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fit-republic monorepo with local sqlite deployment


cds stuff and admin api -> http://localhost:4004

npm install
npm run build
npm run deploy
npm run local
cd app 
ln -s ../ui_fe_coaches/resources coaches
ln -s ../ui_fe_gyms/resources gyms
ln -s ../ui_fe_promos/resources promos
ln -s ../ui_fe_purchases/resources purchases
ln -s ../ui_fe_settings/resources settings
ui5 serve

mobile apps api and public service -> http://localhost:4044

cd srv_mobile
ln -s ../srv/gen gen
npm run local
cd ui5_clientApp/resources
ui5 serve
cd ui5_coachApp/resources
ui5 serve


Client (mobile service api)

  • can onboard anonymously
  • can perform Freestyle workouts
  • can use any content from visible coaches in workouts
  • can subscribe to any published programs from visible coaches
  • can perform workouts from programs or clone them into freestyle workouts
  • can connect with Coach via coach code (obtained outside of the app)
  • can perform Gym or Online workouts where exercises are managed by his Coach

Coach (mobile service api)

  • must obtain an registration code to onboard (or a special secret to restore profile) from Admin
  • can create Client codes and see the list of codes and whether it was activated by a client
  • can manage list of active clients and browse their workouts
  • can use predefined set of Standard videos in Gym and Online workouts with his clients
  • can use his own Content (after Admin adds it to system)
  • can create worout templates to copy into clients' workouts or publish as programs

Admin (admin service api)

  • manages System settings
  • manages Coaches and their content
  • manages Gyms and Equipment
  • can add exercise videos from library to Equipment for publishing as qr codes (e.g. to physically print out and attach to equipment)
  • can publish objects and create shortlinks (to public service)
  • can browse Coach codes (Promos) report and Purchases (planned and dropped billing stuff)

External user (public service api)

  • uses url shortener feature complementing object publishing as qr codes
  • can visit special pages pointing to in-app object (coach or a program) or specific equipment from gym (exemplary videos list)