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This is documentation I've created to use as a point of reference and a resource for development projects and for those needed a guide for learning and implementing SQL

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DVD Rental Project created by Daniel


Created By Last Updated
Daniel Scott May 14, 2018

Experienced in SQL / PostgreSQL and see an issue / error in these docs?

Let me know, and I'll be happy to review and correct it.

You can also contact me by email:

What is SQL?

SQL stands for structured query language.

What are databases?

Databases are systems designed to allow people to store large amounts of data.

Databases have a wide variety of users!

  • Analysts.
  • Technical.
  • Basically anyone needed to deal with data.

From spreadsheets to databases.

Spreadsheets are very user friendly meaning that basically anyone can pick one up and start using it. They can used for one time analysis of data, and required nearly no training at all for someone to pick up and use one.

Databases are very good for handling large amounts of data. They also handle data integrity very well as well. Also, they support a very flexible array of applications.

They also support data for websites and applications.

So, when thinking of where SQL and Excel Spreadsheets come into play, try to think of Excel tabs as SQL tables.

Columns and rows in spreadsheets are very similar to those of a SQL database.

Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) that use SQL:

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MariaSQL
  • MS SQL Server Express
  • Microsoft Access
  • SQLite

Key differences between MySQL vs PostgreSQL

MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) currently developed by Oracle with open-source code. This code is available for free under the GNU General Public License. Commercial versions of MySQL are also available under various proprietary agreements. PostgreSQL is an object-RDBMS (ORDBMS) that’s developed by the PostgreSQL Global Development Group. It also has an open source, which is released under the permissive PostgresSQL License.

The differences between MySQL and PostgreSQL include the following key categories:

  • Governance
  • Supported platforms
  • Access Methods
  • Partitioning
  • Replication

Tools we'll need:

  • PostgreSQL - We'll need to download this onto our machines.
  • PG Admin


Installing PostgreSQL:

There are two options for installing PostgreSQL on your machine. If you're a windows user, you'll need to go with option B.

Option A Easy Install PostgreSQL Using App (MAC USERS):

Installing PostgreSQL on a MAC has never been easier than ever.

  • To install PgSQL, we're going to download the app.

  • There are also instructions included for using the command line interpreter / interface (CLI) tools for PostgreSQL as well.

Option B Installing PostgreSQL (Traditional Install Without APP) (MAC / WINDOWS USERS):

  • First, we'll need to go to
  • Click on the download link to download the newest version.
    • The site should navigate you to the a page with different download versions depending on your machine.
    • For windows and mac users, you'll want to choose the installer version labeled: Interactive Installer by EnterpriseDB
    • Once you've found that link, go ahead and click on it to download.
  • Following these steps will download a PGSQL (PostgreSQL) server for your machine.
  • Now you'll open the file inside of your downloads folder.
  • Your machine will present you with some default setup options; go ahead and set up all of them.
  • Then it will ask you for the install location; go ahead and accept the default.
  • Now it will ask you for the default password for the superuser for PGSQL.
  • Always make sure you take note of your password
    • A good convention is to always choose root for your dev database superuser.
  • Select the default port for the database to listen on.
  • Select the default locale for the database cluster.
  • Once selecting the rest of the default options, the installer should present you with a summary of the installation. Go ahead and accept and the installation should finish.

Installing PGAdmin

  • First go to
  • Look for the download link and click on it.
  • Select the download option: PGadmin4, for your machine. (MAC / Windows...etc)
  • Now click download.
  • Now you can go to your downloads directory and click on the executable file to start the download process.
  • Once the download process stops, you should be able to launch it.

Learning about queries using a toy database:

Now that we have PGSQL and PGadmin4 installed we're going to learn some basic SQL queries using a toy database called dvdrental.

  • Look for the dvdrental.tar file inside of this repo.
  • NOTE do not double click on or attempt to unzip this file.
    • We'll be interacting with it directly using PGSQL and PGadmin4

Getting started:

  • Go ahead and launch PGadmin4 and click on a small icon labeled serversin the upper left corner. This icon should expand and reveal another icon called PostgreSQL 10.

  • Go ahead and click on that icon to connect to PGSQL.

    • PGadmin4 will prompt you to enter your password.
    • Make sure you remembered you password from when you set up PGSQL, otherwise you will have to go though the entire install process and choose another password in order to get back to this point.
    • If PGadmin4 doesn't accept the password, you can try to leave the field blank, but chances are you'll most likely need to re-install everything.
  • Once the connection has been made, you should be able to expand the PGSQL icon to reveal databases

    • There are none at this point, so we're going to make one.
  • Go ahead and right click on PostgreSQL and select create database.

  • Then give you database a name. For the dvdrental toy database, we'll just give it a name like dvdrental.

  • Then you can just click save.

  • Now you should be able to see your new database under databases.

  • Now you can right click on dvdrental and click on restore.

