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Boxenplot bug fixes, small features and style changes (#2086)
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* Avoid drawing unnecessary outliers

* Remove deprecated lvplot

* refactor defaults and internal signatures

* Fix and improve boxenplots tests

* FIX: avoid generating an extra box (#2086)

* Draw a single box with the correct color

* Tweaked boxenplot style

A few changes to make it more consistent with boxplot:

* Outliers now use gray color instead of plot color.

* Boxes also have edge color of self.gray. The default style enforces
  patches edges to be white (#1468) and this made invisible boxes on
  white background. boxplot uses self.gray edges as well so this is

* Use butt capstyle for medians

* Add boxenplot tests

* Allow k to be a number

* autoscale after drawing boxenplot (#2085)

* Make last box have some color

* more tests

* improve tests coverage

* improve strip over boxen example

* improve boxenplot docstring

* use tukey method by default (#803)

* improve code style

* add 'full' option to k_depth

* restrict 'outlier_prop' to (0,1]

* Fix "trustworthy" method (#2118)

* Adds a new parameter to control alpha levels of "trustworthy"

* Fixes the formula to calculate number of boxes for "trustworthy"

* update release notes

* rename box_alpha to trust_alpha

* improve code style
  • Loading branch information
MaozGelbart committed Jun 4, 2020
1 parent 3e091fe commit 4ee5c51
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Showing 3 changed files with 216 additions and 128 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions doc/releases/v0.11.0.txt
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,14 @@ Other

- Plots with a ``style`` semantic can now generate an infinite number of unique dashes and/or markers by default. Prevously, an error would be raised if the ``style`` variable had more levels than could be mapped using the default lists. The existing defaults were slightly modified as part of this change; if you need to exactly reproduce plots from earlier versions, refer to the `old defaults <>`_. GH2075

- Fixed a few issues with :func:`boxenplot` regarding the way the number of boxes are calculated. `k_depth="tukey"` is now the default boxes calculation method as the previous default (`"proportion"`) produces too many boxes when datasets are small. Added the option to specify the desired number of boxes as a scalar (e.g. `k_depth=6`) or just plot boxes that will cover most of the data points (with `k_depth="full"`). Added a new parameter `trust_alpha` to control the number of boxes when `k_depth="trustworthy"`. GH2086, GH2118, GH803

- The visual appearance of :func:`boxenplot` now more resembles that of :func:`boxplot`.

- Fixed a bug where elements of :func:`boxenplot` were sometimes not entirely visible. GH2085

- Following its deprecation, `lvplot` has finally been removed from the codebase.

- Added a ``tight_layout`` method to :class:`FacetGrid` and :class:`PairGrid`, which runs the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.tight_layout` algorithm without interference from the external legend. GH2073

- Changed how :func:`scatterplot` sets the default linewidth for the edges of the scatter points. New behaviot is to scale with the point sizes themselves (on a plot-wise, not point-wise basis). This change also slightly reduces the default width when point sizes are not varied. Set ``linewidth=0.75`` to repoduce the previous behavior. GH2078
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200 changes: 99 additions & 101 deletions seaborn/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from textwrap import dedent
from numbers import Number
import colorsys
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
Expand All @@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
__all__ = [
"catplot", "factorplot",
"stripplot", "swarmplot",
"boxplot", "violinplot", "boxenplot", "lvplot",
"boxplot", "violinplot", "boxenplot",
"pointplot", "barplot", "countplot",

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1795,80 +1796,84 @@ class _LVPlotter(_CategoricalPlotter):
def __init__(self, x, y, hue, data, order, hue_order,
orient, color, palette, saturation,
width, dodge, k_depth, linewidth, scale, outlier_prop,
trust_alpha, showfliers=True):

# TODO assigning variables for None is unneccesary
if width is None:
width = .8
self.width = width = dodge

if saturation is None:
saturation = .75
self.saturation = saturation

if k_depth is None:
k_depth = 'proportion'
k_depth_methods = ['proportion', 'tukey', 'trustworthy', 'full']
if not (k_depth in k_depth_methods or isinstance(k_depth, Number)):
msg = (f'k_depth must be one of {k_depth_methods} or a number, '
f'but {k_depth} was passed.')
raise ValueError(msg)
self.k_depth = k_depth

# TODO seems this member is only used to frame the legend artists
if linewidth is None:
linewidth = mpl.rcParams["lines.linewidth"]
self.linewidth = linewidth

if scale is None:
scale = 'exponential'
scales = ['linear', 'exponential', 'area']
if scale not in scales:
msg = f'scale must be one of {scales}, but {scale} was passed.'
raise ValueError(msg)
self.scale = scale

if ((outlier_prop > 1) or (outlier_prop <= 0)):
msg = f'outlier_prop {outlier_prop} not in range (0, 1]'
raise ValueError(msg)
self.outlier_prop = outlier_prop

if not 0 < trust_alpha < 1:
msg = f'trust_alpha {trust_alpha} not in range (0, 1)'
raise ValueError(msg)
self.trust_alpha = trust_alpha

