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Releases: mvdungern/emoncms-docker


22 May 18:19
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Updated to support Emoncms 11.3.21
ENV defaults changed to match feedback on usual deployments
Various code cleanups
Using supervisord as launch agent in order to support running emoncms_mqtt as it's own process; required for proper MQTT support.


26 Apr 19:30
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Multiple fixes in this release - major points:

  • moved to supervisord to control launch, this allows running the emoncms_mqtt service inside this container in parallel with apache which is required for MQTT; tested and works. Feedback welcome!
  • Moved to building phpredis from source, allows specifying the version of phpredis as well as removes requirement for pecl
  • Moved to the nismoryco/Mosquitto-PHP fork from mgdm/Mosquitto-PHP as it appears to be abondonware and doesn't support PHP 8.x+ is is actively maintained. Also build from source
  • Added sysstat to give better information on the Admin screen
  • Cleaned up the git directory's in order to clean up the safe errors plugging up the logs.
  • Multiple other small fixes to many to list


06 Apr 23:04
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Fixed issue with feeds not being saved externally
MQTT 'should' be working


28 Mar 17:58
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Cleaned up some ENV issues and the way the Emoncms stable tree is pulled.
Incremented release version; should have set the initial release as a pre in hindsight.

Initial release

27 Mar 18:30
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Initial release