    • The restore menu will pop up and give you some options of how to load the content inside of your database.
    • For format, you'll select tar.
    • For filename, you'll select the ... option.
    • This option will allow for you to find and select the .tar file for it to be uploaded in the restore.
    • Then you will see a tab for restore options.
    • Go ahead and select the Data option.
    • Doing so will load your fresh database with all of the data contained inside of the .tar file.
    • Once you've completed these steps you can click on restore
    • Once the process starts, you might get some buggy behavior.
  • Once the restore process is completed, you can right click on your database, then select refresh.

  • Then you can right click on the database again and then select query tool.

  • Now that your query tool has been retrieved you can begin running your queries.

Learning how to use PG Admin:

Creating a new database:

  • Using Your Mouse You can easily create a new database using the PG admin console by right clicking database and then selecting create > database.

    • Then a form modal will pop up allowing you to name your database.
  • Using a SQL Query in the console You can easily create a new database in the console using SQL by right-clicking on postgres and then selecting query tool.

    • Once your query tool modal pops up, you can user this query to create a new database:
    CREATE DATABASE <database name>;

Delete / Drop an existing database:

  • Using Your Mouse You can easily delete a database by right clicking the database and then selecting delete/drop, and this will delete the database.

  • Using a SQL Query in the console You can easily create a new database in the console using SQL by right-clicking on postgres and then selecting query tool.

    • Once your query tool modal pops up, you can user this query to create a new database:

Restore a Database:

To accomplish this, all you need to do is right click a freshly created database and then select restore. Then the restore menu will pop up so you can select what data to restore the database to.

Restore a Database, but only the Table Schema

These instructions will show how to restore just the table schema of the database.

Why would you need to do this? Perhaps you might need to move the location of the table schema and you don't want to copy over the actual data that's contained inside of the table.

  • There are two ways you can restore a database with only the table schemas:
    • Option 1:

      • Create the database.
      • Then right click the newly created database and select restore.
      • The restore modal will pop up and then you can select a .tar file containing a saved database.
      • Go to the restore options tab and then select Only Schema.
      • PGadmin4 will then load your new database with only the schemas and not the data contained inside of them.
    • Option 2:

      • Take an existing database.
      • Then right click the newly created database and select restore.
      • The restore modal will pop up and then you can select a .tar file containing a saved database.
      • Go to the restore options tab and then select Only Schema, and then Clean before restore.
      • PGadmin4 will then load your new database with only the schemas and not the data contained inside of them.

SQL Queries

The following syntax covered in this section can be used for any SQL Platform.

The Select Statement.

Sometimes this is referred to the SELECT clause.

Important Note The syntax used here is case insensitive. However, by convention, we use our SQL keyword in uppercase to make the code easier to read and standout.

  • Select all from table:

One important note about using the * inside of select statement to query a small set of data. This isn't the most efficient way to query a SQL database because it will increase traffic to your SQL server, thus slowing it down.

However for the purpose of this exercise, you can use it for practice and familiarity since the dvd rental database is very small compared to a production level database.

  • Select column from table:
  • Select multiple columns from table:

Exercise Time!

  • You're an employee at ABC DVD Rentals and your manager has told you they're planning on sending out promotional coupon emails to your existing customers!

  • Write a query that selects the first name, last name, and email from customer.

  • HINT: You'll need to check for a customer table inside of dvdrental

  • 3 Minutes!

The Select Distinct Statement

Sometimes, within a table, your columns might contain duplicate data, and you might want to just list the different (Distinct) values. This is a where the SELECT DISTINCT keyword comes in.

This is a very powerful statement because it will only return the distinct values.

  • SELECT DISTINCT with multiple columns:

Here are some really good examples for this:

SELECT DISTINCT rental_rate FROM film;
SELECT DISTINCT release_year FROM film;

Exercise Time!

  • It's another day at the DVD store, and a new customer is wanting to know all of the distinct rating types that are available in the store.

  • Write a query that returns the distinct rating values for all the films in the database.

  • HINT: You'll need to use the film table inside of the dvdrental database.

  • 3 Minutes!

The Select Where statement

This query is extremely powerful as it give you the ability to be very specific as to which pieces of data are queried based on certain conditions.

  • So, for example:
  • For multiple columns:
  • You can also write your queries like this:

Let's go over the SELECT WHERE statement / clause in more detail:

SQL gives us some really awesome operators we can use to set our WHERE conditionals. Here's an example with the = operator:

SELECT first_name FROM customer WHERE first_name = 'Jamie';

We use the SELECT WHERE statement / clause with logical operators:

Operator Description
= Equal
> Greater Than
< Less Than
>= Greater Than or equal
<= Less Than or equal
<> or != Not equal
AND Logical Operator AND
OR Logical Operator OR

Here's an example of using a logical operator with a SELECT WHERE statement.

Let's say it was another day at the DVD rental store and you needed to find out which customers paid $4.99 for their rental.

SELECT customer_id, amount
FROM payment
WHERE amount = '4.99'

You can also combine this query with a logical operator OR if you also wanted to know if they paid $4.99 or $1.99.

