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Arduino Library for Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks


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Arduino DS3232RTC Library v1.0 ReadMe file
Jack Christensen Mar 2013



DS3232RTC is an Arduino library that supports the Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks. This library is intended to be used with the Arduino Time library.

The DS3232RTC library is a drop-in replacement for the DS1307RTC.h library by Michael Margolis that is supplied with the Arduino Time library above. To change from using a DS1307 RTC to an DS323x RTC, it is only necessary to use #include <DS3232RTC.h> instead of #include <DS1307RTC.h>.

This library is not a drop-in replacement for PJRC's newer version of the DS1307RTC library.

DS3232RTC also implements functions to support the additional features of the DS3232 and DS3231. The DS3231 has the same features as the DS3232 except: (1) Battery-backed SRAM, (2) Battery-backed 32kHz output (BB32kHz bit in Control/Status register 0x0F), and (3) Adjustable temperature sensor sample rate (CRATE1:0 bits in the Control/Status register).

"Arduino DS3232RTC Library" by Jack Christensen is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.


To use the DS3232RTC library:

  • Go to, click the Download ZIP button and save the ZIP file to a convenient location on your PC.
  • Uncompress the downloaded file. This will result in a folder containing all the files for the library, that has a name that includes the branch name, usually DS3232RTC-master.
  • Rename the folder to just DS3232RTC.
  • Copy the renamed folder to the Arduino sketchbook\libraries folder.


The following example sketches are included with the DS3232RTC library:

  • SetSerial: Set the RTC's date and time from the Arduino serial monitor. Displays date, time and temperature.
  • TimeRTC: Same as the example of the same name provided with the Time library, demonstrating the interchangeability of the DS3232RTC library with the DS1307RTC library.
  • tiny3232_KnockBang: Demonstrates interfacing an ATtiny45/85 to a DS3231 or DS3232 RTC.

Usage notes

When using the DS3232RTC library, the user is responsible for ensuring that reads and writes do not exceed the device's address space (0x00-0x12 for DS3231, 0x00-0xFF for DS3232); no bounds checking is done by the library.

Similar to the DS1307RTC library, the DS3232RTC library instantiates an RTC object; the user does not need to do this.

To use the DS3232RTC library, the Time and Wire libraries must also be included. For brevity, these includes are not repeated in the examples below:

#include <DS3232RTC.h>    //
#include <Time.h>         //
#include <Wire.h>         // (included with Arduino IDE)




Symbolic names used with the squareWave() method (described below).

  • SQWAVE_1024_HZ
  • SQWAVE_4096_HZ
  • SQWAVE_8192_HZ



Symbolic names used with the setAlarm() method (described below).

Values for Alarm 1
  • ALM1_EVERY_SECOND -- causes an alarm once per second.
  • ALM1_MATCH_SECONDS -- causes an alarm when the seconds match (i.e. once per minute).
  • ALM1_MATCH_MINUTES -- causes an alarm when the minutes and seconds match.
  • ALM1_MATCH_HOURS -- causes an alarm when the hours and minutes and seconds match.
  • ALM1_MATCH_DATE -- causes an alarm when the date of the month and hours and minutes and seconds match.
  • ALM1_MATCH_DAY -- causes an alarm when the day of the week and hours and minutes and seconds match.
Values for Alarm 2
  • ALM2_EVERY_MINUTE -- causes an alarm once per minute.
  • ALM2_MATCH_MINUTES -- causes an alarm when the minutes match (i.e. once per hour).
  • ALM2_MATCH_HOURS -- causes an alarm when the hours and minutes match.
  • ALM2_MATCH_DATE -- causes an alarm when the date of the month and hours and minutes match.
  • ALM2_MATCH_DAY -- causes an alarm when the day of the week and hours and minutes match.

Methods for setting and reading the time

###get(void) #####Description Reads the current date and time from the RTC and returns it as a time_t value. Returns zero if an I2C error occurs (RTC not present, etc.). #####Syntax RTC.get(); #####Parameters None. #####Returns Current date and time (time_t) #####Example

time_t myTime;
myTime = RTC.get();

###set(time_t t) #####Description Sets the RTC date and time to the given time_t value. Clears the oscillator stop flag (OSF) bit in the control/status register. See the oscStopped() function and also the DS323x datasheet for more information on the OSF bit. #####Syntax RTC.set(t); #####Parameters t: The date and time to set the RTC to (time_t) #####Returns I2C status (byte). Returns zero if successful. #####Example

//this example first sets the system time (maintained by the Time library) to
//a hard-coded date and time, and then sets the RTC from the system time.
//the setTime() function is part of the Time library.
setTime(23, 31, 30, 13, 2, 2009);   //set the system time to 23h31m30s on 13Feb2009
RTC.set(now());                     //set the RTC from the system time

