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mwarnock edited this page Sep 12, 2010 · 9 revisions


ActiveSesame is a ruby library for interacting with a triple store over the sesame protocol. Currently the library only contains a connector module for AllegroGraph’s take on the protocol.

Originally it was intended as a rails plugin and had active record like functionality. However, this does not fit the needs for the majority of use cases and is being refactored (in the complete-overhaul branch) as a feature of a more basic and general set of library functions.

The primary purpose of this library is to enable programmers to use semantic technologies to solve practical problems without having to understand the massive, and often nebulous, technology stack of the so called “semantic web”


Why rdf/owl?

A Practical Use Case
Using the Ontology Behavior
Using the Fuzzy Ontology Behavior
Using the Base Class

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