SELECT customer_id, amount
FROM payment
WHERE amount = '4.99'
OR amount = '1.99'

Here's another example:

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
WHERE store_id = 1 OR store_id = 2
AND address_id >= 5;

Exercise Time!

Time to practice your SELECT WHERE statement.

Challenge #1 🏆 It's another day at the DVD rental store and someone brings a wallet they found on the floor to the front desk where you're working at. The wallet belongs to Nancy Thomas. Using all of the knowledge we have now, try to think of a way to query Nancy's email from the database.

  • 5 minutes!

Challenge #2 🏆 🏆 Shortly after you email Nancy about her wallet, a whimsical man comes up to you asking about the film 'Outlaw Hanky' and wants to know what it's about. Using what we know about the SELECT WHERE statement, find the Description for this film for the customer.

  • 5 minutes

Challenge #3 🏆 🏆 🏆 The end of your workday is approaching at the DVD rental store and your manager is having you check to see who's late on their movie return. Your manager hands you a report that only shows the addresses of the persons who are late on their return.

Your manager wants you to look up the first person on the list because they are 30 days late. Their address is '259 Ipoh Drive', using what we know about SELECT WHERE, query your database for the phone number for this person.

  • 5 minutes

The Count Function

The count function returns a specific number of input rows that match a specific condition of a query.

Here's a sample count function


You can also pass a specific column name as an argument into the count parameters, but since count actually returns the number of rows, you can just pass in an asterisk instead.

Another example would be:


-- For the DVD rental database, the returned value would be: 14596

We can also pass in the SQL keyword, DISTINCT to get the count of distinct rows inside of a column like this:


-- The Server running the DVD rental database would return 19

-- or

-- You can also pass in a column into DISTINCT as an argument as well


So, in essence, the count function will return the number of rows returned by a SELECT clause.

FROM address
WHERE address = '259 Ipoh Drive'

--> 1

So, if we used this clause for that last query you ran to find the phone number, this would return 1, since there is only one row containing a phone number matching the where condition.

The LIMIT clause

This statement/clause allows you to limit the amount of rows returned. This is a fairly straightforward clause to you for your queries so we can look at one example below:

FROM customer

-- This will return the first row in the database


This clause allows us to sort how data is returned either by ascending or descending order based on a specific criteria.

NOTE The ORDER BY clause will always result in ASC ascending order by default if none specified.

So, for example, you could order customer in the dvdrental database like so:

SELECT last_name
FROM customer
ORDER BY last_name DESC

-- This query will essentially return all of the names from the last names column,
-- but sorted by the first name in descending order.

Here's another example:

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
ORDER BY first_name DESC;

-- This query would return the first and last names ordered by first name in descending order

You can also sort multiple columns as well:

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
ORDER BY first_name ASC,
last_name ASC;

Try this last query inside of the dvdrental toy database, and look for how the two people with the first name Kelly are sorted (ROWS 327-328).

Now order last_name by DESC and check those rows again.

Exercise Time!

Challenge #1 🏆 It's another day at the DVD rental store and your manager has decided to do something extra special for your top customers.

That said, your manager wants you to query the database to return the customer ID numbers for the top ten highest payment amounts.

1st HINT You'll need to look around for the right table to run your query on.

2nd HINT You'll need to take your prior knowledge to limit the amount of rows returned in your query.

  • 5 minutes

Challenge #2 🏆 🏆 Later that day, your manager informs you of an upcoming inventory change and needs to begin gathering movie titles by film_id in groups of 5.

Go ahead and query your database engine to return the titles for movies with a film id from 1-5.

1st HINT You'll need need to look around for the right table.

2st HINT You can use a LIMIT or WHERE clause for this query.

The Between, IN, and LIKE statements

The Between statement allows us to match a value against a particular range of values.

This statement provides us with a nice way of writing a query that basically accomplishes the following:

value => low and value <= high

So, in essence, we could use our dvdrental database to query specific data using a between statement like this:

SELECT amount
FROM payment
WHERE amount
BETWEEN .99 AND 2.99;

-- This query would return all values greater than or equal to .99
-- and less than or equal to 2.99

You can also use NOT BETWEEN to return values that are not in between the given range:

SELECT amount
FROM payment
WHERE amount

What do you think this example does?

SELECT customer_id, payment, amount
FROM payment
WHERE amount

We could technically get away with using comparison operators, but the BETWEEN statement just makes our queries much more elegant.

Here's another example of searching for a dates in a particular range using the BETWEEN statement:

SELECT payment_date
FROM payment
WHERE payment_date
BETWEEN '2007-02-07'
AND '2007-02-15'

You can literally use a string literal with the date inside using the format above.

The IN statement

This statement is always combined with the WHERE statement allows us to check if a values matches any value in a list of values.

The IN statement is also considered a sub query.

Here's an example of a SQL query using the IN statement:

SELECT customer_id, rental_id, return_date
FROM rental
WHERE customer_id IN(7, 13, 10)
ORDER BY return_date DESC --Using the ORDER BY clause is optional

-- This query would return all the results where the customer id matches ids 7, 13, and 10

The LIKE statement

With PostgreSQL and other SQL engines, you can use the LIKE statement along with wildcard characters such as %, and _ for pattern matching. This is a super smart way of finding data based on very little information.