###read(tmElements_t &tm) #####Description Reads the current date and time from the RTC and returns it as a tmElements_t structure. See the Arduino Time library for details on the tmElements_t structure. #####Syntax; #####Parameters tm: Address of a tmElements_t structure to which the date and time are returned. #####Returns I2C status (byte). Returns zero if successful. The date and time read from the RTC are returned to the tm parameter. #####Example

tmElements_t tm;;
Serial.print(tm.Hour, DEC);

###write(tmElements_t &tm) #####Description Sets the RTC to the date and time given by a tmElements_t structure. Clears the oscillator stop flag (OSF) bit in the control/status register. See the oscStopped() function and also the DS323x datasheet for more information on the OSF bit. #####Syntax RTC.write(tm); #####Parameters tm: Address of a tmElements_t structure used to set the date and time. #####Returns I2C status (byte). Returns zero if successful. #####Example

tmElements_t tm;
tm.Hour = 23;             //set the tm structure to 23h31m30s on 13Feb2009
tm.Minute = 31;
tm.Minute = 30;
tm.Day = 13;
tm.Month = 2;
tm.Year = 2009 - 1970;    //tmElements_t.Year is the offset from 1970
RTC.write(tm);            //set the RTC from the tm structure

Methods for reading and writing RTC registers or static RAM (SRAM) for the DS3232

The DS3232RTC.h file defines symbolic names for the timekeeping, alarm, status and control registers. These can be used for the addr argument in the functions below.

###writeRTC(byte addr, byte *values, byte nBytes) #####Description Write one or more bytes to RTC memory. #####Syntax RTC.writeRTC(addr, values, nbytes); #####Parameters addr: First SRAM address to write (byte). The valid address range is 0x00-0x12 for DS3231, 0x00-0xFF for DS3232. The general-purpose SRAM for the DS3232 begins at address 0x14. Address is not checked for validity by the library. values: An array of values to write (*byte)
nBytes: Number of bytes to write (byte). Must be between 1 and 31 (Wire library limitation) but is not checked by the library. #####Returns I2C status (byte). Returns zero if successful. #####Example

//write 1, 2, ..., 8 to the first eight DS3232 SRAM locations
byte buf[8] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8};
RTC.sramWrite(0x14, buf, 8);

###writeRTC(byte addr, byte value) #####Description Write a single byte to RTC memory. #####Syntax RTC.writeRTC(addr, value); #####Parameters addr: SRAM address to write (byte). The valid address range is 0x00-0x12 for DS3231, 0x00-0xFF for DS3232. The general-purpose SRAM for the DS3232 begins at address 0x14. Address is not checked for validity by the library. value: Value to write (byte)
#####Returns I2C status (byte). Returns zero if successful. #####Example

RTC.writeRTC(3, 14);   //write the value 14 to SRAM address 3

###readRTC(byte addr, byte *values, byte nBytes) #####Description Read one or more bytes from RTC RAM. #####Syntax RTC.readRTC(addr, values, nbytes); #####Parameters addr: First SRAM address to read (byte). The valid address range is 0x00-0x12 for DS3231, 0x00-0xFF for DS3232. The general-purpose SRAM for the DS3232 begins at address 0x14. Address is not checked for validity by the library. values: An array to receive the values read (*byte)
nBytes: Number of bytes to read (byte). Must be between 1 and 32 (Wire library limitation) but is not checked by the library. #####Returns I2C status (byte). Returns zero if successful. #####Example

//read the last eight locations of SRAM into buf
byte buf[8];
RTC.sramRead(248, buf, 8);

###readRTC(byte addr) #####Description Reads a single byte from RTC RAM. #####Syntax RTC.readRTC(addr); #####Parameters addr: SRAM address to read (byte). The valid address range is 0x00-0x12 for DS3231, 0x00-0xFF for DS3232. The general-purpose SRAM for the DS3232 begins at address 0x14. Address is not checked for validity by the library. #####Returns Value read from the RTC (byte) #####Example

byte val;
val = RTC.readRTC(3);  //read the value from SRAM location 3

Alarm methods

The DS3232 and DS3231 have two alarms. Alarm1 can be set to seconds precision; Alarm2 can only be set to minutes precision.

###setAlarm(ALARM_TYPES_t alarmType, byte seconds, byte minutes, byte hours, byte daydate) #####Description Set an alarm time. Sets the alarm registers only. To cause the INT pin to be asserted on alarm match, use alarmInterrupt(). This method can set either Alarm 1 or Alarm 2, depending on the value of alarmType (use the ALARM_TYPES_t enumeration above). When setting Alarm 2, the seconds value must be supplied but is ignored, recommend using zero. (Alarm 2 has no seconds register.)

