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NOTE: Development on PopIt has stopped and it is no longer being maintained. Please read the announcement to find out more .


Python bindings to connect to the PopIt API. You can create, read, update and delete any items from PopIt through this Binding. Actually, this is only a convenient wrapper around PopIt's RESTful API.


PopIt-Python is available as a module on PyPi, to install, simply run:

pip install PopIt-Python

Alternatively, clone this repo and install as you see fit.

How do I use this when I want to...

First, you'll need to get the PopIt binding object. Make sure PopIt as running and that you have all the information you need. Then get the object use the PopIt constructor. :

from popit_api import PopIt

api = PopIt(instance='professors',
  • instance Name of the instance you created. There can be more than one for one installation.
  • hostname The hostname of the PopIt server.
  • api_version The version of the PopIt API. Since there may be changes in the way you access the data in PopIt you want to have a stable API version. We recommend that you use the latest version, if possible.
  • port The port that PopIt is listening on. This probably is 80 or 3000. 80 is the default.
  • api_key This is the API key you can request by clicking 'Get API key' in the PopIt web interface for your instance, as described in the documentation.

If you're still using an older PopIt instance and have not upgraded your account for the new, more secure authentication system, instead of api_key you can supply user and password:

  • user Your username, the email address that you created the instance with
  • password The password you were emailed when creating the instance

…create something?

This PopitWrapper lets you easily create a new item by name. This can be a person, organization or position. There may be other options that you can find in the PopIt API documentation. :

new_person ={'name': 'Albert Keinstein'})

# get the id of the newly created item
id = new_person['result']['_id']

…read something

If you want to get a single item from PopIt, use name(id). :

# you need a valid ID for example from the create process.
person = api.persons(id).get()

To get all Items from a kind, use get(). :

people = api.persons.get()

…update something?

result = api.persons(id).put({"name": "Albert Einstein"})

…delete something?

successfully_deleted = api.persons(id).delete()

…get an error?

This is easy. This wrapper helps you with various error messages that help you get the wrapper working. Here are some explanations for error messages.

HttpClientError: Client Error 404 You are looking for an item that does not exist. Please provide a valid id. This Error can happen when you ty to create, read, update or delete an item.

HttpClientError: Client Error 401 You wanted to create, update or delete an item but provided a wrong username or password.

Note: You won't see this error before you actually try to modify any data.

SchemaError: 'foo does not exist. Try one of these schemas: organizations, positions, persons.' This happens when you try to get data from a schema that does not exist (in this case foo). The available schemas are determined when you first create the api object.

…get more information about what's going on internally? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Enable logging. :

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN, format=FORMAT)


If you don't use pip to install the module, you'll also need:

  • requests (pip install requests==0.14.2)
  • slumber (pip install slumber)

Note you need to specify the version of requests, because slumber does not and it is not compatible with requests >= 1.0.0 yet. It also needs to be specified and installed before slumber, else slumber's requirements.txt will override it and your specified version won't be installed.

How to run the tests

  • Copy the file to
  • Change the entries in to refer to your local test server
  • Install oktest (pip install oktest)
  • Make sure PopIt is running. You cannot test this wrapper without a running PopIt instance.
  • run python


DEPRECATED - Python bindings to connect to the PopIt API






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