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Assignment 3: Antymology

This repository is an assignment for CPSC 565 (Emergent Computing) taken at the University of Calgary.

The objective of this assignment is to create a colony of ants that exhibit "intelligent" behaviour. The only goal of this assignment is to implement an evolutionary algorithm which maximizes nest production.

NOTE: I hate bugs. I don't even want to model them. So instead of Ants, I used cute little turtle models from the Unity Asset Store (


  1. Download or Clone Repo
  2. Open in Unity Editor

The Simulation Environment

The world is made up of a number of worker ants and a single queen ant. Each ant can do the following:

  • Move in any direction
  • Eat mulch to restore health
  • Donate health to a nearby ant
  • Dig downwards
  • Do nothing (Sometimes the only way to win the game is not to play)

Every "tick" of the simulation, each ant's health decreases by a pre-determined amount.

The queen ant can do everything the worker ant can do PLUS the ability to build nest blocks. However, building a nest block consumes 1/3 of the queens current health. Thus, the goal of building a nest becomes a balancing act between consuming health to build the nest and receiving enough health from other ants to stay alive.

My Approach

To implement this system, I decided to use a neural network to determine the behaviors of the ants on every tick and an evolutionary algorithm to tweak the networks weights for the ants to "learn".

Neural Network Ant Brains

Each tick the following inputs are fed into the neural network for each ant

  • Ant's current health
  • Number of Blocks Dug (or Number of Blocks built if it is the queen)
  • Number of Mulch Eaten
  • Amount of Health Donated
  • Distance to Queen (or Distance to nearest neighbour if it is the queen)

My motivation for choosing these inputs, is that I hope for the ant's to eventually learn to maximize their own health while also donating health to others (more importantly donating health to the queen). I also hope that over time the ants learn to congregate around the queen (or maybe not, who knows what will happen, thats the fun of emergence).

The output layer corresponds to the set of all actions an ant can take. A value is generated between -1 and 1. These values are sorted, and the highest value decides the decision the ant will make. If the highest rated action is invalid (i.e. an ant is unable to move forward) then the next highest rated action will be taken, and so on and so forth.



After a pre-determined number of ticks, the ants all undergo sexual reproduction. The two most fit ants are selected and a new set of NN weights are created using cross-over between the two most fit ants. All ants have their health replenished, stats reset and the new set of weights applied to their NN. For each NN there is also a chance for mutation, for a random set of weights to be adjusted. Then, the simulation starts over again.

The process of evolution for the queen is slightly different. Since there is only one queen in the simulation it does not make sense to sexually reproduce the queen with the other ants. Instead, the queen undergoes asexual reproduction where its offspring will mutate the weights of the previous generations weights. The extent of the mutation is conditional on the fitness of the queen. If the queen has high fitness, the mutation will be less severe.

Every generation the ant weights resulting from crossover/mutation are overwritten in a file "Assets/BestWeights.txt".

Fitness Function

The fitness function for each ant is calculated by adding the following parameters:

  • Ant's Current Health
  • Distance from Starting Position
  • Number of blocks built (applicable only to queen)
  • Health donated to other ants
  • Distance from Queen
  • Queen's Current Health

Each value is multiplied by a "weight" value which can be adjusted in the Simulation Settings (See Settings section below). This final calculated value is then divided by 100 to make the number smaller and easier to work with. The higher weight given to a fitness function parameter, the more effect that parameter will have on the calculation of the fitness value.

Simulation Loop

The ants/queens are spawned into the world and go about their business until either a) it is time for evolution or b) the queen is dead (long live the queen). If it is time for evolution, new weights are calculated for each ant and then they keep doing what they are doing. If the queen is dead then the simulation resets but the neural networks weights are preserved. Each time the simulation is reset a new "epoch" is started. Within an epoch there can be many generations (depending how successful the ants are) and within each generation there can be many ticks (this can be adjusted in the settings).

This way the ants can go through many iterations and hopefully, eventually learn how to keep their Ant Queen alive.


Generated Data

Every simulation tick, the output layer of the neural network and fitness of each ant is captured in a CSV file called "AntTracker.csv" located in the "Assets" folder.

NOTE: You cannot have any of the csv file open while running the simulation! AntTracker

Likewise, another file in the assets folder "GenerationalData.csv" summarizes data from each generation.

A Wee Bit of Results and Discussion

I ran the simulation for an extended period of time to examine how the fitness of the alpha-ant changed over time. The fitness function weights probably have the biggest impact on the data generated. The weights used were:

  • Donate to Queen Weight: 20
  • Distance to Queen Weight: -10
  • Health Weight: 1
  • Block Build Weight: 20
  • Queen Health Weight: 5
  • Distance From Start Weight: 3

AntFitOverTime This first graph shows the change in fitness of the alpha-ant as a function of time. Each epoch is represented as its own colored line. Unfortunately, there is generally a downward trend where fitness is going down as the ants "learn". This is not what was intended as the fitness function is supposed to be maximized in this simulation.

BlockBuilt This second graph shows both the number of blocks built in each epoch and the queen's fitness in each epoch. Since number of blocks built has the greatest weight on queen fitness, it is no surprise that the two lines are positively correlated. Unfortunately, the trend seen here is one of inconsistency. When a queen performs well, that performance is not carried over into the next epoch. This will have to be fixed for this simulation to perform better.

Settings You Can Play With

In the Unity Editor there are some simulation settings you can play with in the "WorldManager" object. SimSettings


  • Number of Ants: The number of ants that are present in the simulation
  • Start with Random Weights: Determines whether the intial weights for the Ants will be random or will be read from the values stored in the "BestWeights.txt" file.
  • Ticks Until Evolution: Determines how many in-simulation ticks are needed before evolution occurs.
  • Weights: All these weights affect how much an effect each of these parameters have on the calculation of the fitness functions of the ants.


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