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Resource Pack Reconciler

You can use this generic reconciler to produce a Crossplane Stack with minimal effort added to having only kustomize resources.

Quick Start


First, you need to lay down the boilerplate needed for a stack.

  1. Install Kubebuilder
  2. Install Crossplane CLI.
  3. Create your project folder and initialize it with the following command:
GO111MODULE=on kubebuilder init --domain
  1. Create your API object, i.e. CRD
GO111MODULE=on kubebuilder create api --controller=true --example=true --group samples --version v1alpha1 --kind HelloWorld --make=true --namespaced=false --resource=true
GO111MODULE=on make manager manifests
  1. Initialize Stack boilerplate:
kubectl crossplane stack init --cluster 'crossplane-examples/hello-world'

At this point, you have everything you need to have a Kubernetes Controller alongside the boilerplate you need to make it a Crossplane Stack.

Defining CRD

You need to define the fields of your CRD struct in api/v1alpha1/samples_types.go You can add any field you want in Spec and Status.

In order for the generic reconciler to work, your object needs to have Conditions array in its status. Run the following to get crossplane-runtime:

go get

Now add ConditionedStatus to Status field of your CRD. It's recommended to add it as inline in the status. Also, you need to define the following functions for your main CRD struct, which is HelloWorld in that case:

func (hw *HelloWorld) GetCondition(ct v1alpha1.ConditionType) v1alpha1.Condition {
	return hw.Status.GetCondition(ct)

func (hw *HelloWorld) SetConditions(c ...v1alpha1.Condition) {

An example status and additional functions look like the following:

// HelloWorldStatus defines the observed state of HelloWorld
type HelloWorldStatus struct {
	v1alpha1.ConditionedStatus `json:",inline"`

func (mg *HelloWorld) GetCondition(ct v1alpha1.ConditionType) v1alpha1.Condition {
 	return mg.Status.GetCondition(ct)
 func (mg *HelloWorld) SetConditions(c ...v1alpha1.Condition) {

There are other utilities crossplane-runtime that could be useful such as SecretKeySelector If you need to refer to a credential secret, you can use SecretKeySelector as type of that field from crossplane-runtime. See SecretKeySelector

Run the following command to have your CRD resource generated for you:

GO111MODULE=on make manager manifests

Calling Generic Reconciler

Now we have everything in place, the last step we need to take is to import this module and call the generic reconciler.

go get

You need to change your SetupWithManager function in controllers/helloworld_controller.go to look like the following:

var (
	HelloWorldKind             = reflect.TypeOf(v1alpha1.HelloWorld{}).Name()
	HelloWorldKindAPIVersion   = HelloWorldKind + "." + v1alpha1.GroupVersion.String()
	HelloWorldGroupVersionKind = v1alpha1.GroupVersion.WithKind(HelloWorldKind)

// HelloWorldReconciler reconciles a HelloWorld object
type HelloWorldReconciler struct {
	Log    logr.Logger
	Scheme *runtime.Scheme

func (r *HelloWorldReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
	csr := controllers.NewResourcePackReconciler(mgr, HelloWorldGroupVersionKind)
	return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).


Now, we need to put the resources that we want to be deployed by our controller. Currently, only kustomize engine is supported, so, it has to be in kustomize format. The name of the folder that you need to add your kustomize resources is resources at the top level of your project.

There is one additional thing you have to do if you want to propagate down some values from you CR instance to the deployed resources. You can add a kustomization file named kustomization.yaml.tmpl that describes the variant references between your resources and your CR. If provided, this template file is used as template for the overlay that your controller will apply each time it deploys your resources.

Example: Minimal GCP Resource Pack

Build and Push!

It's all set up now. You can fill the stack metadata information in config/stack/app.yaml file if you'd like to but it's not mandatory. Run the following to get a Crossplane Stack image:

kubectl crossplane stack build

Now that you've got your stack image, you can push it to a registry and use it in your cluster.

Local Testing

If you'd like to test your controller in your local machine, you can do so by first registering your CRD with the following command:

kubectl apply -k config/crd

Then you can run your controller just like any other Go program after building it. Example:

GO111MODULE=on make manager manifests
go build main.go
KUBECONFIG=<path to your kubeconfig> ./main


Utilities for writing Crossplane Resource Packs







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