-range2.go
│   ├── 15-range.go
│   ├── 16-range-continued.go
│   ├── 17-exercise.go
│   ├── 18-maps.go
│   ├── 19-maps-literals-continued.go
│   ├── 19-maps-literals.go
│   ├── 1-pointer.go
│   ├── 20-mutations-maps.go
│   ├── 21-exercise-maps.go
│   ├── 22-functions-values.go
│   ├── 23-function-closures.go
│   ├── 24-exercise-fibonacci.go
│   ├── 2-struct.go
│   ├── 3-struct-fields.go
│   ├── 4-struct-pointers.go
│   ├── 5-struct-literals.go
│   ├── 6-array.go
│   ├── 7-slices.go
│   ├── 7-slices-pointers.go
│   ├── 8-slice-literals.go
│   └── 9-slice-bounds.go
├── 04-Methods-and-interfaces
│   ├── 01-methods.go
│   ├── 02-methods-funcs.go
│   ├── 03-methods-cont.go
│   ├── 04-methods-pointers.go
│   ├── 05-methods-pointers-explained.go
│   ├── 06-indirection.go
│   ├── 07-indirectiom-values.go
│   ├── 08-methods-with-pointer-receivers.go
│   ├── 09-interfaces.go
│   ├── 10-interfac-are-satisfied-implicitly.go
│   ├── 11-interfaces.go
│   ├── 12-interface-values-with-nil.go
│   ├── 13-nil-interface-values.go
│   ├── 14-empty-interfaces.go
│   ├── 15-type-assertion.go
│   ├── 16-type-swithes.go
│   ├── 17-stringer.go
│   ├── 18-exercise-stringer.go
│   ├── 19-errors.go
│   ├── 20-exercise-errors.go
│   ├── 21-reader.go
│   ├── 22-exercise-reader.go
│   ├── 23-rot-reader.go
│   ├── 24-images.go
│   └── 25-exercises-images.go
├── 05-generics
│   ├── index.go
│   └── list.go
├── 06-concurrency
│   ├── 01-goroutines.go
│   ├── 02-chaneels.go
│   ├── 03-buffered-channels.go
│   ├── 04-range-and-close.go
│   └── 05-select.go
├── 07-examples
│   ├── 01-twosum_
│   │   ├── 01-twosum
│   │   └── go.mod
│   ├── 02-palindrome_
│   │   ├── 02-palindrome
│   │   └── go.mod
│   ├── 03-sqrt_
│   │   ├── 03-sqrt
│   │   └── go.mod
│   ├── 04-strings
│   │   ├── 01.go
│   │   └── regex.go
│   ├── 05-Docker
│   │   ├── 01-postgres-local
│   │   ├── 2.go
│   │   ├── go.mod
│   │   └── go.sum
│   ├── 06-romanrointeger
│   │   ├── go.mod
│   │   └── roman
│   ├── 07-removeduplicates
│   │   ├── go.mod
│   │   └── removeduplicates
│   ├── 08-weightloss
│   │   └── main.go
│   ├── 09-remove-element
│   │   ├── go.mod
│   │   └── remove
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── go.mod
│   │   ├── go.sum
│   │   ├── image-app
│   │   └── main.go
│   └── other
│       ├── fizzbuzz.go
│       ├── flipcoing.go
│       ├── primefactors.go
│       └── tictactoe.go


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