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OpenWebNet (BTicino/Legrand) Binding

This binding integrates BTicino / Legrand MyHOME(r) BUS & ZigBee wireless (MyHOME_Play) devices using the OpenWebNet protocol. It supports:

  • both wired BUS/SCS (MyHOME) and wireless setups (MyHOME ZigBee) in the same biding; the two networks can be configured simultaneously
  • discovery of BUS/SCS IP gateways and ZigBee USB gateways and devices
  • commands from openHAB and feedback (events) from BUS/SCS and wireless network
  • numeric (12345) and alpha-numeric (abcde - HMAC authentication) gateway passwords

NOTE The new BTicino Living Now(r) wireless system is not supported as it does not use the OpenWebNet protocol


In order for this biding to work, a BTicino/Legrand OpenWebNet gateway is needed in your home system to talk to devices. These gateways have been tested with the binding:

Supported Things

The following Things and OpenWebNet WHOs are supported:


Category WHO Thing Type IDs Description Status
Gateway Management 13 bus_gateway Any IP gateway supporting OpenWebNet protocol should work (e.g. F454 / MyHOMEServer1 / MH202 / F455 / MH200N,...) Successfully tested: F454, MyHOMEServer1, MyHOME_Screen10, F455, F453AV, MH202, MH200N. Some connection stability issues/gateway resets reported with MH202
Lightning 1 bus_on_off_switch, bus_dimmer BUS switches and dimmers. Green switches. Successfully tested: F411/2, F411/4, F411U2, F422, F429. AM5658 Green Switch. Some discovery issues reported with F429 (DALI Dimmers)
Automation 2 bus_automation BUS roller shutters, with position feedback and auto-calibration Successfully tested: LN4672M2
Temperature Control 4 bus_thermostat, bus_temp_sensor Zones room thermostats, external wireless temperature sensors Successfully tested: HD4692/HD4693 via H3550 Central Unit; H/LN4691; external probes: L/N/NT4577 + 3455
CEN & CEN+ Commands 15 & 25 bus_cen_scenario_control, bus_cenplus_scenario_control, bus_dry_contact_ir CEN/CEN+ events and virtual activation for scenario control. Dry Contact and IR sensor devices events. Successfully tested: scenario buttons: HC/HD/HS/L/N/NT4680. Contact interfaces: F428 and 3477. IR sensors: HC/HD/HS/L/N/NT4610
Energy Management 18 bus_energy_central_unit Energy Management Central Unit Successfully tested: F520, F521

ZigBee (Radio)

Category WHO Thing Type IDs Description Status
Gateway 13 zb_gateway Wireless ZigBee USB Gateway (BTicino/Legrand models: BTI-3578/088328) Tested: BTI-3578 and LG 088328
Lightning 1 zb_dimmer, zb_on_off_switch, zb_on_off_switch2u ZigBee dimmers, switches and 2-unit switches Tested: BTI-4591, BTI-3584, BTI-4585
Automation 2 zb_automation ZigBee roller shutters To be tested


This binding requires openHAB 2.4 or later.


Gateway and Things discovery is supported using PaperUI by pressing the discovery ("+") button form Inbox.

BUS/SCS Discovery

  • BUS Gateway automatic discovery will work only for newer gateways supporting UPnP: F454, MyHOMEServer1, MH202, MH200N, MyHOME_Screen 10. For other gateways you can add them manually, see Thing Configuration below.
  • After gateway is discovered and added a connection with default password (12345) is tested first: if it does not work the gateway will go offline and an error status will be set. A correct password must then be set in the gateway Thing configuration otherwise the gateway will not become online.
  • Once the gateway is online, a second Scan request from Inbox will discover BUS devices
  • BUS/SCS Dimmers must be ON and dimmed (30%-100%) during a Scan, otherwise they will be discovered as simple On/Off switches
    • KNOWN ISSUE: In some cases dimmers connected to a F429 Dali-interface are not automatically discovered
  • CEN/CEN+ Scenario Control devices will be discovered by activation only. See discovery by activation for details. After confirming a discovered CEN/CEN+ device from Inbox, activate again its scenario buttons and refresh the PaperUI Control page to see button channels appear.

