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myano committed Feb 16, 2015
2 parents 4da1a30 + e5c29bf commit 8fbc557
Showing 1 changed file with 150 additions and 0 deletions.
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
""" - jenni Github Info Module
Copyright 2009-2013, Michael Yanovich (
Copyright 2008-2013, Sean B. Palmer (
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
Developed by kaneda ( /
More info:
* jenni:
* Phenny:

import json
import random
import re
import traceback
import urllib2
import urlparse

# For information about the Github API check out

DEFAULT_HEADER = { "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json" }

def fetch_github(url, term):
t = urllib2.quote(term)
if '%' in term:
t = urllib.quote(term.replace('%', ''))

request = urllib2.Request(url % t, headers=DEFAULT_HEADER)

content = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(request).read())
return content
except Exception as e:
jenni.say("An error occurred fetching information from Github: {0}".format(e))
return None

# Search for repos
def github_search(jenni, term):
search_url = BASE_URL + "/search/repositories?q=%s"

content = fetch_github(search_url, term)
if content is None: return

if "items" in content:
# Take no more than 5 entries
list_names = min(len(content["items"]), 5)
full_names = ", ".join([ x["full_name"] for x in content["items"][:5] ])
jenni.say("Top {0} results: {1}".format(list_names, full_names))
jenni.say("Couldn't find any repos matching your search term")

# List open PRs
def github_prs(jenni, project):
pr_url = BASE_URL + "/repos/%s/pulls"

content = fetch_github(pr_url, project)
if content is None: return

num_pulls = len(content)

jenni.say("{0} has {1} open PRs".format(project, num_pulls))
if num_pulls > 0:
list_pulls = min(num_pulls, 5)
titles = ", ".join([ x["title"] for x in content[:5] ])
jenni.say("Latest {0} PRs: {1}".format(list_pulls, titles))

def github_contribs(jenni, project):
contrib_url = BASE_URL + "/repos/%s/contributors"

content = fetch_github(contrib_url, project)
if content is None: return

num_contribs = len(content)

jenni.say("This repo has {0} contributors".format(num_contribs))
if num_contribs > 0:
list_contribs = min(num_contribs, 5)
contribs = ", ".join([ "{0} ({1} contributions)".format(x["login"], x["contributions"]) for x in content[:5] ])
jenni.say("Top {0} contributors: {1}".format(list_contribs, contribs))

# Jenni commands start here
def gh_search(jenni, input):
origterm = input.groups()[1]
if not origterm:
return jenni.say('Perhaps you meant ".github_search repo"?')
origterm = origterm.encode('utf-8')
origterm = origterm.strip()

error = None

result = github_search(jenni, origterm)
except IOError:
error = "An error occurred connecting to Github"
except Exception as e:
error = "An unknown error occurred: " + str(e)
gh_search.commands = ['gh_search', 'github_search']
gh_search.priority = 'low'
gh_search.rate = 10

def gh_prs(jenni, input):
origterm = input.groups()[1]
if not origterm:
return jenni.say('Perhaps you meant ".github_stats user/repo"?')
origterm = origterm.encode('utf-8')
origterm = origterm.strip()

error = None

result = github_prs(jenni, origterm)
except IOError:
error = "An error occurred connecting to Github"
except Exception as e:
error = "An unknown error occurred: " + str(e)
gh_prs.commands = ['gh_prs', 'github_prs']
gh_prs.priority = 'low'
gh_prs.rate = 10

def gh_contribs(jenni, input):
origterm = input.groups()[1]
if not origterm:
return jenni.say('Perhaps you meant ".github_contribs user/repo"?')
origterm = origterm.encode('utf-8')
origterm = origterm.strip()

error = None

result = github_contribs(jenni, origterm)
except IOError:
error = "An error occurred connecting to Github"
except Exception as e:
error = "An unknown error occurred: " + str(e)
gh_contribs.commands = ['gh_contribs', 'github_contribs']
gh_contribs.priority = 'low'
gh_contribs.rate = 10

if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()

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