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Manage async, text-based communications like AT commands


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This library provides a class to help manage sending AT commands and receiving responses. It is independent of any particular method of writing or reading data to the AT command partner device. Actually, the class is independent of "AT commands" as well. It can be used to manage any kind of synchronous or asynchronous text-based "conversation" with a partner.

The class is configured with an onWrite() function, which it uses to send data to its AT partner, and implements a .feed() method, which should be passed incoming data from its partner as it becomes available. The .receive() method takes a special onData() callback which can be used to implement simple or complicated logic for checking and parsing a variable number of responses from the AT partner as part of a single operation. The .expect() method provides a convenient way to generate said callbacks to implement common use cases, such as matching a fixed sequence of strings, or a regexp. The .register() method can be used to intercept and handle "unsolicited" data from the partner (URCs).


When working with AT commands to an external device you must send and receive data as text. Complications arise well beyond the basic “send ping, receive pong”:

  • The partner’s response time may vary
  • The partner may stop responding (you need timeouts)
  • Multiple responses may need to be matched, either in a specific order or not
  • The partner may interject with extra, unsolicited messages at any time
  • Multiple commands may need to be chained together
  • The commands that are sent, and what data they contain, may depend on the results of previous commands (e.g. for retries or branching logic)


Thanks to Gordon Williams, Pur3 Ltd, and Espruino for inspiring the callback-based API of this library (especially the behaviour of the onData() callback) with their AT Command Handler.

Class Usage

Constructor: AT(onWrite[, dfltTo])

This class is instantiated to manage all incoming and outgoing data for an individual AT command partner, e.g. a single external modem connected to the Imp over UART could be managed by one instance. The constructor takes a single required parameter: a callback for writing data. This is how the AT lib is configured to write data to its partner.


Parameter Type Required Description
onWrite Function Yes Callback for writing data to AT command partner
dfltTo Float No Default timeout for .receive() operations for the instance. Defaults to AT.DFLT_TIMEOUT.

Callback: onWrite(data)

The callback passed to the constructor is meant to be a function by which the AT instance can write data to the AT command partner, e.g. for an AT device connected over UART the callback might be uart.write. Outgoing data from the AT instance is passed to this callback; incoming data from the AT partner is passed in to the AT instance via the .feed() method (see below).

Parameter Type Required Description
data String Yes Outgoing data to write to the AT command partner


uart <- hardware.uartBCAW;

// Set up the UART

// Configure AT lib to write to the UART, with a default timeout for receive
// operations of 90 seconds
at <- AT(uart.write.bindenv(uart), 90);

Instance Methods


This is the method by which the AT instance reads data from its partner AT device. Tokens of data (usually lines of text) should be passed in to this method as they become available.

Note that the tokens that are passed into this method are the "data" that is passed to onData() callbacks. This decouples the AT class from any particular source of input. In some cases, raw data from your source might be sufficient. In other cases, you may wish to do some extra preprocessing on your data before passing it into this class (with this .feed() method). For example, if reading data from a UART, you might implement some code which buffers text from the UART, strips out null characters (noise), and splits the incoming text into (whole) lines. These lines would then be fed into this class with .feed(), and the tokens availabe to onData() would be sanitized whole lines of text. By controlling the form of the data that you pass in to .feed() you are controlling the form of the data that you will match against, parse, or otherwise handle in you onData() callback.


Parameter Type Required Description
data String Yes Incoming data from the AT command partner


// Continuing from previous example,
// configure AT lib to read from the UART
uart.configure(QM_UART_BAUD_RATE, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, 0, function() {
    // For some applications, this might be sufficient.  Others may wish to
    // buffer, filter, split, or otherwise clean this data before passing it into
    // `.feed()`. See below

// Another potential way to handle UART data...
// LineTokenizer is included in `libs`. It is designed to read in UART data then
// strip out null characters, split on carriage returns, strip leading and trailing
// whitespace, and finally output nice and clean lines of text, which in this
// case are the input to the AT instance. LineTokenizer also waits a split second
// before emitting tokens from its buffer, in case single lines of text are split
// and received as multiple UART packets.
local tokenizer = LineTokenizer();

// When the tokizer has a token (a line), feed it to the AT lib

// When the UART has data, feed it into the tokenizer.  The UART sends raw data
// to the tokenizer, the tokenizer sends nice tokens to the AT instance
uart.configure(QM_UART_BAUD_RATE, 8, PARITY_NONE, 1, 0, function() {

cmd(cmd[, t], onData, onDone)

This method allows one to send a command to the AT device, wait for a variable number and format of replies, with a timeout, and execute a standard error-first callback when the operation is complete.