Discovery by Activation

Devices can also be discovered if activated while a Inbox Scan is active: start a new Scan, wait 15-20 seconds and then while the Scan is still active (spinning arrow in Inbox), activate the physical device (for example dim the dimmer, push a CEN/CEN+ Scenario button, etc.) to have it discovered by the binding.

If a device cannot be discovered automatically it's always possible to add them manually, see Configuring Devices.

Wireless (ZigBee) Discovery

  • The ZigBee USB Gateway must be inserted in one of the USB ports of the openHAB computer before discovery is started

  • IMPORTANT NOTE: As for other OH2 using the USB/serial ports, on Linux the openhab user must be member of the dialout group, to be able to use USB/serial port:

    $ sudo usermod -a -G dialout openhab

    The user will need to logout and login to see the new group added. If you added your user to this group and still cannot get permission, reboot Linux to ensure the new group permission is attached to the openhab user.

  • Once the gateway is discovered and added, a second discovery request from Inbox will discover devices. Because of the ZigBee radio network, discovery will take ~40-60 sec. Be patient!

  • Wireless devices must be part of the same ZigBee network of the ZigBee USB Gateway to discover them. Please refer to this guide by BTicino to setup a ZigBee wireless network which includes the ZigBee USB Gateway

  • Only powered wireless devices part of the same ZigBee network and within radio coverage of the ZigBee USB Gateway will be discovered. Unreachable or not powered devices will be discovered as GENERIC devices and cannot be controlled. Control units cannot be discovered by the ZigBee USB Gateway and therefore are not supported

Thing Configuration

Configuring BUS/SCS Gateway

To add a gateway manually using PaperUI: go to Inbox > "+" > OpenWebNet > click ADD MANUALLY and then select OpenWebNet BUS Gateway device.

Parameters for configuration:

  • host : IP address / hostname of the BUS/SCS gateway (String, mandatory)
    • Example:
  • port : port (int, optional, default: 20000)
  • passwd : gateway password (String, required for gateways that have a password set. Default: 12345)
    • Example: abcde or 12345
    • if the BUS/SCS gateway is configured to accept connections from the openHAB computer IP address, no password should be required
    • in all other cases, a password must be set. This includes gateways that have been discovered and added from Inbox that without a password settings will not become ONLINE
  • discoveryByActivation: discover BUS devices when they are activated also when a device scan is not currently active (boolean, optional, default: false). See Discovery by Activation.

Alternatively the BUS/SCS Gateway thing can be configured using the .things file, see openwebnet.things example below.

Configuring Wireless ZigBee USB Gateway

The wireless ZigBee USB Gateway is discovered automatically and added in Inbox.

Manual configuration is not supported at the moment.

Configuring Devices

Devices can be discovered automatically from Inbox after their gateway has been configured and connected.

Devices can be also added manually from PaperUI. For each device it must be configured:

  • the associated gateway (Bridge Selection menu)
  • the WHERE config parameter (OpenWebNet Device Address):
    • example for BUS/SCS: Point to Point A=2 PL=4 --> WHERE="24"
    • example for BUS/SCS: Point to Point A=6 PL=4 on local bus --> WHERE="64#4#01"
    • example for BUS/SCS thermo Zones: Zone=1 --> WHERE="1"; external probe 5 --> WHERE="500"
    • example for ZigBee devices: use decimal format address without the UNIT part and network: ZigBee WHERE=414122201#9 --> WHERE="4141222"
    • for CEN+ use 2+N[0-2047], example: Scenario Control 5 --> WHERE=25


Devices support some of the following channels:

Channel Type ID (channel ID) Item Type Description Read/Write
switch Switch To switch the device ON and OFF R/W
brightness Dimmer To adjust the brightness value (Percent, ON, OFF) R/W
shutter Rollershutter To activate roller shutters (UP, DOWN, STOP, Percent - see Shutter position) R/W
temperature Number The zone currently sensed temperature (°C) R
targetTemperature Number The zone target temperature (°C). It considers setPoint but also activeMode and localMode R
thermoFunction String The zone set thermo function: HEAT, COOL or GENERIC (heating + cooling) R
heatingCoolingMode [*] String The zone mode: heat, cool, heatcool, off (same as thermoFunction+ off, useful for Google Home integration) R
heating [*] Switch ON if the zone heating actuator is currently active (heating is On) see heating and cooling R
cooling [*] Switch ON if the zone cooling actuator is currently active (cooling is On) see heating and cooling R
activeMode String The zone current active mode (Operation Mode): AUTO, MANUAL, PROTECTION, OFF. It considers setMode and localMode (with priority) R
localMode String The zone current local mode, as set on the physical thermostat in the room: -3/-2/-1/NORMAL/+1/+2/+3, PROTECTION, or OFF R
setpointTemperature Number The zone setpoint temperature (°C), as set from Central Unit or openHAB R/W
setMode String The zone set mode, as set from Central Unit or openHAB: AUTO, MANUAL, PROTECTION, OFF R/W
scenarioButton (button_X) String Events or virtual pressure for CEN/CEN+ scenario buttons: PRESSED, RELEASED, PRESSED_EXT, RELEASED_EXT see possible values R/W
dryContactIR (sensor) Switch Indicates if a Dry Contact interface is ON/OFF, or if a IR Sensor is detecting movement (ON), or not (OFF) R
power Number The actual active power usage from Energy Management Central Unit R

[*] = advanced channel: in PaperUI can be shown from Thing config > Channel list > Show More button. Link to an item by clicking on the channel blue button.

Notes on channels

shutter position

For Percent commands and position feedback to work correctly, the shutterRun Thing config parameter must be configured equal to the time (in ms) to go from full UP to full DOWN. It's possible to enter a value manually or set shutterRun=AUTO (default) to calibrate shutterRun parameter automatically the first time a Percent command is sent to the shutter: a UP >> DOWN >> Position% cycle will be performed automatically.

  • if shutterRun is not set, or is set to AUTO but calibration has not been performed yet, then position estimation will remain UNDEFINED
  • if shutterRun is set manually and too higher than the actual runtime, then position estimation will remain UNDEFINED: try to reduce shutterRun until you find the right value
  • before adding/configuring roller shutter Things (or installing a binding update) it is suggested to have all roller shutters UP, otherwise the Percent command won’t work until the roller shutter is fully rolled up
  • if the gateways gets disconnected then the binding cannot know anymore where the shutter was: if shutterRun is defined (and correct), then just roll the shutter all Up / Down and its position will be estimated again
  • the shutter position is estimated based on UP/DOWN timing and therefore an error of ±2% is normal

heating and cooling

heating and cooling channels assume that your BTicino heating/cooling actuators are configured as #1 and #2 respectively. To ensure the heating/cooling actuators are set up correctly for a Thermostat:

  1. open MyHome_Suite
  2. go to Thermostat configuration panel > Plant settings
  3. in Actuators section check if the first actuator listed is numbered "1". This will be the actuator which state will be returned by the binding in the heating channel.
  4. if it is not numbered "1", find the actuator device corresponding to the same Thermo zone of the Thermostat and set the "Device number" property to "1"
  5. repeat steps 3. and 4. for cooling using actuator number "2"


