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Myoperator Libmemcached

This library is intended to be used as a basic memcached connector with few adddons as required in myopeator projects. Otherwise, this is same as using memcached library.


  • Namespaces and defines
  • PSR-4 autoloading compliant structure
  • Unit-Testing with PHPUnit
  • Easy to use to any framework or even a plain php file


You can easily install this package by adding following section in your composer.json:

"repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

and then doing: composer require myoperator/libmemcached:dev-master

or by adding following to your composer.json:

  "require": {
        "myoperator/libmemcached": "dev-master"

The composer.json will look like

    "require": {
        "myoperator/libmemcached": "dev-master"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""


  1. Include vendor/autoload in your project
   include_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
  1. Configure the package
  use \MyOperator\LibMemcached;

  $memcache = LibMemcached::getInstance(['host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '11211']); //defaults to

  // Get value
  $val = $memcache->get('a'); // Null
  $memcache->set('a', 1); // a = 1
  $memcache->increment('a'); // a =2
  $memcache->decrement('a'); // a =1


Since this is a memcache library, hence any code using this library, tends to avoid actual network requests (which this library makes) for its unit tests.

To prevent those network scenarios, this library conviniently provides a mocking instance to test some of the memcached's most used methods, which includes:

  • get
  • set
  • increment
  • decrement
  • addServer
  • getVersion

To mock this library in any framework, you can simple use this sample code

$mockedMemcacheInstance = \MyOperator\LibMemcached::getMockInstance();

// Now you can pretty much do anything you'd expect with memcache, to simulate unit test behaviours
// For example, setting and getting values is easy :)

$mockedMemcacheInstance->set('key', 'val');

$mockedMemcacheInstance->get('key'); //returns 'val'

Please see the tests/unit directory to see what methods can be mocked and how to use the mocks.


  • Add phpdoc documentation