This is actually just a convenient wrapper around .send() and then .receive(), so refer to those methods for documentation of the parameters.


function waitForOk(data) {
  if (data == "OK") {
    return null;
  } else return AT.CB_REPEAT;

// Execute a power down response, wait for an OK response, timeout after 10
// seconds
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, waitForOk, function(err, data) {
  if (err) {
    return server.error(err);
  // Carry on, the operation was successful


Used to send data to the AT device. This method will usually call the onWrite() callback that was configured in the call to the constructor, but will throw an exception (or pass it to the onUnhandled() callback, if set) instead if the AT instance is busy.


Parameter Type Required Description
cmd String Yes Data to send/write to the AT partner device


// Send a power down command
// This will send the data synchronously and move on, not wait for any response

receive([t, onData, onDone])

Set a temporary data handler function, wait for a variable number of replies from the AT partner, and execute a standard error-first callback when the operation is finished.


Parameter Type Required Description
t Float No Timeout (in seconds) on waiting for the entire operation to complete
onData Function No Data-handling callback function to be used for the duration of this operation. See below.
onDone Function No Error-first callback to execute when the operation is complete. See below.

Return Value

Returns the AT instance (this).

Callback: onData(data)

This callback should implement the main logic of parsing or otherwise checking responses that come from the AT command partner. It will be called as soon as data received from the partner becomes available. When called, the function may indicate any one of the following:

  1. The operation completed successfully
  2. The operation completed with an error
  3. The operation is still in progress, the same onData() callback should be kept to handle the next available data.
  4. The operation is still in progress, but a new onData() callback should be used to handle the next available data.

The callback will have its environment bound to the AT instance, so if will have the AT methods available in its scope (if it was not already bound).

If this callback is not provided (i.e. it's value is null), the default behaviour is to accept any single string as a response, then immediately complete the .receive() operation by passing the received string to onData().

Parameter Type Required Description
data String Yes Data from the AT command partner, as passed into .feed()
Return Value

The way the receive operation proceeds is controlled by this callback, according to the following rules:

  1. If the function returns another function, the operation is considered still in progress, and the newly provided function replaces the existing onData() callback.
  2. If the function returns the constant AT.CB_REPEAT, the operation is considered still in progress, and the existing onData() callback is retained.
  3. If the function returns any other value, the operation is considered a success. The return value is then passed as the second argument to the onDone() callback.
  4. If the function raises an exception, the operation is considered complete by failure. The exception is passed as the first argument to the onDone() callback.
  5. If the timeout time is reached before the callback has indicated that the operation is complete, the operation is considered a failure, and the error message AT.ERR_TIMEOUT is passed as the first argument to the onDone() callback.

Callback: onDone(err, data)

A standard asynchronous/Node.js-style error-first callback. This is called once when the operation is complete.

Parameter Type Required Description
err Any Yes Any error that occurred during the receive operation
data Any Yes The result of the operation, if any. This is normally the value returned by the last invocation of the onData() callback


// Imagine that a power down has been triggered on the AT partner, e.g. by pulling
// a power pin high and then low.  We now wish to wait for the partner to send
// "POWERING DOWN", and then "POWER DOWN" to indicate that it has finished
// powering down.  We also wish to time how long the partner takes to power down.

// Record the start time
local start = hardware.millis();

// Start receiving responses
at.receive(function(data) {
  // Fail on "ERROR", this will be caught and passed to `onDone()`
  if (data == "ERROR") throw "failed to power down";
  // Wait for the expected response
  if (data != "POWERING DOWN") return AT.CB_REPEAT;

  // We got the "POWERING DOWN" response, now wait for "POWER DOWN"
  return function(data) {
    // Fail on error, this will be caught and passed to `onDone()`
    if (data == "ERROR") throw "failed while powering down";
    // Wait for the expected response
    else if (data != "POWER DOWN") return AT.CB_REPEAT;

    // We've now received both responses.  The value we return now will be the
    // result of the operation, passed on to our `onDone()` callback below

    // Calculate the duration of the operation
    return hardware.millis() - start;
}, function(err, duration) {
  if (err) server.error("power down failed: " + err);
  else server.log(format("powered down after %d milliseconds", duration));

stop([err, data])

Manually stop an in-progress .receive() operation. The currently set onData() callback will be removed, and the onDone() callback (if set) will be called. This is a way to end a .receive() operation that is alternative to the return value of onData(), which obviously can only have an effect each time there is data to process. For example, you might wish to stop .receive()ing after a set period of time (but without triggering a timeout error), or to stop in response to some other stimuli, e.g. a power status pin going low indicating that the partner has unexpectedly powered down.