#####Syntax RTC.setAlarm(alarmType, seconds, minutes, hours, dayOrDate); #####Parameters alarmType: A value from the ALARM_TYPES_t enumeration, above. (ALARM_TYPES_t)
seconds: The seconds value to set the alarm to. (byte)
minutes: The minutes value to set the alarm to. (byte)
hours: The hours value to set the alarm to. (byte)
dayOrDate: The day of the week or the date of the month. For day of the week, use a value from the Time library timeDayOfWeek_t enumeration, i.e. dowSunday, dowMonday, dowTuesday, dowWednesday, dowThursday, dowFriday, dowSaturday. (byte)
#####Returns None. #####Example

//Set Alarm1 for 12:34:56 on Sunday
RTC.setAlarm(ALM1_MATCH_DAY, 56, 34, 12, dowSunday);

###setAlarm(ALARM_TYPES_t alarmType, byte minutes, byte hours, byte daydate) #####Description Set an alarm time. Sets the alarm registers only. To cause the INT pin to be asserted on alarm match, use alarmInterrupt(). This method can set either Alarm 1 or Alarm 2, depending on the value of alarmType (use the ALARM_TYPES_t enumeration above). However, when using this method to set Alarm 1, the seconds value is set to zero. (Alarm 2 has no seconds register.)

#####Syntax RTC.setAlarm(alarmType, minutes, hours, dayOrDate); #####Parameters alarmType: A value from the ALARM_TYPES_t enumeration, above. (ALARM_TYPES_t)
minutes: The minutes value to set the alarm to. (byte)
hours: The hours value to set the alarm to. (byte)
dayOrDate: The day of the week or the date of the month. For day of the week, use a value from the Time library timeDayOfWeek_t enumeration, i.e. dowSunday, dowMonday, dowTuesday, dowWednesday, dowThursday, dowFriday, dowSaturday. (byte)
#####Returns None. #####Example

//Set Alarm2 for 12:34 on the 4th day of the month
RTC.setAlarm(ALM1_MATCH_DATE, 34, 12, 4);

###alarmInterrupt(byte alarmNumber, boolean alarmEnabled) #####Description Enable or disable an alarm "interrupt". Note that this "interrupt" causes the RTC's INT pin to be asserted. To use this signal as an actual interrupt to a microcontroller, it will need to be connected properly and programmed in the application firmware. on the RTC.
#####Syntax RTC.alarmInterrupt(alarmNumber, enable); #####Parameters alarmNumber: The number of the alarm to enable or disable, ALARM_1 or ALARM_2 (byte)
alarmEnabled: true or false (boolean)
#####Returns None. #####Example

RTC.alarmInterrupt(ALARM_1, true);      //assert the INT pin when Alarm1 occurs.
RTC.alarmInterrupt(ALARM_2, false);     //disable Alarm2

###alarm(byte alarmNumber) #####Description Tests whether an alarm has been triggered. If the alarm was triggered, returns true and resets the alarm flag in the RTC, else returns false. #####Syntax RTC.alarm(alarmNumber); #####Parameters alarmNumber: The number of the alarm to test, ALARM_1 or ALARM_2 (byte)
#####Returns Description (type) #####Example

if ( RTC.alarm(ALARM_1) ) {		//has Alarm1 triggered?
	//yes, act on the alarm
else {
	//no alarm

Other methods

###temperature(void) #####Description Returns the RTC temperature. #####Syntax RTC.temperature(); #####Parameters None. #####Returns RTC temperature as degrees Celsius times four. (int) #####Example

int t = RTC.temperature();
float celsius = t / 4.0;
float fahrenheit = celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0;

###squareWave(SQWAVE_FREQS_t freq) #####Description Enables or disables the square wave output. #####Syntax RTC.squareWave(freq); #####Parameters freq: a value from the SQWAVE_FREQS_t enumeration above. (SQWAVE_FREQS_t)
#####Returns None. #####Example

RTC.squareWave(SQWAVE_1_HZ);	//1 Hz square wave
RTC.squareWave(SQWAVE_NONE);	//no square wave

###oscStopped(bool clearOSF) #####Description Returns the value of the oscillator stop flag (OSF) bit in the control/status register which indicates that the oscillator is or was stopped, and that the timekeeping data may be invalid. Optionally clears the OSF bit depending on the argument passed. If the clearOSF argument is omitted, the OSF bit is cleared by default. Calls to set() and write() also clear the OSF bit.

#####Syntax RTC.oscStopped(clearOSF); #####Parameters clearOSF: an optional true or false value to indicate whether the OSF bit should be cleared (reset). If not supplied, a default value of true is used, resetting the OSF bit. (bool) #####Returns True or false (bool) #####Example

if ( RTC.oscStopped(false) ) {		//check the oscillator
	//may be trouble
else {
	//all is well


Arduino Library for Maxim Integrated DS3232 and DS3231 Real-Time Clocks







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