Test driver for the Atspi-enabled applications using GirFFI. Takes care of boot and shutdown, and provides a handle on the GUI's main UI frame.
This driver assumes your application lives in bin/
and uses additional ruby
code in lib/
Say, your application is called foo
. Then, in your tests, do something like this:
require 'atspi_app_driver'
describe 'The application' do
before do
@driver = AtspiAppDriver.new('foo')
# This will boot `ruby -Ilib bin/foo`, wait for its main window to appear,
# and focus it.
it 'does stuff' do
# Fetch the main window's atspi object
frame = @driver.frame
# You can now interact with the window's objects
# Select item matching /bar/ from combo box:
box = frame.find_role :combo_box
item = box.find_role :menu_item, /bar/
box.get_action_name(0).must_equal 'press'
box.do_action 0
item.get_action_name(0).must_equal 'click'
item.do_action 0
# Fetch contents of a text box
textbox = frame.find_role :text
textbox.get_text(0, 100).must_equal 'Foo bar baz'
# Quit application
menu_item = frame.find_role :menu_item, /Quit/
menu_item.do_action 0
# Check exit status
status = @driver.cleanup
status.exitstatus.must_equal 0
after do
# Ensure application is cleaned up
gem install atspi_app_driver
Atspi App Driver needs atspi's GIR data, and needs to be able to interact with the application via atspi and atk. The below are suggested packages to install. Corrections are welcome, of course.
This should work on Debian unstable.
sudo apt-get install dbus
sudo apt-get install libgirepository1.0-dev gobject-introspection
sudo apt-get install gir1.2-atspi-2.0 libatk-adaptor
Please try the instructions for Debian. This will probably not work on Ubuntu 12.04. Again, corrections and additions are welcome.
To be determined. Please contribute back your experience in getting Atspi App Driver working on your favorite operation system.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to create issues or pull requests on GitHub.
Copyright © 2015-2018 Matijs van Zuijlen. See LICENSE for details.