.stop() throw an exception if the AT instance is not actually in the middle of an operation. Should you need to check, you can check for this with .busy(), but beware that naively .stop()ing operations can have unintended consequences (see examples below). If an onUnhanled() callback is set, the exception will be passed to this callback rather than synchronously thrown.

Note that .stop() is not effective in stopping a sequence of commands controlled by .seq(), as it will only stop the currently in-progress .receive() operation, and the rest of the sequence will be allowed to continue.


Parameter Type Required Description
err Any (usually a String or Null) No Error to pass to onDone()
data Any No Data to pass to onDone()


Suppose an AT command will give you multiple lines of data, which you wish to store in an array. You don't know what they might look like, or how many there might be, but you expect them all to arrive within 5 seconds. You could collect all responses for 5 seconds, and then manually end the .receive(), like so:

local received = [];

// Execute the send, and initiate the receive operation
at.cmd("AT+SENSORVALUES?\r", function(data) {
  return AT.CB_REPEAT;
}, function(err, values) {
  if (err) {
    // Handle the error
    // ....

  server.log(format("got %d sensor value", values.len()));
  // Do something with the values
  // ...

// After 5 seconds, end the receive operation, passing the array of received
responses to the onDone callback
imp.wakeup(5, function() {
  at.stop(null, received);

Bad Example

A non-recommended use-case is to attempt to abort any currently running operation, without knowing what the operation actually is. For example, if some part of your code decides it has a really important AT command to execute, so it does the following:

// Stop whatever command is running now, if there is one
if (at.busy()) at.stop();

// Now the instance isn't busy, so we can run a comand, right?  Probably wrong.
// Don't do this.
at.cmd(/* ... */);

...this is bad, because the AT partner might still be about to send us a response for a previously sent AT command, for which the .receive() operation had not finished. If this response comes during our next command instead, we won't be expecting it and that could problems.


Check if the AT instance is "busy", i.e. in the middle of a .receive() operation. The instance is unavailable for other .send(), or .receive() commands while it is busy. The instance cannot be .stop()ed unless it is already busy.

Return Value

A boolean.


// Define a function that will check the clock on our AT partner every 60 seconds
// or so, as long as it's not busy executing more important commands for some
// other part of our application
local checkClockIfIdle;
checkClockIfIdle = function() {
  imp.wakeup(60, function() {
    if (at.busy()) return checkClockIfIdle();
    at.cmd("AT+CLOCK\r", expect(regexp(@"^\d+$")), function(err, clock) {
      if (err) server.error("failed to check clock: " + err);
      else server.log(format("Imp time: %d, AT partner clock time: %s", time(), clock));

// Start checking

register(expected[, dedupe], onRegData)

Register a callback to run each time a piece of incoming data matches an expected specification, e.g. when a line starts with a certain prefix string. This can be used for when the AT partner (e.g. a modem) sends unsolicited results asynchronously at times we can't predict (e.g. notifications of UDP that has been sent to our modem from another source).

Registered functions are checked against incoming data in order from last registered to first registered. This might seem "backwards", but think of it like a stack of handlers, rater than a queue. You can .register() temporary, more specific handlers to override "base" handlers that you may have set up at the start of your application.


Parameter Type Required Description
expected MatchSpecification Yes A value used to test if incoming data is a match. See the documentation for .match() for more details on this type.
dedupe Boolean No Whether existing registrations should be de-duplicated. If true, all existing registrations with the same expected MatchSpecification will be removed.
onRegData Function Yes Callback to run on matching data.
Callback: onRegData(data)

Called each time a match is seen.

Parameter Type Required Description
data string Yes The matching data
Return Value

Can return false to indicate that the data was not actually relevant (despite matching). This will cause the AT instance to continue checking for other matching registrations, or fall through to passing to the data to an in-progress .receive() operation.

function readUdpData(notification) {
  // Read and process UDP data from the AT modem
  // ...

