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Module Federation Type Generator

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Generate TypeScript Type for specific files.


npm i mf-dts-generator


pnpm i mf-dts-generator


mf serve -c [<configFile>] Start type dispatch server

mf listen -c [<configFile>]:Start type receiver server

mf serve --help: Show help of dispatch server

mf listen --help: Show help of reveriver server


Inspired by dts-loader.

When we use MF(Module Federation) in host to consume a module(used module from Remote), like this:

import Button from 'app2/remote'

It can't get type hint. So I build type in Remote by Rollup and move it to Host directory. You can run example in local.

Config File

The full config will like below:

export interface mfDtsGeneratorConfig {
    mfTypeConfig: mfTypeConfig

export interface MFTypeConfig {
    name: string; // keep sync with remote's name
    exposes: Record<string, string>; // key sync with remote's exposes, but the `value` should be absolute path
    targetPaths: string[]; // If you use monorepo, the type move from Remote to Host will not use WebSocket, and just move to targetPaths
    clientOutDir?: string; // the download directory in Host, default to types
    alias: Record<string, string> 
    //  for example, one record will be '@/component': path.join(__dirname, './src/component'),

There is a demo config file:

module.exports = {
    mfTypeConfig: {
        name: 'app2',
        exposes: {
            './App': path.join(__dirname, 'src/App.tsx'),
        targetPaths: [
            path.join(__dirname, '../app1')

The default name of config file is mf.config.js, and you can use -c to specific another file

mf server -c other.config.js

How to use

add to tsconfig.json in Host

    "baseUrl": "./",
    "paths": {
      "*": [ "*", "types/*" ]

Normal Project

  1. If Remote and Host is independent project, change dir to remote, add those to config file, and run pnpm mf serve:
module.exports = {
    mfTypeConfig: {
        name: 'app2',
        exposes: {
            './App': path.join(__dirname, 'src/App.tsx'),
  1. change dir to host.
module.exports = {
    mfTypeConfig: {
        clientOutDir: 'types',

Then run pnpm mf listen



module.exports = {
    mfTypeConfig: {
        name: 'app2',
        exposes: {
            './App': path.join(__dirname, 'src/App.tsx'),
        targetPaths: [
            path.join(__dirname, '../app1')