  • In CEN/CEN+ channels are named button_X where X is the button number on the Scenario Control device
  • Button channels appear in PaperUI after the first time the corresponding button is activated from the physical device. Refresh the PaperUI/Control page if needed
  • When using file configuration, in the Thing configuration use the buttons parameter to define a comma-separated list of buttons numbers [0-31] configured for the scenario device, example: buttons=1,2,4. See openwebnet.things for an example
  • channel possible values are:
    • PRESSED and then just after RELEASED when a CEN/CEN+ button is short-pressed (<0.5sec)
    • PRESSED_EXT (updated again every 0.5sec) and then RELEASED_EXT when a CEN/CEN+ button is long pressed (>=0.5sec)
  • Sending on channels button_X the commands: PRESSED, RELEASED, etc. will simulate a virtual short/long pressure of the corresponding CEN/CEN+ button, enabling the activation of MH202 scenarios on the BUS from openHAB. See openwebnet.sitemap & openwebnet.rules sections for an example

Integration with assistants

To be visible to assistants like Google Assistant/Amazon Alexa/Apple HomeKit (Siri) an item must have the correct tag. Items created automatically with PaperUI (Simple Mode item linking: Configuration > System > Item Linking > Simple mode > SAVE) will get automatically the default tag from the binding: in particular items associated with these channels will have the following tags:

  • switch / brightness channels will have the Lighting tag
  • shutter channel will have the Blinds tag
  • temperature channel will have the CurrentTemperature tag
  • setpointTemperature channel will have the TargetTemperature tag
  • heatingCoolingMode channel will have the homekit:HeatingCoolingMode tag

After configuration, you can double-check which tags are set looking at the tags attribute in the REST API: http://openhabianpi.local:8080/rest/items.

NOTE For items created automatically with PaperUI tags are added automatically by the OpenWebNet binding, but you have to check which tags are actually supported by each openHAB add-on (Google Assistant/Alexa/HomeKit).

After items and their correct tags are set, it will be enough to link openHAB with myopenhab and with the Google Assistant/Alexa/HomeKit add-on, and you will be able to discover/control BTicino items from assistants.

The device name imported in the assistant will be label given to the item, and not the item name; usually you can rename devices in the assistants. (item labels are not mandatory in openHAB, but for the Google Assistant Action they are absolutely necessary)

Note that the most flexible configuration is obtained using .items file: see the examples below.

See these official docs and other threads in the OH community for more information about Google Assistant/Alexa/HomeKit integration and configuration:

NOTE You will need to add tags manually for items created using PaperUI when Simple Mode item linking is de-activated, or for items created using .items file.

Full Example


Bridge openwebnet:bus_gateway:mybridge "MyHOMEServer1" [ host="", passwd="abcde", port=20000, discoveryByActivation=false ] {
      bus_on_off_switch        LR_switch        "Living Room Light"       [ where="51" ]
      bus_dimmer               LR_dimmer        "Living Room Dimmer"      [ where="25#4#01" ]
      bus_dimmer               LR_dalidimmer    "Living Room Dali-Dimmer" [ where="0311#4#01" ]
      bus_automation           LR_shutter       "Living Room Shutter"     [ where="93", shutterRun="10050"]
      bus_thermostat           LR_thermostat    "Living Room Thermostat"  [ where="1"]
      bus_temp_sensor          EXT_tempsensor   "External Temperature"    [ where="500"]
      bus_energy_central_unit  CENTRAL_energy   "Energy Management"       [ where="51" ]
      bus_cen_scenario_control LR_CEN_scenario  "Living Room CEN" [ where="51", buttons="4,3,8"]
      bus_cenplus_scenario_control  LR_CENplus_scenario "Living Room CEN+"        [ where="212", buttons="1,5,18" ]
      bus_dry_contact_ir       LR_IR_sensor     "Living Room IR Sensor"   [ where="399" ]
<TODO----- ZigBee USB Gateway configuration -- only needed for radio devices >
Bridge openwebnet:zb_gateway:myZBgateway  [serialPort="kkkkkkk"] {
    zb_dimmer          myzigbeedimmer [ where="xxxxx"]
    zb_on_off_switch   myzigbeeswitch [ where="yyyyy"]


Items (Light, Dimmer, Thermostat, etc.) will be discovered by Google Assistant/Alexa/HomeKit if their tags are configured like in the example.

