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myVille FrontEnd

Before launch project :

npm install && bower install
npm install -g grunt-cli
bower install ngstorage

To launch :

grunt serve

Coding conventions

Don't put spaces before if and for parentheses.

Put spaces around comparaison signs (=, <, ===, +, :).

Try using === instead of == as much as possible.

if(x === 1) x++;
for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) console.log('Hello ' + i);

var object = {
	key:value, // WRONG
	key :value, // WRONG
	key : value // WRONG
	key: value, // RIGHT

Try aligning lines that match together. Avoid using switch. Only use single quotes Use empty lines only for logic separation. Never use more than 1 separation line. Indent using tabs and not spaces (tab length = 4 spaces)