Let's suppose you wanted to find where or not a person exists in your database. You know their last name starts with Ka, but you're not sure how it ends. You can use the LIKE % pattern matching operator to find them. The LIKE statement always goes hand in hand with the WHERE statement.

FROM customer
WHERE last_name LIKE 'Ka%'
ORDER BY last_name

-- This query would return results with the last name starting with 'Ka'
-- like 'Kahn' for example

You can also use the % wildcard operator to find results matching all of the characters before a known value. Let's suppose you wanted to find all of the first names that end in the character y. You could search like this.

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
WHERE first_name LIKE '%y'
ORDER BY first_name;

-- This query would return all of the names from the first_name column
-- that end with the character y

There's another way of using this wildcard operator where you can search for characters in between a set of characters like this:

FROM customer
WHERE first_name LIKE '%er%'
ORDER BY first_name

There's another wildcard operator we can use, the _, and this operator allows us to indicate a single character.

So, in essence, we could find a name that contains certain characters that come immediately after a single character.

Say we wanted to find a name containing 'er' that can directly after a single character.

Here's an example below:

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
WHERE first_name LIKE '_her%'
ORDER BY first_name DESC

You can also use the NOT statement directly before LIKE to get all pf the results that don't match the conditions:

SELECT first_name, last_name
FROM customer
WHERE first_name NOT LIKE '_her%'
ORDER BY first_name DESC

You can also signify case insensitivity by using ILIKE, so:

FROM customer
WHERE last_Name
ILIKE '%Er%'
ORDER BY first_name
LIMIT 100;

Challenge Time Review Edition!

Challenge #1 🏆

It's another day at the video rental store and your manager has asked you to count all of the payment transactions that are greater than $5.00.

  • 5 Minutes

Challenge #2 🏆 🏆

You're helping one of your co-workers organize the movies and you need to find all of the movies that start with the letter -

  • 5 Minutes

Challenge #3 🏆 🏆 🏆

You're manager is wanting to do some research about the community to better understand the customer base. So they've asked for you to find how many unique districts your customers are from.

This challenge will be much harder to complete.

  • HINT: You will need to use the address table.
  • HINT: You will need to use the DISTINCT statement.


Now retrieve the names for those distinct districts.

Challenge #4 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆

Later that day your manager needs more help with handling inventory, so you've been asked to find how many films have a rating of R and also have a replacement cost of $5, and $15.

Challenge #5 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 You place a bet with a co-worker that you know how many films are in the inventory that have the word truman somewhere in the title. Your friend says there are 3, and you say there's 5. Who was right?

Count how many films have the word Truman somewhere in the title.

Challenge #6 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 Your manager comes to you very concerned because they are curious as to how many customers received a free rental from the employee with the staff_id of 1

Challenge #7 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 Now that you've discovered how many freebies were given, your manager now wants to know the total amount pf payments that were charged by the employee with a staff_id of 1.

Getting familiar with MIN MAX and AVG SUM


SQL gives us the ability to SELECT the average of an aggregate amount of a column by using the AVG statement.

So for example, let's say we wanted to find the average of the amount column from the payment table:

We could execute our query like this:

SELECT AVG(amount)
FROM payment;
-- We would get a huge number like this: "4.2006056453822965"

Sometimes, we'll end up with a number containing a large amount of decimal places.

To handle this, we can also use the ROUND() function to round our AVG operator to a specific number of decimal places.

Here's an example of that:

SELECT ROUND(AVG(amount), 2)
FROM payment;


This query allows us to select a row with the MIN min value. So, an example of that would be:

SELECT MIN(amount)
FROM payment;

or with the ROUND function:

SELECT ROUND(MIN(amount), 1)
FROM payment;


Max is very straightforward as it's literally the exact opposite to MIN

Here's an example:

SELECT MAX(amount)
FROM payment;

or, with round:

SELECT ROUND(MAX(amount), 2)
FROM payment;

The Group By Clause

This clause divides the rows returned from the SELECT statement into groups

So, for example, if we wanted to see all of the customer ids inside of the payment table:

SELECT customer_id as customers
FROM payment
GROUP BY customer_id
ORDER BY customer_id ASC

In this instance, we've used our GROUP BY clause like a DISTINCT Statement

We could have easily performed this query like this and it would have worked:

SELECT DISTINCT(customer_id) AS customers
FROM payment
ORDER BY customer_id ASC

Here are some more examples:

SELECT customer_id AS customers, SUM(amount) AS amount_paid
FROM payment
GROUP BY customer_id
ORDER BY customer_id;
SELECT rental_duration, COUNT(rental_duration)
FROM film
GROUP BY rental_duration
ORDER BY rental_duration;
SELECT rating, ROUND(AVG(rental_rate), 2)
FROM film
GROUP BY rating;

Exercise Time!