Switch			iLR_switch			"Light"								<light>          (gLivingRoom)                [ "Lighting" ]  { channel="openwebnet:bus_on_off_switch:mybridge:LR_switch:switch" }
Dimmer			iLR_dimmer			"Dimmer [%.0f %%]"					<DimmableLight>  (gLivingRoom)                [ "Lighting" ]  { channel="openwebnet:bus_dimmer:mybridge:LR_dimmer:brightness" }
Dimmer			iLR_dalidimmer		"Dali-Dimmer [%.0f %%]"				<DimmableLight>  (gLivingRoom)                [ "Lighting" ]  { channel="openwebnet:bus_dimmer:mybridge:LR_dalidimmer:brightness" }
/* For Dimmers, use category DimmableLight to have Off/On switch in addition to the Percent slider in PaperUI */
Rollershutter	iLR_shutter			"Shutter [%.0f %%]"					<rollershutter>  (gShutters, gLivingRoom)     [ "Blinds"   ]  { channel="openwebnet:bus_automation:mybridge:LR_shutter:shutter" }
Number			iEXT_tempsensor		"External Temperature [%.1f °C]"	<temperature>                                 [ "CurrentTemperature" ]  { channel="openwebnet:bus_temp_sensor:mybridge:EXT_tempsensor:temperature" }
Number			iCENTRAL_en_power	"Power [%.0f W]"					<energy>            { channel="openwebnet:bus_energy_central_unit:mybridge:CENTRAL_energy:power" }
String			iLR_scenario_btn4	"Scenario Button 4"					<network>           { channel="openwebnet:bus_cen_scenario_control:mybridge:LR_CEN_scenario:button_4" }  
String			iLR_scenario_btn1	"Scenario Button 1"					<network>           { channel="openwebnet:bus_cenplus_scenario_control:mybridge:LR_CENplus_scenario:button_1" }  
Switch			iLR_IR_sensor		"Sensor"							<motion>            { channel="openwebnet:bus_dry_contact_ir:mybridge:LR_IR_sensor:sensor" }

/* Thermostat Setup (Google Assitant/Alexa require thermostat items to be grouped together) */
Group				gLR_thermostat		"Living Room Thermostat"                                     [ "Thermostat" ]
Number:Temperature  iLR_temp			"Temperature [%.1f °C]"  <temperature>  (gLR_Thermostat)     [ "CurrentTemperature" ]          { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:temperature" }
String				iLR_offset			"Offset"                                (gLR_Thermostat)                                       { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:localMode" }
Switch				iLR_heating			"Heating is"                            (gLR_Thermostat)                                       { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:heating" }
Switch				iLR_cooling			"Cooling is"                            (gLR_Thermostat)                                       { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:cooling" }
Number:Temperature	iLR_targetTemp		"Target [%.1f °C]"                      (gLR_Thermostat)                                       { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:targetTemperature" }
String				iLR_activeMode		"Active Mode"                           (gLR_Thermostat)                                       { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:activeMode" }
String				iLR_heatCool		"HeatingCoolingMode"                    (gLR_Thermostat)     [ "homekit:HeatingCoolingMode" ]  { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:heatingCoolingMode" }
Number:Temperature	iLR_setpointTemp	"Setpoint Temperature [%.1f °C]"  <temperature> (gLR_Thermostat)  [ "TargetTemperature" ]      { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:setpointTemperature" }
String				iLR_setMode			"Set Mode"                              (gLR_Thermostat)                                       { channel="openwebnet:bus_thermostat:mybridge:LR_thermostat:setMode"}


sitemap openwebnet label="OpenWebNet Binding Example Sitemap"

