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User Guide

  • DS-GA-1004 Final Project:
    An Exploration of New York Taxi Data -- Analysis of Passengers’ Travel Behaviour

  • Team Member:

Part 1: Environment Setup (Mac or Linux)

1.Install map plot package: gmplot

$ pip install gmplot

Click gmplot 1.0.5 for more detailed information

2.Install statistical data visualization package: Seaborn (needs numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas be installed first)

$ pip install seaborn

Click Seaborn for more detailed information

Part 2:Data Source

1.NYC Yellow Taxi Data(2015):

2.Uber Data:

3.id_location_uber.p: hand coded dictionary for uber id, each location ID as the key and the latitude and longitude as value.

Part 3: How to run the program (based on nyu hpc dumbo)

1.Use map and reduce under basicMapReduce directory to process the data:

  • can set mapreduce.job.reduces=7, the result of a single line includes: (key(which day of the week) \t tpep_pickup_datetime, tpep_dropoff_datetime, passenger_count, trip_distance, pickup_longitude, pickup_latitude, dropoff_longitude, dropoff_latitude, fare_amount, tip_amount, total_amount,key)
  • The result will be the basic input of the most following map reduce functions

2.Map and Reduce under averageTripDistancebyDay directory:

  • Get the total trip number and average trip distance for each day of the week.
  • The result has 7 lines and 3 columns: each line represent a day of the week, column 1 is the sum of distance, column2 is the total trip number, column3 is the average distance

3.Map and Reduce under distanceWeekday directory:

  • Get the distribution of the distance for each day of the week.
  • Change the if condition to select which day to compute.

4.Map and Reduce under tipWeekday directory:

  • Get the distribution of the tip amount for each day of the week.
  • Change the if condition to select which day to compute.

5.Map and Reduce under totalWeekday directory:

  • Get the distribution of the total amount for each day of the week.
  • Change the if condition to select which day to compute.

6.Visualization Code for results of 2-5: visualizeTool directory.

Instruction: Download this directory, cd to visualizeResults Directory, the input file has already been put and renamed there, just use the commands below:

  • Visualize 2:
$ python
  • Visualize 3:
$ python
  • Visualize 4:
$ python
  • Visualize 5:
$ python

7.gmPlot Directory: the sample generated htmls file are under sampleOutput directory

  • Use map reduce under gmPlot/area and gmPlot/drop_off_area to do the calculation of count number for each square grid. The input for these map-reduces are the output of 1
  • cd to the gmplot_sample directory, put the output of gmPlot/drop_off_area's map reduce to the proper path stated in file, use command:
$ python
  • cd to the gmplot_sample directory, put the output of gmPlot/area's map reduce to the proper path stated in file, use command:
$ python
  • cd to the gmplot_sample directory, put the id_location_uber.p file and the uber data: uber-raw-data-janjune-15.csv to the proper path stated in file, use command:
$ python

Thanks for your time!