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predict white blood cell count composition in whole blood derived DNA methylation or RNAseq data

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Predict wbcc using partial-least squares based on RNAseq or DNA methylation data

Maarten van Iterson, Department of Molecular Epidemiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands 24 February 2016

!!! This is a project in development !!!


wbccPredictor can be used to build a predictor, using partial-least-squares, for WBCC based on gene expression or DNA methylation data. Or wbccPredictor can be used to predict WBCC using the build-in predictor for both gene expression and DNA methylation data.


Installation requires the package devtools,


or using the biocLite function downloaded from BioConductor.


Using RNAseq data

Building the predictor

In this example BIOS RNAseq freeze1 data is used.


The RNAseq counts are normalized using edgeR TMM-function.

Some experimentation showed that strong filtering improves the performance of the predictor!

d <- DGEList(counts = assays(rnaSeqData)$counts, remove.zeros = TRUE)
keep <- rowSums(d$counts > 100) > 0.99 * ncol(d)
d <- d[keep, ]
dim(d)  #[1] 13778  2116
## [1] 13778  2116
sds <- rowSds(d$counts)
keep <- sds > quantile(sds, prob = 0.5)
## [1] 6889
d <- d[keep, ]
dim(d)  #[1] 6889 2116
## [1] 6889 2116
d <- calcNormFactors(d)
data <- cpm(d, log = TRUE)  ##TMM CPM
data[1:5, 1:5]
##                 BD1NYRACXX-5-1 AD10W1ACXX-4-1 BD1NYRACXX-5-2
## ENSG00000000419       4.168507       4.339456       4.382197
## ENSG00000000938      10.069462      10.074595       9.959071
## ENSG00000001084       4.734471       4.288601       4.626306
## ENSG00000001461       5.629025       5.728971       5.536908
## ENSG00000001561       4.775422       3.304141       3.958505
##                 AD10W1ACXX-4-2 BD1NYRACXX-5-3
## ENSG00000000419       3.994125       4.134935
## ENSG00000000938      10.480343      10.460845
## ENSG00000001084       4.208172       4.204576
## ENSG00000001461       5.481339       5.190906
## ENSG00000001561       3.350550       3.214355

Next cell percentages and covariates need to be extracted.

cellPercentages <-[, c("Neut_Perc", "Lymph_Perc", 
    "Mono_Perc", "Eos_Perc", "Baso_Perc")])
colnames(cellPercentages) <- c("Neutrophils", "Lymphocytes", "Monocytes", "Eosinophils", 
cellPercentages <- apply(cellPercentages, 2, as.numeric)
##      Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
## [1,]          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## [2,]          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## [3,]          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## [4,]          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## [5,]          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## [6,]          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
covariates <-
covariates <- covariates[, c("RNA_BloodSampling_Age", "Sex")]
colnames(covariates) <- c("Age", "Gender")
covariates <- apply(covariates, 2, as.numeric)
##       Age Gender
## [1,] 77.9      0
## [2,] 70.5      1
## [3,] 66.3      0
## [4,] 76.5      0
## [5,] 71.9      0
## [6,] 68.6      1

Make sure all data object have the same id.

rownames(covariates) <- rownames(cellPercentages) <- colnames(data) <- colData(rnaSeqData)$uuid
##               Age Gender
## BIOS6DB3BAD1 77.9      0
## BIOSCFA14234 70.5      1
## BIOSCA449668 66.3      0
## BIOS415A8BFB 76.5      0
## BIOSD16ED999 71.9      0
## BIOSD2B838B2 68.6      1
##              Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
## BIOS6DB3BAD1          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## BIOSCFA14234          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## BIOSCA449668          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## BIOS415A8BFB          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## BIOSD16ED999          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
## BIOSD2B838B2          NA          NA        NA          NA        NA
data[1:6, 1:6]
##                 BIOS6DB3BAD1 BIOSCFA14234 BIOSCA449668 BIOS415A8BFB
## ENSG00000000419     4.168507     4.339456     4.382197     3.994125
## ENSG00000000938    10.069462    10.074595     9.959071    10.480343
## ENSG00000001084     4.734471     4.288601     4.626306     4.208172
## ENSG00000001461     5.629025     5.728971     5.536908     5.481339
## ENSG00000001561     4.775422     3.304141     3.958505     3.350550
## ENSG00000001629     5.475888     4.807971     5.260365     4.826678
##                 BIOSD16ED999 BIOSD2B838B2
## ENSG00000000419     4.134935     3.954608
## ENSG00000000938    10.460845    10.450733
## ENSG00000001084     4.204576     4.223557
## ENSG00000001461     5.190906     5.125365
## ENSG00000001561     3.214355     2.613582
## ENSG00000001629     5.124162     4.607147

