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MyNode CLI commands

Abhishek Shandilya edited this page Aug 18, 2020 · 1 revision

These commands are located in /rootfs/standard/usr/bin on this GitHub repo, are placed at /usr/bin on the device


Get the serial number of the device. This is not the product key for premium services.


Find the device type. It is either raspi3, raspi4, rock64, rockpro64 or debian


Get information about quicksync and connected peers.


Shows the status of all the mynode-relavant apps and services in a tabular form and color-coding. It extracts the status from systemctl status.


Manually unlocks the lightning wallet run on LND. It must be run with sudo.


Manually upgrade myNode by pulling files from remote (or local) server. It must be run with sudo and IP adddress must be provided as an argument. Optional second argument (www or files) are meant for developers who don't to run a full upgrade and avoid reboot.


Safely reboots the device after stopping critical services to avoid potential data corruption. It must be run with sudo.


Stops critical services of mynode like bitcoin, electrum, lnd. It must be run with sudo.