Time to test our understanding of GROUP BY

Challenge #1 🏆 So, it's another day in at work, you were recently promoted to assistant manager and your branch manager has requested your help in determining how to reward the employee.

You both decided to reward the employee the highest transactions and sales tendered amount.

You'll need to write a query that can help you determine how many transactions were performed and the total of those transactions by customer

Challenge #2 🏆 🏆

The following day you find out that corporate headquarters is preparing to audit the store. They'll need to know the average replacement cost of movies by rating.

Challenge #3 🏆 🏆 🏆

Later that day you and your branch manager decide to reward the top five highest spenders in the store. You're going to need to write a query that will find the customer_id's of the top five highest spenders.

The HAVING statement

The Having clause is normally used in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause to filter group rows that do not satisfy a specific condition.

In other words, the HAVING clause can be used to return rows from a GROUP BY statement where a specific condition is true.

Another helpful way of thinking about the HAVING clause is that it's almost like the WHERE clause, but with a GROUP BY statement.

When and where would I use the HAVING clause versus the WHERE statement?

  • The having clause sets the condition for the group rows created by the GROUP BY clause after the GROUP BY clause applies.

  • The WHERE clause sets the the condition before the GROUP BY clause applies.

SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount)
FROM payment
GROUP BY customer_id
HAVING SUM(amount) > 200;
-- This query will return the total sum and customer_id's for customers
-- who spent more than $200

Here's another example:

SELECT store_id, COUNT(customer_id)
FROM customer
GROUP BY store_id
HAVING COUNT(customer_id) > 300;

-- This query will count the rows containing customer_id's and group them by store_id. In this particular case we would able to find with store based on store_id had more than 300 customers.

Exercise Time!

Now it's time to practice with some of the skills we've learned so far.

Challenge #1 🏆 There's exciting news at the DVD rental store, corporate headquarters has decided to debut a new credit card program for customers who frequently visit the store.

Write a query that will allow you to find customers who have at least 40 total transaction payments. You will need to use a GROUP BY and a HAVING statement for your query.

Challenge #2 🏆 🏆 You are your manager are trying to determine the average rental duration of films grouped by rating. Specifically those who's average is greater than 5 days.

The AS statement

This statement allows us to rename columns to an alias of our choosing. This is especially helpful when using JOINS

Here's a quick example of how this works:

SELECT SUM(amount) AS total_sale
FROM payment;

Here's another example:

SELECT customer_id, SUM(amount) AS total_spent
FROM payment
GROUP BY customer_id
ORDER BY customer_id DESC;

An Overview of JOINS

Joins are extremely important to know for managing you database. Especially when it involves relational database management systems (RDBMS) like PostgreSQL.

Suppose you have a table of customers and some kind of reference to your customers in another table of addresses where each customer lives.

When the time comes when you need to find the address of each customer, how could your do that?


SQL gives us JOINS as an extremely powerful query and a means to connect tables together based on their relationship, like the customer to customer address example.

The INNER JOIN, which can also be referred to as just a JOIN statement is just one example of a statement that only returns matching corresponding rows between different tables.

Here's some more examples:

SELECT customer.customer_id, payment.customer_id,
first_name, last_name, amount, email, payment_date
FROM customer
INNER JOIN payment
ON customer.customer_id = payment.customer_id
WHERE first_name
LIKE 'Ja%'

We can shorthand our INNER JOIN queries also by just using JOIN and it will run as an INNER JOIN by default.

SELECT first_name, last_name, SUM(amount)
FROM customer
JOIN payment
ON customer.customer_id = payment.customer_id
GROUP BY first_name, last_name

Here's another powerful example you can use

SELECT title, COUNT(title) AS copies_store_1
FROM film
JOIN inventory
ON inventory.film_id=film.film_id
WHERE store_id=1
GROUP BY title
ORDER by title;

Again, INNER join will only connect the tables where they have matching corresponding rows.


Unlike the INNER JOIN, the FULL OUTER JOIN will return all records from the joining tables that are a match as well as the records that don't match. The missing side on either table will contain a null value if there is no match. So, essence, there's a possibility for a null value to appear on both sides of the joined tables if there is no match.

Here's an example of a FULL OUTER JOIN query

SELECT first_name, last_name, amount, payment_date
FROM customer
ON customer.customer_id=payment.customer_id


The LEFT OUTER JOIN will produce a full set of data for all tables, connect the tables where they have matching corresponding rows, but if there is no match on the right side, the value will be null.

Why would we do this?

Let's suppose we had our films table that listed all of the films, our inventory table, and we needed to know which films were not in inventory, we could use a LEFT JOIN to find the diff based on the null values that will appear in the right side.

SELECT title,
film.film_id AS film_ids_from_films,
inventory.film_id as film_ids_from_inventory
FROM film
ON inventory.film_id = film.film_id
ORDER BY inventory.inventory_id DESC;

With a left join, we we'll get everything we requested with our FROM statement.

film.film_id film.title inventory.film_id inventory.inventory_id
1 Jurassic Park [null] [null]
2 Shawshank Redemption 2 24
3 Kung Fury [null] [null]
4 IP Man 4 321


This join is almost completely identical to the LEFT OUTER JOIN but the only difference is that the table joined on the left side will have null values where it doesn't match the right table.

