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Merge pull request #7 from mwood23/experimental-web-components
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experimental web components support and update example folder
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mwood23 committed Aug 23, 2022
2 parents 5686696 + 6831fd3 commit 04cdb7b
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions
Expand Up @@ -11,3 +11,10 @@
- Fix peer deps so it correctly resolves.

Thanks [@rschristian](

## 1.1.0

- 🧩 Experimental web component support including web component portals! This API may change drastically over time so if you use it keep that in mind. If you have ideas on how to improve it file an issue!
- Migrate examples over to webpack and off of Microbundle + Preact CLI. Now the deveopment server injects the scripts just like you would in production to give you the closest environment to.
- Internal island lib now ships with support for the shadow dom (even if you don't want to use the build in island web components API)
- Documentation updates
18 changes: 7 additions & 11 deletions
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ Preact Island helps you build these experiences by adding a lightweight layer on
- 🚀 Render by selector, inline, or by a specific attribute given on the executed script
- ⚛️ Based on Preact, no special compiler or anything needed to render an island
- 🙏 5 ways to pass in props to your component
- 🧩 Experimental support for web components (including web component portals)
- 🪄 All components are reactive to prop changes causing rerenders (not remounts)
- 👯‍♀️ Create as many instances of your component as you need with a single island
- 🧼 Does not mutate the `window`. Use as many islands as you'd like on one page!
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +60,6 @@ npm install --save preact-island
## Usage

import { h } from 'preact'
import { createIsland } from 'preact-island'

const Widget = () => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,7 +265,6 @@ Default props can be passed on render to an island. You can render many islands
do not cause rerenders if updated. Use `createIsland.rerender` instead.

import { h } from 'preact'
import { createIsland } from 'preact-island'

const Widget = () => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,7 +393,7 @@ Depending on what you import from React, using Preact + Preact Island can result

## Adding Styles

You can add styles to your island just like any other component. If you're island will be running on someone else's website be mindful of the global CSS scope! Preact Island does not render into the shadow dom (yet) so your styles will impact the entire page. Prefix all of your classes with a name `island__` or use CSS modules to make sure those styles don't leak. Do not use element selectors like `p` or `h2`.
You can add styles to your island just like any other component. If you're island will be running on someone else's website be mindful of the global CSS scope! Prefix all of your classes with a name `island__` or use CSS modules to make sure those styles don't leak. Do not use element selectors like `p` or `h2`.

### Including Styles

Expand All @@ -405,8 +404,7 @@ Preact Island takes no opinions on how CSS is included for your islands. There a
This is what the `/example` islands do.

import { createIsland } from '../../dist/index.module'
import { h } from 'preact'
import { createIsland } from 'preact-island'
import style from './email-subscribe.island.css'

document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style>${style}</style>`)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,11 +469,11 @@ island.render({

It's not recommending to use CSS libraries when developing islands since they're meant to be small and ran everywhere. Some libraries come with opinionated CSS resets and other global CSS styles that could break the consuming website of your island. They are also going to be large.

If you need a CSS library, use something that has a just in time compilation step like [Tailwind]( to minimize the excess CSS.
If you need a CSS library, use something that has a just in time compilation step like [Tailwind]( to minimize the excess CSS. Or you can use something like [Vanilla-Extract]( to build your own zero runtime cost Tailwind.

## Building Your Islands

Any modern bundler will work with Preact Island. If you are looking for a script that will run on a webpage you need the `UMD` format. The `/example` project has a demo setup using `microbundle`, a bundler by the same author as Preact. It works extremely well if you have multiple islands because it can produce multi-entry point bundles.
Any modern bundler will work with Preact Island. If you are looking for a script that will run on a webpage you need the `UMD` format. The `/example` project has a demo setup using `webpack`. It works extremely well if you have multiple islands because it can produce multi-entry point bundles.

### Naming Conventions

Expand All @@ -485,6 +483,8 @@ Make sure to name your bundles `kebab-case` since they'll be served over HTTP. C

You can host your files on anywhere you would typically host websites. Vercel, Cloudflare Workers, and Netlify all work great. Netlify recently [changed their prices]( causing it to be prohibitively expensive depending on your team size.

> Make sure to use your own domain when hosting these assets. If you use their subdomain like `` and embed those onto third party websites you may get locked in.
## The Callsite for Your Island

When you are consuming the bundled snippet it's important not to block rendering on a consuming page. When a browser loads a webpage and sees a `script` tag it executes that script immediately blocking render. Islands should be independent of the consuming page so it is safe to use the `async` property. See [async vs defer]( for more information.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -527,8 +527,6 @@ Key differences:
- [StencilJS]( A web components toolchain that feels sort of like React and Angular put together. The JSX core is lifted from Preact's internals. It has a lot of nice features like automatic documentation and other nice to haves since it has its own compiler. It feels tailored towards design system and doesn't have the flexibility of prop injection that Preact Island does. It's also another tool to adopt with it's own patterns. All you have to do with Preact Island is bring your component.
- [Lit]( A web components framework by Google. Does not require a compilation step and weights in around 5Kb (roughly the same as Preact Island + Preact). Doesn't use a virtual dom for diffing and feels like a nice layer on top of web components. Does not support JSX or a React style workflow.

Preact Island does not leverage the shadow dom or custom elements API yet for building full fledged [web components]( It may at some point in the future, but the scope of the project is to deliver the best React style API for delivering one of widgets onto any web page under 5kB.

## Credits

A huge thank you to [zouhir]( who is the author of [preact-habitat]( This library is heavily inspired by his work on that library.
Expand All @@ -539,8 +537,6 @@ Artwork by [vik4graphic](

[MIT](LICENSE) - Copyright (c) [Marcus Wood](

To add dynamic props to replace you can add a script in the document and pass in `data-props-for` or you can add props inline to the script placed on the page.

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