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Learning with Knowledge Distillation for Fine Grained Image Classification

Fine-grained Image Classification (FGIC) is one of the challenging tasks in Computer Vision. Many recent methodologies including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) have tried to solve this problem. In this study we show the effectiveness of using both CNNs and ViTs hand in hand to produce state of the art results on challenging FGIC datasets. We show that by using DeiT as student model and ConvNext as teacher model in knowledge distillation settings, we achieve top1 and top5 accuracies of 92.52% and 99.15% respectively on combined CUB + Stanford Dogs datasets. On a more challenging dataset named FoodX-251 we achieved top1 and top5 accuracies of 74.71% and 93% respectively.

This repository contains the PyTorch based training and evaluation codes for reproducing main results of our project. Specifically, we provide instructions on:

  1. Creating a teacher model by finetuning a (ImageNet1k) pretrained ConvNeXt model on a fine-grained image classification dataset.
  2. Creating a student model by finetuning (ImageNet1k) pretrained DeiT (Data-efficient image Transformer) model on a fine-grained image classification dataset.
  3. Using Knowledge Distillation to further push forward the performance of DeiT student model by distilling knowledge from ConvNext teacher model for fine-grained image classification.

Note : For part 1, refer to our this repo.

Technical Report

Complete technical report can be viewed here.

Requirements and Installation

We have tested this code on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Python 3.8. Follow the instructions below to setup the environment and install the dependencies.

conda create -n fgvcdeit python=3.8
conda activate fgvcdeit
# Install torch and torchvision
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
# Install pytorch-image models (timm)
pip3 install timm==0.3.2

Now clone this repository:

git clone
cd DeiT_ConvNeXt_KnowledgeDistillation/


We provide support for 3 FGVC datasets for our experiments on KD distillation with DeiT and ConvNeXt.

CUB Dataset

Download CUB dataset from here. Extract the file. Our code expects the dataset folder to have the following structure:

    └─ images
    └─ image_class_labels.txt
    └─ train_test_split.txt
    └─ ....

FoodX Dataset

Download FoodX dataset from here. After extracting the files, the root folder should have following structure:

    └─ annot
        ├─ class_list.txt
        ├─ train_info.csv
        ├─ val_info.csv
    └─ train_set
        ├─ train_039992.jpg
        ├─ ....
    └─ val_set
        ├─ val_005206.jpg
        ├─ ....

Stanford Dogs Dataset

Download the dataset from here. The root folder should have following structure:

    └─ Images
        ├─ n02092339-Weimaraner
            ├─ n02092339_107.jpg
            ├─ ....
        ├─ n02101388-Brittany_spaniel
            ├─ ....
        ├─ ....
    └─ splits
        ├─ file_list.mat
        ├─ test_list.mat
        ├─ train_list.mat

Training and Evaluation

To finetune DeiT Distilled 384 model on CUB dataset, run the following command

$ python --model deit_base_distilled_patch16_384 --drop-path 0.8 --input-size 384 --batch-size 16 --lr 5e-5 --warmup-epochs 0 --epochs 60 --weight-decay 1e-8 --cutmix 0 --mixup 0 --data-set CUB --data-path /path/to/dataset/root/folder --output_dir ./output/path --finetune /path/to/imagenet1k/pretrained/deit/weights.pth/

To further finetune DeiT Distilled 384 model (already finetuned on CUB dataset) using Knowledge Distillation from ConvNext teacher model, run the following commad:

$ python --model deit_base_distilled_patch16_384 --distillation-type hard --teacher-model convnext_base --drop-path 0.8 --input-size 384 --batch-size 16 --lr 5e-5 --warmup-epochs 0 --epochs 60 --weight-decay 1e-8 --cutmix 0 --mixup 0 --data-set CUB --data-path /path/to/dataset/root/folder --output_dir /path/to/save/output/files --finetune /path/of/deit/CUB_finetuned/weights 

Note : We also provide a custom dataset containing categories from both CUB and Dogs datasets, giving a new dataset with total 320 classes. For CUB + DOG dataset, please provide both paths in the --data-set parameter, seperated by a space.

For example: /l/users/u21010225/AssignmentNo1/CUB/CUB_200_2011/ /l/users/u21010225/AssignmentNo1/dog/

You can use similar python scripts as above to perform experiments on the FoodX and CUB+Dogs dataset.

To evaluate a DeiT Distilled 384 model on CUB dataset, run the following command

$ python --eval --model deit_base_distilled_patch16_384 --input-size 384 --batch-size 16 --data-set CUB --data-path /path/to/dataset/root/folder --resume /path/to/final/pretrained/model

Acknowledgement: This code repo is forked and modified from official DeiT repository


Learning with Knowledge Distillation for Fine Grained Image Classification



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