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The tinyconf package provides a simple way to handle configuration files in Go.


  • Easy to create and manage configuration files.
  • Load, save and delete configuration files easily.
  • Able to check if a configuration file exists.


To install tinyconf, simply run:

go get


Here is an example on how to use it:

// any struct can be used as a configuration
type Config struct {
    Secret string `json:"secret"`
    Name   string `json:"name"`

func main() {
    // create your configuration variable with default values
    config := Config{
        Secret: "",
        Name:   "Default name",
    // if the configuration file exists, load it
    // otherwise create it and save with default values ({secret: "", name: "Default name"})
    err := tinyconf.NewTinyConf().Load(&config)
    if err != nil {
    log.Println("secret: ", config.Secret, "name: ", config.Name)

Example for load or exit

If your service needs a configuration file to run, you can use the LoadOrExit method to load the configuration file or exit the program if the configuration file does not exist.

type Config struct {
	Secret string `json:"secret"`
	Name   string `json:"name"`

func main() {
    config := Config{
        Secret: "",
        Name:   "Default name",
    // If file not exists, it will be created with default values, and program will exit with message.
    // If file exists, it will be loaded into config struct.
    err := tinyconf.NewTinyConf().LoadOrExit(&config)

    // You can set the file name, if you don't set it, the default name will be used.
    // err := tinyconf.NewTinyConf("custom_name.json").LoadOrExit(&config)
    if err != nil {
    log.Println("secret: ", config.Secret, "name: ", config.Name)

Example for YAML

type Config struct {
    Secret string `json:"secret"`
    Name   string `json:"name"`

func main() {
  config := Config{
    Secret: "",
    Name:   "Default name",

  // You can set the file processor, another processors are: Json, Xml, Toml, MsgPack 
  tc := tinyconf.NewTinyConfWithFp(file_processor.Yaml{})

  // You can set the file name, if you don't set it, the default name will be used
  // tc := tinyconf.NewTinyConfWithFp(file_processor.Yaml{}, "other_file_name.yaml")

  err := tc.Load(&config)
  if err != nil {

  config.Secret = "updated yaml secret"

  err = tc.Save(&config)
  if err != nil {

  log.Println("secret: ", config.Secret, "name: ", config.Name)


You can save the configuration file with the Save method If the configuration file does not exist, it will be created.

type Config struct {
  Secret string `json:"secret"`
  Name   string `json:"name"`

func main() {
  config := Config{
    Secret: "",
    Name:   "Default name",

tc := tinyconf.NewTinyConf()

err := tc.Load(&config)
if err != nil {

config.Name = "Updated name"

err = tc.Save(&config)
  if err != nil {


You can delete the configuration file with the Delete method

// delete the configuration file
err = tc.Delete()
if err != nil {

log.Println("File deleted")

For more examples, check out the examples folder.


FileProcessor Interface

This interface has methods for reading from and writing to a file, and for returning the default name of a file.

Available implementations:

  • JSON (default)
  • XML
  • YAML - Used package: yaml.v3
  • TOML - Used package: go-toml
  • MsgPack - Used package: msgpack


  • NewTinyConf(fileName ...string) *TinyConf

    • This function returns a new TinyConf object with a JSON FileProcessor if no filenames are provided.
  • NewTinyConfWithFp(fp FileProcessor, fileName ...string) *TinyConf

    • This function returns a new TinyConf object with the provided FileProcessor.
  • SetExitFunc(ef ExitFunc) *TinyConf

    • This method sets the function to be used when exiting the program.
  • SetExitCode(code int) *TinyConf

    • This method sets the exit code.
  • Exists() bool

    • This method checks if the file at the provided file path exists.
  • LoadOrExit(config interface{}) error

    • This function tries to load the configuration from a file, if the file doesn't exist, a new one is created and the program exits.
  • Load(config interface{}) error

    • This function loads the configuration from file to provided config object, if the file doesn't exist, a new one is created with default values.
  • Save(config interface{}) error

    • This function saves the provided config to the file.
  • Delete() error

    • This method deletes the file at the file path.


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