    Frame label="Living Room"
          Default item=iLR_switch           icon="light"    
          Default item=iLR_dimmer           icon="light" 
          Default item=iLR_dalidimmer       icon="light"
          Default item=iLR_shutter
          Default item=iEXT_tempsensor      icon="temperature"
          Switch    item=iLR_scenario_btn4 label="CEN Scenario (btn4)[]"  mappings=[PRESSED="Scenario-A (PRESSED)", PRESSED_EXT="Scenario-B (PRESSED_EXT)", RELEASED_EXT="Scenario-B-end (RELEASED_EXT)"] 
          Switch    item=iLR_scenario_btn1 label="CEN+ Scenario (btn1)[]" mappings=[PRESSED="Scenario-C (PRESSED)", PRESSED_EXT="Scenario-C (PRESSED_EXT)", RELEASED_EXT="Scenario-C-end (RELEASED_EXT)"] 

          Switch item=iLR_IR_sensor mappings=[ON="Presence", OFF="No Presence"]

          Group item=gLR_thermostat label="Thermostat" icon="heating"
             Default    item=iLR_temp  label="Current Temperature"  icon="temperature"
             Default    item=iLR_targetTemp label="Target Temperature"  icon="temperature"
             Default    item=iLR_offset  icon="heating"   visibility=[iLR_offset != "NORMAL"]
             Text       item=iLR_heating icon="fire"  label="Heating is active" labelcolor=["red"]  visibility=[iLR_heating=="ON"]
             Text       item=iLR_cooling icon="climate"  label="Cooling is active" labelcolor=["blue"] visibility=[iLR_cooling=="ON"]
             Selection  item=iLR_activeMode icon="radiator" mappings=[AUTO="Auto", MANUAL="Manuale", PROTECTION="Anti-gelo", OFF="Spento"] valuecolor=[AUTO="green", MANUAL="orange", PROTECTION="blue", OFF="red"] 
             Selection  item=iLR_setMode icon="heating"   mappings=[AUTO="Auto", MANUAL="Manuale", PROTECTION="Anti-gelo", OFF="Spento"] 
             Setpoint   item=iLR_setpointTemp label="Set Temp [%.1f °C]" minValue=12.5 maxValue=30 step=0.5
    Frame label="Electrical System" {
        Default item=iCENTRAL_en_power  label="General Power Consumption [%.0f W]"     icon="energy"


// SCENARIO-A: short pressure on CEN+ button 1 will increase dimmer%
rule "CEN+ dimmer increase"
    Item iLR_scenario_btn1 received update "RELEASED"
        sendCommand(iLR_dimmer, INCREASE)  

// SCENARIO-B: long pressure on CEN+ button 1 will switch off dimmer
rule "CEN+ dimmer off"
    Item iLR_scenario_btn1 received update "RELEASED_EXT"
        sendCommand(iLR_dimmer, OFF)  


  • This binding is not associated by any means with BTicino or Legrand companies

  • Contributors of this binding have no liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damage to things or people caused by using the binding connected to a real BTicino/Legrand (OpenWebNet) plant/system and its physical devices. The final user is the only responsible for using this binding in a real environment. See Articles 5. and 6. of Eclipse Public Licence 2.0 under which this binding software is distributed

  • The OpenWebNet protocol is maintained and Copyright by BTicino/Legrand. The documentation of the protocol if freely accessible for developers on the MyOpen Community website -

  • OpenWebNet, MyHOME, MyHOME_Play and Living Now are registered trademarks by BTicino/Legrand

  • This binding uses openwebnet-lib 0.9.x, an OpenWebNet Java lib partly based on openwebnet/rx-openwebnet client library by @niqdev, to support:

    • gateways and OWN frames for ZigBee
    • frame parsing
    • monitoring events from BUS

    The lib also uses few modified classes from the old openHAB 1.x BTicino binding for socket handling and priority queues.

Special thanks

Special thanks for helping on testing this binding go to: @m4rk, @bastler, @gozilla01, @enrico.mcc, @k0nti, @gilberto.cocchi, @llegovich, @gabriele.daltoe and many others at the fantastic openHAB community!