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Nisimpo Auth Package

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This package does provide a basic starting point using Bootstrap, React, and / or Vue that will be helpful for many applications. By default, Laravel uses NPM to install both of these frontend packages.

This legacy package is a very simple authentication scaffolding built on the Bootstrap CSS framework. While it continues to work with the latest version of Laravel, you should consider using Laravel Breeze for new projects. Or, for something more robust, consider Laravel Jetstream.

Official Documentation

Supported Versions

Only the latest major version of Laravel UI receives bug fixes. The table below lists compatible Laravel versions:

Version Laravel Version
1.x 5.8, 6.x
2.x 7.x
3.x 8.x, 9.x
4.x 9.x, 10.x, 11.x


The Bootstrap and Vue scaffolding provided by Nisimpo is located in the nisimpo/auth Composer package, which may be installed in your new laravel app using Composer:

composer require nisimpo/auth:dev-main

Once the nisimpo/auth package has been installed, you may install the frontend scaffolding using the ui Artisan command:

// Generate login / registration scaffolding...
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

Setup the database of your choice in .env file

// Run migration and seeder to get started
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Your good to go start app by using the following credentials

password: password

Integrating with the package direct from vendor on development

This is when your doing development in this package and you need to test you code from package. You dont need this if your using the package

"repositories": {
  "dev-package": {
    "type": "path",
    "url": "/Users/bizytech/Herd/auth",
    "options": {
      "symlink": true

Add this to you composer.json file of a new laravel application to test your package development directly On the url replace the /Users/bizytech/Herd/auth with the complete path of your package directory


Nisimpo AUTH is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


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