SELECT first_name, last_name, amount, payment_date
FROM customer
ON customer.customer_id=payment.customer_id


Time to look at the UNION operator is another powerful SQL query that allows us to combine the result sets of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set.

Although this is indeed a powerful SQL Query, it's important to take note that there are some important rules that come with it.

  • When combining two SELECT statements, both queries must return the same number of columns.
    • So for example, if the first SELECT statement returns two columns, the second SELECT statement must also return two columns.
  • Also, those corresponding columns in the queries must have compatible datatypes.
    • So, for example, if the first SELECT statement returns a column 1 of integer type data, then the second SELECT statement for column 1 should return a column of integers.

Here's an example of UNION

SELECT <column_1>, <column_2>
FROM <table_1>
SELECT <column_1>, <column_2>
FROM <table_2>


This is a SQL query that allow you to join two rows on the same table. In order to make a self-join, you'll need to use an alias so your SQL engine will be able to tell both sides of your query apart.

Let's see an example:

Say you wanted to see who in the customer table had the same name as first name as someone else in the table who had the name as a last name.

SELECT a.customer_id,
a.first_name, a.last_name,
b.first_name, b.last_name
FROM customer AS a, customer AS b
WHERE a.first_name = b.last_name

One thing you'll probably notice here is that for a SELF JOIN, this SQL syntax doesn't use the JOIN keyword, and that's simply because it's a self-join.

Now you could use the JOIN keyword if you like, but you'll just need to remember to use your aliases.

Here's an example of a SELF JOIN using the JOIN keyword:

SELECT a.customer_id, a.first_name, a.last_name,
b.customer_id, b.first_name, b.last_name
FROM customer AS a
JOIN customer AS b
ON a.first_name = b.last_name

Although you could probably accomplish the same task with a subquery, there's a huge performance benefit to using a self-join.

So, we've looked at several JOIN cases / applications.

What is the best use case for each?

  • An INNER JOIN or JOIN would work best for when you only want to return the matching results from each table.

  • A 'FULL OUTER JOIN' would work best if you want to return ALL of the results of both tables, regardless if either side has matching corresponding sides. So this query could produce a result where two joined tables will have null values when there isn't a match.

  • A LEFT OUTER JOIN or LEFT JOIN would return a complete data set for the left side, or in other words, the table your including in your FROM statement / clause. Then the table your including in your JOIN statement / clause , or the right side, would show all matching values, and non-matching (null) values.

  • A RIGHT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT JOIN is nearly identical to the LEFT JOIN except it's the complete opposite. In this case, the table on the left side, or the table you're including in your FROM statement / clause would return all matching values and all non-matching (null) values to the table included in your JOIN statement / clause, or the right side. This table would just show all values.

You could technically create the same affect of a RIGHT JOIN using a LEFT JOIN' by switching the tables in both FROMandJOIN`

There are no specific use cases other than the business case and data organization / formatting requirements you'll need. Using Outer Joins are extremely useful when wanting to understand where each data set differs, and perhaps displaying those differences in a meaningful way by having the option of switching from the FULL, LEFT or RIGHT can make this process a lot easier.

SQL Timestamps

This section will go over timestamps and how to use them specifically while using PostgreSQL. It's important to know that each SQL engine uses timestamps differently, so it's important to refer to the documentation when dealing with timestamps with other SQL Engines.

SQL allows us to use the timestamp data type to retain time information. It's also important to know how to extract certain information from timestamp objects.

PostgreSQL as well as other SQL engines provide us with an extract function we can use to extract information from timestamp objects.

Here's some useful documentation on this topic as well.

Let's see an example of the extract function specifically for extracting the day from the timestamp object:

SELECT customer_id, extract (day from payment_date) AS day
FROM payment;

This would be the output:

customer_id day
341 15
343 16
261 16

Why would we would need this.

The best way to explain this would be to provide an example

Let's say you wanted to know the month of the highest gross total of sales:

SELECT SUM(amount), extract(month from payment_date) AS month
FROM payment
GROUP BY month
ORDER by SUM(amount)

This query would return the following results:

sum month
28559.46 4

There are many things you can do with the extract function, but this is just a small example. If you would like to see other tools you can use with this function besides extracting the month or a day, you can read the official documentation

Mathematical Functions and Operators SQL

Here's a link to the documentation for Mathematical functions and operators.

There are many different SQL Mathematical functions we can use while working with a database, but it's only necessary to interact with the most common one:

The ROUND() SQL Mathematical function is and will be the most common one we'll use.

Here's an example of using some common mathematical operators in our queries.

First, we'll look at our data:

FROM payment
payment_id customer_id staff_id rental_id amount payment_date
17503 341 2 1520 7.99 2007-02-15 22:25:46.996577
SELECT customer_id + staff_id AS new_id
FROM payment;

Again, there are many things you can do with mathematical functions and operators, but this is just a very high level overview of them.