self.showfliers = showfliers

self.establish_variables(x, y, hue, data, orient, order, hue_order)
self.establish_colors(color, palette, saturation)

def _lv_box_ends(self, vals, k_depth='proportion', outlier_prop=None):
def _lv_box_ends(self, vals):
"""Get the number of data points and calculate `depth` of
letter-value plot."""
vals = np.asarray(vals)
vals = vals[np.isfinite(vals)]
n = len(vals)
# If p is not set, calculate it so that 8 points are outliers
if not outlier_prop:
# Conventional boxplots assume this proportion of the data are
# outliers.
p = 0.007
if ((outlier_prop > 1.) or (outlier_prop < 0.)):
raise ValueError('outlier_prop not in range [0, 1]!')
p = outlier_prop
p = self.outlier_prop

# Select the depth, i.e. number of boxes to draw, based on the method
k_dict = {
'proportion': (np.log2(n)) - int(np.log2(n * p)) + 1,
'tukey': (np.log2(n)) - 3,
'trustworthy': 1 + (np.log2(n)
- np.log2(2 * stats.norm.ppf((1 - p)) ** 2))
k = k_dict[k_depth]
k = int(k)
except ValueError:
k = 1
# If the number happens to be less than 0, set k to 0
if k < 1.:
if self.k_depth == 'full':
# extend boxes to 100% of the data
k = int(np.log2(n)) + 1
elif self.k_depth == 'tukey':
# This results with 5-8 points in each tail
k = int(np.log2(n)) - 3
elif self.k_depth == 'proportion':
k = int(np.log2(n)) - int(np.log2(n * p)) + 1
elif self.k_depth == 'trustworthy':
point_conf = 2 * stats.norm.ppf((1 - self.trust_alpha / 2)) ** 2
k = int(np.log2(n / point_conf)) + 1
k = int(self.k_depth) # allow having k as input
# If the number happens to be less than 1, set k to 1
if k < 1:
k = 1
# Calculate the upper box ends
upper = [100 * (1 - 0.5 ** (i + 2)) for i in range(k, -1, -1)]
# Calculate the lower box ends
lower = [100 * (0.5 ** (i + 2)) for i in range(k, -1, -1)]

# Calculate the upper end for each of the k boxes
upper = [100 * (1 - 0.5 ** (i + 1)) for i in range(k, 0, -1)]
# Calculate the lower end for each of the k boxes
lower = [100 * (0.5 ** (i + 1)) for i in range(k, 0, -1)]
# Stitch the box ends together
percentile_ends = [(i, j) for i, j in zip(lower, upper)]
box_ends = [np.percentile(vals, q) for q in percentile_ends]
return box_ends, k

def _lv_outliers(self, vals, k):
"""Find the outliers based on the letter value depth."""
perc_ends = (100 * (0.5 ** (k + 2)), 100 * (1 - 0.5 ** (k + 2)))
box_edge = 0.5 ** (k + 1)
perc_ends = (100 * box_edge, 100 * (1 - box_edge))
edges = np.percentile(vals, perc_ends)
lower_out = vals[np.where(vals < edges[0])[0]]
upper_out = vals[np.where(vals > edges[1])[0]]
Expand All @@ -1883,10 +1888,9 @@ def _width_functions(self, width_func):

def _lvplot(self, box_data, positions,
color=[255. / 256., 185. / 256., 0.],
vert=True, widths=1, k_depth='proportion',
ax=None, outlier_prop=None, scale='exponential',
showfliers=True, **kws):
widths=1, ax=None, **kws):

vert = self.orient == "v"
x = positions[0]
box_data = np.asarray(box_data)

Expand All @@ -1903,12 +1907,11 @@ def _lvplot(self, box_data, positions,
# Get the number of data points and calculate "depth" of
# letter-value plot
box_ends, k = self._lv_box_ends(box_data, k_depth=k_depth,
box_ends, k = self._lv_box_ends(box_data)

# Anonymous functions for calculating the width and height
# of the letter value boxes
width = self._width_functions(scale)
width = self._width_functions(self.scale)

# Function to find height of boxes
def height(b):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1942,41 +1945,47 @@ def horz_perc_box(x, b, i, k, w):
hex_color = mpl.colors.rgb2hex(color)

if vert:
boxes = [vert_perc_box(x, b[0], i, k, b[1])
for i, b in enumerate(zip(box_ends, w_area))]

# Plot the medians
ax.plot([x - widths / 2, x + widths / 2], [y, y],
c='.15', alpha=.45, **kws)
box_func = vert_perc_box
xs_median = [x - widths / 2, x + widths / 2]
ys_median = [y, y]
xs_outliers = np.full(len(outliers), x)
ys_outliers = outliers

ax.scatter(np.repeat(x, len(outliers)), outliers,
marker='d', c=hex_color, **kws)
boxes = [horz_perc_box(x, b[0], i, k, b[1])
for i, b in enumerate(zip(box_ends, w_area))]
box_func = horz_perc_box
xs_median = [y, y]
ys_median = [x - widths / 2, x + widths / 2]
xs_outliers = outliers
ys_outliers = np.full(len(outliers), x)

boxes = [box_func(x, b[0], i, k, b[1])
for i, b in enumerate(zip(box_ends, w_area))]

