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Venmo Automation

This repository contains the code developed for Automating of Venmo Transactions. You will need Python versions 3.6+ because the Venmo Api is only compatible with those versions of python

Desktop App

1) Installing the Necessary Utilities


You will need python for this project. Specifically python 3.6+ to use the venmo-api

Installing Python

You can install Python here

NOTE you might have python 2 installed. Make sure you are using python 3.6 for this project

Node, NPM, PIP

This project was created through electron.js. To see if you already have node ,npm, and pip installed , check using:

# check python version
python -V
# check node version
node -v
# check npm version
npm -v 
# check pip version
pip -V

If you don't have either of these, follow the installation below.

Installing Node.js

Install Node.js here.

Installing NPM

You can install NPM from the command line with this command.

# install latest version of npm
[sudo] npm install npm@latest -g 

Installing Pip

You can install pip with this link. You can also install it directly through the terminal using curl

# install latest version of pip
curl -o
# then run the following command in the folder where you have downloaded

2) Installing the Necessary Libraries

NPM Installs

To install all the necessary node_modules for your system. Make sure you're in the project directory.

# install node modules
npm install 

Python/PIP installs

To install all the necessary python modules run the pip installs. You do not have to be in the project directory to install these

# install the modules individually run
pip install venmo-api
# and
pip install xlrd

# or to install them all at once run
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

3) Running the Project

NPM Start

Finally, run the desktop app locally. This is done with Electron.

npm start # runs the application

Packaging the App

Running npm start allows for more customizablilty, but if all you want is to use the app you can package it using electron packager.

# packaging for windows
npm run package-win
# packaging for macOS
npm run package-mac
# sorry linux

This will create a folder called release-builds/ where your app will be located.

You can create a windows installer by running:

# create an installer by running
node build.js

4) How to use the app

Paste your access token into the field

Login Screen

Click on Get Access Token Venmo Sign In

After a successful login Access Token

Get and access token through the link in the login page and copy and paste the access token into the app. You will have 3 buttons


What the Buttons do

  • Upload File - upload an xlsx or excel file with the following format Spreadsheet

  • Send to Venmo - After the file is uploaded, click "Send to Venmo" to submit the request

  • Logout - The Access Token never expires, if you want to use the app without signing in again just close the app, otherwise logout to delete and revoke the access token

Running Through Terminal

Navigate to terminal_app and follow the instructions there


Easier Venmo Transactions






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