String Functions

Here is the official documentation on string functions for PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL gives us a bunch of amazing string functions you can use to manipulate or analyze columns containing data made of strings, such as text for example:

The concatenation operator

``SQL ||

So, for example:

SELECT first_name || ' ' || last_Name AS full_name
FROM customer

This would return a result like this:

Jared Ely

The char_length() Function

Here's another useful string function that can be used to fund the length of characters in a string.

SELECT first_name, char_length(first_name)
FROM customer;

This query would return the following result:

first_name char_length
Jared 5

The upper() Function

SELECT upper(first_name) as fname_allcaps
FROM customer;

This query would return the following result:


Experienced in SQL / PostgreSQL and see an issue / error in these docs?

Let me know, and I'll be happy to review and correct it.

The Subquery

Here's another powerful query we can use for SQL that can make data analysis so much easier. Let's say you wanted to know which films had a rental rate that was higher than the average rental rate. One approach would be to find the average first, take note of it, and then run another query to find the films where the rental rate was higher than the previous query's result.

For for example:

SELECT AVG(rental_rate)
FROM film;

-- 3

Then you'd need to run another query just to find the diff where films are renting for a rate higher than the average.

Here's how we can address the same task, but with a SQL subquery inside of a WHERE clause:

Keep in mind that the subquery inside the parentheses runs first and then the outer query runs second.

SELECT title, rental_rate
FROM film
WHERE rental_rate<(SELECT AVG(rental_rate) FROM film)

This query would produce a result of all the films with a rental rate higher than the average we found earlier.

Sub Queries can get extremely complex at times as they are a very powerful way to query your database.

Here's how they can become even more daunting:

SELECT film_id, title, description
FROM film
WHERE film_id IN (SELECT inventory.film_id FROM rental
INNER JOIN inventory ON inventory.inventory_id = rental.inventory_id
WHERE return_date BETWEEN '2005-05-29' AND '2005-05-30')

PostgreSQL Data Types

The purpose of datatypes in databases allows for data integrity, meaning people won't be able to insert whatever data they choose into our columns. Setting a datatype for our columns tells our SQL engine what kind of data the column should accept.

PostgreSQL supports the following datatypes:

  • Boolean
    • Can hold one of two possible values, or null if unknown.
    • You must use the key work boolean or bool when declaring a new column with this data type.
True Values False Values
yes no
true false
1 0
y n
  • Character

    • Single Character char - only one character allowed.
    • Fixed Length char(n) - SQL will pad any unused space.
    • Variable Length varchar(n) - SQL will not pad unused space.
  • Number

    • Integers.
      • smallint - 2 bytes - range(-32,768 - 32,767).
      • int - 4 bytes - range(-214,783,648 - 214,783,647).
      • serial same as integer but PostgreSQL will auto populate this and it is auto. incrementing.
  • Floating point numbers.

    • float(n).
    • real or float8 is a double-precision(8-byte) floating point number.
    • numeric or numeric(p,s) is a real number with p digits with an s number after the decimal point. The numeric(p,) is the exact number.
  • Temporal date and time-related data Types.

    • date
    • time
    • timestamp
    • interval
    • timestamptz
  • Special Types

  • Array

Primary and Foreign Keys

  • Primary Key Represents a column or a group of columns and is used to identify a row uniquely in a table. We use constraints to define primary keys.
    • A table can only have one primary key.
    • Its a good practice to add a primary key to every table.
    • So for example, for a table for customers having a customer id, name, phone number etc. the customer id would most likely be the primary key, because it identifies that customer row uniquely in the row in the table.
    • We would never want to use a first_name or last_name as a table's primary key column because there will be a possibility of having duplicate values, and that can cause a lot of problems in the future.
    • The primary key is typically the first column in the table.
    • A serial Number data type is typically used for the primary key, because it will auto-increment itself as a new row is created - this will also help you avoid duplicate values.

So, where we're creating a table and a primary key for that table, this is what it woild look like:

CREATE TABLE table_name(
  column_name data_type PRIMARY KEY,
  column_name data_type, ...);
  • Foreign Key A Foreign key is a field or group of fields in a table that uniquely identifies a row in another table. So in other words, a foreign key is defined in a table where it refers to the primary key in another table.

So, the table that contains the foreign key is called the referencing table or child table, and the table to which the foreign key references is called the referenced table, or parent table. A table can have multiple foreign keys depending on its relationship with other tables.

Here's an example. Let's say we have the customer table and a payment table. The payment table has a payment_id column, which represents each instance of a payment. The payment table also has a foreign key called customer_id, which happens to be the primary key on the customer table. So there might be multiple instances of payment columns on the payments table with referencing the same customer_id from the customer table.

In PostgreSQL, Foreign Keys are defined by constraints. These constraints indicate the match of values from a column in the child table to a column in the parent table.

So, in summary, the purpose of a foreign key is to maintain referential integrity between parent and child tables.

