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Developing in Eclipse

The file in mybiblelog/src/main sets a spring.datasource.url property. This property comes directly from the environment variable JDBC_DATABASE_URL. Therefore, that environment variable must be provided when running and testing the application in Eclipse.

To configure these properties, right click the project. Under Run As, click Run Configurations.

In the left column, select Java Application > Application. In the Environment tab on the right, add a new variable:

  • Value: jdbc:h2:file:~/mybiblelog_db;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE

You will also need to add values for CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to enable OAuth2 with Google.

In the left column, select JUnit > mybiblelog. (If there is no mybiblelog under JUnit, right-click JUnit and select New Configuration.) In the environment tab add this variable:

  • Value: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb

This will ensure correct database access for three different environments:

  1. Tests will run isolated in-memory with H2
  2. Development of the application will use a persisted H2 database
  3. Heroku can configure the connection when the app is deployed to production

Eclipse and node_modules

Be sure to exclude node_modules from Eclipse's file system refresh operation, as it will significantly slow the operation with no benefit.

Follow this path through the UI and select the options below:

Project > Properties > Resource > Resource Filters > Add Filter

  • Exclude all
  • Folders
  • All children (recursive)
  • [Name][matches][node_modules]

Developing on Windows

These notes apply to developing and testing in the terminal on Windows.

On Windows, a modified Procfile must be used to run the application locally: heroku local web -f

Building with Gradle

Previously, it was necessary to set the JDBC_DATABASE_URL environment variable before running Gradle scripts like gradle build and gradle check.

This section of the build.gradle now handles that automatically:

test {
	environment "JDBC_DATABASE_URL", "jdbc:h2:mem:testdb"

Working with Postgres

The Heroku Postgres dashboard provides limited and occasionally outdated information about the provisioned database. For example, it might not display the actual number of rows among all tables. It also offers limited interaction with the database.

Fortunately, it is possible to interact with a Heroku-provisioned Postgres database from the local terminal. Simply run heroku pg:psql to get an interactive SQL terminal.

NOTE: This does require Postgres to be installed on the local machine.

-- Show each table and number of rows in each
SELECT schemaname, relname, n_live_tup 
  FROM pg_stat_user_tables 
  ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC;

-- Count total number of rows in database
SELECT SUM(n_live_tup) FROM pg_stat_user_tables;

Database Backup and Restore

Heroku's paid Postgres plans include the ability to make databse backups on the server.

For free plans, it is still possible to use heroku pg:pull and heroku pg:push to copy a database between the server and a local machine:

The pattern for using pg:pull is:

PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=password heroku pg:pull HEROKU_DATABASE_URL NEW_LOCAL_DB_NAME --app mybiblelog
  • PGUSER and PGPASSWORD are the credentials for the local database.
  • HEROKU_DATABASE_URL is the name of the database addon.
  • NEW_LOCAL_DB_NAME is the name of a NONEXISTANT local database that will be created as an exact copy of the remote database.

Usage of pg:push is similar:

PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=password heroku pg:push existing_local_db HEROKU_DATABASE_URL --app mybiblelog

The remote database needs to exist to run the command, but it must also be empty. If it is not empty, you will be prompted to pg:reset it first.

Connecting to Google OAuth2

To allow users to log in with their existing user accounts you will need to follow several steps:

Connecting to Facebook OAuth2

To allow users to log in with their existing accounts you will need to follow several steps:

  • Set up an OAuth2 app with the Facebook App Manager:
  • Get the FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID and FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables from Facebook
    • Click the app name in the dashboard
    • In the left sidebar, click "Settings"
    • Under settings, click "Basic"
    • The "App ID" and "App Secret" are at the top of the page
  • Note that you will also need to configure the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs for your app. These settings can be found under Products > Facebook Login > Settings in the left sidebar. Facebook allows localhost redirects by default, but be sure to add the Heroku subdomain and any custom domain:

It is possible for Facebook OAuth2 users to withhold their email addresses during the login flow. This is problematic as user accounts and user data are centered around the email address as a unique identifier.

This situation is handled gracefully within the app. If you wish to test it by allowing/denying your Facebook email, you can delete this app from your personal Facebook permissions to start the login flow the beginning.

Personal OAuth2 dashboard:


My Bible Log is a free online Bible reading tracker.






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