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hano edited this page Jan 16, 2012 · 1 revision

Espresso generate

Status: 16.01.2012


The espresso generate tool generats new files, like pages or controllers for a project.

To us this tool, open the shell, navigate to your project and run:

path/to/Espresso/bin/espresso.js generate - this will prompt all possible commands of espresso generate.


  • **-d, --directory=DIRECTORY Specify a custom project directory Default: $PWD **
  • -m, --model=MODEL Create a new model
  • -c, --controller=CONTROLLER Create a new controller
  • -v, --view=VIEW Create a new page
  • -x, --validator=VALIDATOR Create a new validator
  • -i, --i18n Create a new i18n files
  • -t, --target Create a new "targets.json" sample file
  • -h, --help Show this help for command generate Default: false


Creating a new controller

espresso generate -c myController