Column Constraints:

Column constraints, set the rules for the column.

  • Not Null - The value of the column cannot be NULL.

    • The data that gets inserted into the column cannot be NULL (blank)
  • Unique - the values inserted into the column must be unique across the whole table.

    • Take a username, or email for example.
    • There can be an exception to this if NULL values are inserted into this table, because PostgreSQL considers each NULL value as unique - Keep in mind that is standard isn't shared across every SQL engine.
  • PRIMARY KEY - this constraint is the combination of NOT NULL and UNIQUE constraints.

    • When defining one column as the PRIMARY KEY, you would use a column level constraint.
    • However, when the primary key contains multiple columns, you'll need to use the table level constraint.
  • CHECK - this enables to check a condition when you insert of update data.

  • REFERENCES - constrains the value of the column that exists in column in another table

Table Constraints.

So, in PostgreSQL as well as other SQL engines, we have table constraints that allow us to control how data is managed by more than one column. A list of columns, if you will.

  • UNIQUE(column_list) - To force the value stored in the columns listed inside the parentheses to be unique.

  • PRIMARY KEY(column_list) - To define the primary key that consists of multiple columns.

  • CHECK(condition) - To check a condition when inserting or updating data.

  • REFERENCES - To constrain the value stored in the column that must exist in a column in another table.


Let's make sure we can create a DATABASE using the psql shell.

So, first, open up a terminal and fire up a psql shell.


You should see a command prompt like this:


Now you can list your databases like this:


You should get some like of read out like this print in your console:

 Hackerman             | Hackerman | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
 booklist              | postgres  | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
 dvdrental             | postgres  | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
 postgres              | postgres  | UTF8     | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

(4 rows)

Now that you've created a database and you can list it to see what it looks like in the shell, let's connect to it with \c followed by the name of your database:


Awesome! We're going to create some tables and then some rows inside of those tables.

CREATE TABLE account(user_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  created_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
  last_login TIMESTAMP)
CREATE TABLE role(role_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  role_name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL);

Now you can create a table simply with the following syntax:

CREATE TABLE table_name -- First your specify the table name after CREATE TABLE
(column_name TYPE column_contraint, -- column names separated by comma

NOTE You can add the following syntax if you're unsure if you've created a table or not:

  • This will ensure your PostgreSQL engine skips over creating the table if it already exists.
  column_name data_type Constraint,
  column_2_name data_type Constraint

Now what if we wanted to insert information into the table?

Insert Data

First let's look at an example:

INSERT INTO table_name(
  column_1, column_2)
VALUES(value1, value2);

The syntax is pretty straight forward.

  • First we start with the INSERT INTO statement.

  • The we specify the table name.

  • The we open our parentheses and add each column by name.

  • Then we use the keyword VALUES, and we add the values in the same order as we specified the columns in the INSERT INTO statement.

We could also insert multiple rows into a table at the same time using the same syntax like so:

INSERT INTO table_name(column_1, column_2)
VALUES(value1, value2),
(value1, value2),
(value1, value2);

You can also easily insert a copy of a row from one table into another table like this:

INSERT INTO table_name(
  SELECT * FROM other_table
  WHERE condition

What if we needed to learn how to UPDATE?

Let's learn how to update the values of the rows in the columns.

Here's an example of the syntax

UPDATE table_name
SET column_1=value1,
column_2, value2,
WHERE condition;
  • First, we use the UPDATE syntax to tell our SQL engine we'll be updating.

  • The we specify the table we're working with by name.

  • Then we use the SET statement in conjunction with the column name setting it to the new value.

  • We can also add additional columns separated by commas.

  • Now, if we don't add a WHERE statement to specify with row we want to update, this query will update all the rows in the columns.

  • We can also see the all the data we updated get returned back to us by using a RETURNING *.

  • Here's and example:

UPDATE table_name
SET column_1=value1,
WHERE condition RETURNING *;

You can also just request certain columns back instead of returning everything:

UPDATE table_name
SET column=value
WHERE condition RETURNING column, column_2, column_3;


Okay, so we've covered quite a bit, what if we needed to DELETE rows in a table?

Just like the other methods we learned, the syntax for this operation is pretty straight forward.

Let's take a look at an example:

DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE condition;

NOTE if you omit the WHERE clause, all of the rows in the table will be deleted.

The DELETE statement will return the number of rows deleted, but if no rows were deleted, the statement will return 0.


What if we needed to alter a table such as change the name of the table, or add / remove an entire column?

PostgreSQL gives us a few very powerful queries we can do to accomplish this very task.

Change the table name:

Here's the syntax for changing the table name:

ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO  new_table_name;

Add a new column to the table:

Here's the syntax for adding a column to an existing table using ALTER TABLE:

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD COLUMN new_column_name data_type constraint;

Drop a column from a table:

Here's the syntax for removing / dropping a column from an existing database:

ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;


Contact the Author:

You can also contact me by email:


This is documentation I've created to use as a point of reference and a resource for development projects and for those needed a guide for learning and implementing SQL






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