Find out which samples have complete cell percentages available.

nas <- apply(cellPercentages, 1, function(x) any(
## nas
##  1276   840

And which are incomplete

complete <- which(!nas)
head(cellPercentages[complete, ])
##              Neutrophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Eosinophils Basophils
## BIOSDC47446B        46.3        41.1       9.6         2.4       0.6
## BIOSDC466DD5        47.2        41.5       8.7         1.9       0.7
## BIOS60E9E875        46.1        36.0      10.0         7.2       0.7
## BIOS0F99014C        59.7        27.5       7.4         5.1       0.3
## BIOSCA63D390        56.5        32.9       8.5         1.6       0.5
## BIOS519649FD        39.7        44.9      13.0         1.3       1.1

split complete in train (2/3) and test (1/3) stratified splitting of the data might be better if sample size is small < 500? for example using split.sample from caTools

trainId <- sample(complete, 2 * length(complete)/3)
testId <- complete[!(complete %in% trainId)]
dataTrain <- data[, trainId]
covarTrain <- covariates[trainId, ]
cellPerTrain <- cellPercentages[trainId, ]

Now build the predictor!

pls.options(parallel = 8)  ##use 10 cores e.g. on the VM
predictor <- train(dataTrain, covarTrain, cellPerTrain, ncomp = 250, validation = "CV", 
    model = formula(cellPercentages ~ covariates + data), keep.model = TRUE)

The usual pls functions can be used to inspect the predictor-object. For example,



barplot(cumsum(explvar(predictor)), las = 2, ylab = "Cumulative Variance Explained")

validationplot(predictor, val.type = "R2", ncomp = 1:50)  ##select optimal number of components

validationplot(predictor, val.type = "RMSEP", ncomp = 1:250)  ##select optimal number of components

validationplot(predictor, val.type = "RMSEP", ncomp = 1:50)  ##select optimal number of components

Determine optimal number of pls-components e.g. 40 and save the coefficients like this:

RNAseqPredictor <- coef(predictor, ncomp = 40, intercept = TRUE)[, , 1]

It is interesting to known which covariates have the highest prediction value and store these as well.

W <- predictor$loading.weights
ord <- order(abs(W[, 40]), decreasing = TRUE)
RNAseqTop <- gsub("data|covariates", "", rownames(W)[ord[1:1000]])
save(RNAseqTop, file = "../data/RNAseqTop.RData")
save(RNAseqPredictor, file = "../data/RNAseqPredictor.RData")

Some validation using the Test-set

corrplot <- function(measured, predicted, xlab = "predicted", ylab = "measured", 
    ...) {
    for (k in 1:ncol(measured)) {
        type <- colnames(measured)[k]
        pc <- signif(cor(predicted[, k], measured[, k]), 3)
        ic <- signif(icc(predicted[, k], measured[, k]), 3)
        plot(predicted[, k], measured[, k], main = paste(type, " (Prs: ", pc, 
            ", ICC: ", ic, ")", sep = ""), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, bty = "n", 
            pty = "s", ...)
        abline(lm(measured[, k] ~ 0 + predicted[, k]), col = 2, lty = 1, lwd = 2)
        abline(0, 1, col = "grey", lty = 1, lwd = 2)

baplot <- function(x, y, regline = FALSE, la = c("log", "lin", "both"), main = "", 
    xlab = "Average", ylab = "Difference") {
    la <- match.arg(la)
    for (k in 1:ncol(x)) wbccPredictor:::.baplot(x[, k], y[, k], regline = regline, 
        la = la, main = paste0(colnames(x)[k]), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)

This is no surprise!

predictedRNATrain <- predictor$fitted.values[, , 40]
op <- par(mfcol = c(3, 2))
corrplot(cellPerTrain, predictedRNATrain, xlab = "predicted", ylab = "measured")

Now let predict cell composition for the test data and plot.

dataTest <- data[, testId]
covarTest <- covariates[testId, ]
cellPerTest <- cellPercentages[testId, ]
predictedRNATest <- prediction(predictor, dataTest, covarTest, ncomp = 40, transformation = function(x) x)
op <- par(mfcol = c(3, 2))
corrplot(cellPerTest, predictedRNATest, xlab = "measured (%)", ylab = "predicted (%)")

op <- par(mfcol = c(3, 2))
baplot(cellPerTest, predictedRNATest, la = "lin", xlab = "Average: meas. - pred. (%)", 
    ylab = "Difference: meas. - pred. (%)", regline = FALSE)

Using DNA methylation data

see example R script for 450K data


  • extend README
  • remove imputation of NA's this should be up to the user


predict white blood cell count composition in whole blood derived DNA methylation or RNAseq data






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