# Plot the medians
ax.plot([y, y], [x - widths / 2, x + widths / 2],
c='.15', alpha=.45, **kws)
# Plot the medians
ax.plot(xs_median, ys_median, c='.15', alpha=.45,
solid_capstyle="butt", **kws)

ax.scatter(outliers, np.repeat(x, len(outliers)),
marker='d', c=hex_color, **kws)
# Plot outliers (if any)
if len(outliers) > 0:
ax.scatter(xs_outliers, ys_outliers, marker='d',
c=self.gray, **kws)

# Construct a color map from the input color
rgb = [[1, 1, 1], hex_color]
rgb = [hex_color, (1, 1, 1)]
cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('new_map', rgb)
collection = PatchCollection(boxes, cmap=cmap)
# Make sure that the last boxes contain hue and are not pure white
rgb = [hex_color, cmap(.85)]
cmap = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('new_map', rgb)
collection = PatchCollection(boxes, cmap=cmap, edgecolor=self.gray)

# Set the color gradation
collection.set_array(np.array(np.linspace(0, 1, len(boxes))))
# Set the color gradation, first box will have color=hex_color
collection.set_array(np.array(np.linspace(1, 0, len(boxes))))

# Plot the boxes

def draw_letter_value_plot(self, ax, kws):
"""Use matplotlib to draw a letter value plot on an Axes."""
vert = self.orient == "v"

for i, group_data in enumerate(self.plot_data):

if self.plot_hues is None:
Expand All @@ -1998,13 +2007,8 @@ def draw_letter_value_plot(self, ax, kws):

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2032,14 +2036,13 @@ def draw_letter_value_plot(self, ax, kws):

# Autoscale the values axis to make sure all patches are visible
ax.autoscale_view(scalex=self.orient == "h", scaley=self.orient == "v")

def plot(self, ax, boxplot_kws):
"""Make the plot."""
self.draw_letter_value_plot(ax, boxplot_kws)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2599,34 +2602,22 @@ def violinplot(

def lvplot(*args, **kwargs):
"""Deprecated; please use `boxenplot`."""

msg = (
"The `lvplot` function has been renamed to `boxenplot`. The original "
"name will be removed in a future release. Please update your code. "

return boxenplot(*args, **kwargs)

def boxenplot(
x=None, y=None,
hue=None, data=None,
order=None, hue_order=None,
orient=None, color=None, palette=None, saturation=.75,
width=.8, dodge=True, k_depth='proportion', linewidth=None,
scale='exponential', outlier_prop=None, showfliers=True, ax=None,
width=.8, dodge=True, k_depth='tukey', linewidth=None,
scale='exponential', outlier_prop=0.007, trust_alpha=0.05, showfliers=True,
ax=None, **kwargs

plotter = _LVPlotter(x, y, hue, data, order, hue_order,
orient, color, palette, saturation,
width, dodge, k_depth, linewidth, scale,
outlier_prop, showfliers)
outlier_prop, trust_alpha, showfliers)

if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2663,21 +2654,27 @@ def boxenplot(
k_depth : "proportion" | "tukey" | "trustworthy", optional
k_depth : {{"tukey", "proportion", "trustworthy", "full"}} or scalar,\
The number of boxes, and by extension number of percentiles, to draw.
All methods are detailed in Wickham's paper. Each makes different
assumptions about the number of outliers and leverages different
statistical properties.
statistical properties. If "proportion", draw no more than
`outlier_prop` extreme observations. If "full", draw `log(n)+1` boxes.
scale : "linear" | "exponential" | "area"
scale : {{"exponential", "linear", "area"}}, optional
Method to use for the width of the letter value boxes. All give similar
results visually. "linear" reduces the width by a constant linear
factor, "exponential" uses the proportion of data not covered, "area"
is proportional to the percentage of data covered.
outlier_prop : float, optional
Proportion of data believed to be outliers. Used in conjunction with
k_depth to determine the number of percentiles to draw. Defaults to
0.007 as a proportion of outliers. Should be in range [0, 1].
Proportion of data believed to be outliers. Must be in the range
(0, 1]. Used to determine the number of boxes to plot when
trust_alpha : float, optional
Confidence level for a box to be plotted. Used to determine the
number of boxes to plot when `k_depth="trustworthy"`. Must be in the
range (0, 1).
showfliers : bool, optional
If False, suppress the plotting of outliers.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2753,9 +2750,10 @@ def boxenplot(
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> ax = sns.boxenplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips)
>>> ax = sns.boxenplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips,
... showfliers=False)
>>> ax = sns.stripplot(x="day", y="total_bill", data=tips,
... size=4, color="gray")
... size=4, color=".26")
Use :func:`catplot` to combine :func:`boxenplot` and a :class:`FacetGrid`.
This allows grouping within additional categorical variables. Using
Expand Down

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