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95 lines (80 loc) · 3.85 KB

File metadata and controls

95 lines (80 loc) · 3.85 KB

Use Environments

The environment feature allows you to change sets of API Endpoints, Keys, Tokens, App Behavior Switches, Debugging Options and much more with a single parameter for you gulp tasks.

How does it work?

Your main module per default contains the two files env-dev.json and env-prod.json located under app/main/constants/. Any key value pair you define in those files will be copied into the Config.ENV constant located in app/main/constants/config-const.js, depending on which environment you choose. So when you're working on dev, all key value pairs from the main module's env-dev.json will be copied to your config-const.js. Same goes for the prod environment respectively. Then simply inject the Config constant in any service or controller where you need to use it.


  "SERVER_URL": "https://DEVSERVER/api",
  "API_KEY": "*#(&JNF(#I#(FJAPJ981374io(FD**))))",
    "LOGIN": true,
    "DASHBOARD": true,


'use strict';
.constant('Config', {

  // gulp environment: injects environment vars
  ENV: {
    'SERVER_URL': 'https://DEVSERVER/api',
    'API_KEY': '*#(&JNF(#I#(FJAPJ981374io(FD**))))',
    'DEBUG_LEVEL': 2,
      'LOGIN': true,
      'DASHBOARD': true,
      'ADMINISTRATION': false

  // gulp build-vars: injects build vars
  BUILD: {



'use strict';
.controller('SomeCtrl', function ($log, Config) {

  $log.log('Firing against Server:' + Config.ENV.SERVER_URL);
  $log.log('Using API Key:' + Config.ENV.API_KEY);
  $log.log('Debug Level is:' + Config.ENV.DEBUG_LEVEL);

  // TODO: code to include features based on FEATURE_SWITCHES


Choosing an environment

When you run gulp watch or any other task that runs gulp build without specifying an environment it will default to the dev environment:

gulp watch                # defaults to --env=dev
gulp build                # so does this
gulp --cordova "run ios"  # and any other command that uses gulp build

In order to choose an environment explicitly add the --env flag, like this:

gulp watch --env=prod
gulp build --env=prod
gulp --cordova "run ios" --env=prod

While you're running gulp watch you can even temporarily switch the environment you're currently working on without having to restart your watch task. Simply type:

gulp environment --env=<env>

Gulp will livereload with your new environment! It's important to note that as soon as you are making more changes and a livereload is triggered, your environment switches back to the one that was supplied when gulp watch was started. If you want to permanently switch your environment you should do so by restarting your gulp watch tasks with the desired environment.

Creating a new environment

If you find yourself faced needing more than a dev and a prod environment simply create a new file: e.g. app/main/constants/env-env5.json, fill it with the desired values and then run one the following:

gulp watch --env=env5
gulp build --env=env5
gulp environment --env=env5

Environments when using several modules

In case your project grows large and you have several modules in your project you will probably find yourself wanting to share environments across all modules. No problem. Every module you create has it's own Config constant located in app/module/constants/config-const.js. But only your main module contains the environment files. The gulp tasks will automatically copy the environments to all of your modules' Config.ENV constants. Alternatively just share your main's Config constant across all modules and simply remove the other constants.