// Regexp match for unsolicited UDP notifications, which indicate that there is
// UDP data available to be read from our AT partner
local udpNotificationRe = regexp("^\+UDP: .*$");

// Register our read callback to run whenever we are notified that there is data
// available
at.register(udpNotificationRe, readUdpData);

deregister(expected[, all])

Deregister one or more matching registrations registered by .register().


Parameter Type Required Description
expected MatchSpecification Yes As originally passed to .register()
all Boolean No Whether to remove all matching registrations. Default is false, which removes only the most recent matching registration.


// Continuing on from `.register()` example...

// We are no longer expecting any incoming UDP data, so deregister the callback
// Note that we must remember the `expected` MatchSpecification that was used
// to register the callback, to use as an ID for deregistering


Remove all registered callbacks, i.e. undoes all previous calls to .register().


Set a callback to be run when there are is any unhandled AT data, or unhandled errors.


Parameter Type Required Description
cb Function Yes A binary callback to run when there is anything unhandled. Will be called with either an error as the first argument, or some unhandled data as the second argument.


at <- AT(uart.write.bindenv(uart), 90)
  .onUnhanled(function(err, data) {
    if (err) server.error("unhandled AT error: " + err);
    else server.log("WARNING unhandled AT data: " + data);


Reset the timeout on a .receive() operation. This could be used in an onData() callback to extend the timeout during a .receive() operation.


Parameter Type Required Description
t Float No Time (in seconds, from now) until timeout. Defaults to the original timeout time set in .receive(), but reset to be from the current time.


function waitForOk(data) {
  if (data == "OK") {
    // Got the "OK", all done
    return null;
  } else {
    // Reset the timeout any time we receive any data
    return AT.CB_REPEAT;

// Execute a command.  Wait for an OK response, and timeout if 10 seconds
// pass without *any* responses
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, waitForOk, onDone);

seq(cmds, cb)

Used to run a sequence of asynchronous tasks, similar to Javascript's async.series(). Normally this will include a number of .send() and .receive() operations. An iterable sequence of asynchronous commands is executed until completion (the last command completes successfully, or there is an error), then the result is passed to the callback cb().

Note that if your "sequence" is just a send followed by a receive, you should use .cmd() which does exactly that.


Parameter Type Required Description
iter Iterable (see .toGen()) Yes Asynchronous command specification (see below, and see examples)
onDone Function Yes Callback to execute when sequence is complete. If successful, the callback will be passed the data returned by the last command in the sequence (as its second argument).

cmds is converted to a generator in order to iterate the commands asynchronously, according to the following rules:

Type Behaviour
Generator Passes through untouched
Function Called multiple times to generate each new value, until it returns null, at which point the generator is exhausted
Other (Array, Class, Table) Iterated according to foreach (value in cmds) { ... }

Why use one type over another? I have some general recommendations. You should use an array (of functions) if executing a short, fixed sequence of commands. You should use a generator if your situation is complicated by any of the following factors:

  • The sequence of commands is long, or even infinite - so that loading all commands in the sequence into memory at once is undesirable or impossible
  • The sequence of commands may need to change while still in progress, e.g. if:
    • The data sent by one command relies on the result of a previous command
    • The sequence may need to branch in different directions (e.g. in response to some data received early in the sequence, or some other asynchronous source of information)
    • An infinite sequence needs to be aborted early when some condition is met

To read more about generators, see the Squirrel 3.0 Reference Manual or the Electric Imp docs.

At each step, the value yielded by the iterable may be of one of 3 cases:

Type Meaning
Function This user-supplied function is assumed to be an asynchronous function taking one argument, a binary error/data callback function we'll call onNext(). onNext() is passed to the function, and the sequence continues when the user's function calls it. If the command is the last in the sequence, the data value supplied to the callback becomes the "return value" of the sequence, i.e. it is passed to the onDone() callback passed to .seq().
this this indicates a reference to the AT instance. Yielding this value to .seq() indicates that a .receive() (or .wait()) operation has been started for the given instance, so that it is now busy, and that .seq() should wait for the operation to finish before continuing. This can be convenient to yield because this is the return value of .receive(), .wait(), and .cmd().
Other The sequence is complete, and the "return value" of the sequence is set to this yielded value.

A step in the sequence may also raise an exception, by throwing or by passing an error message to a supplied callback, in which case the sequence is aborted and the error is passed as the first argument to the onDone() callback.

The sequence stops when:

  • An exception is raised (for example with throw, or by passing an passing an error to onNext())
  • The sequence of commands iter is exhausted


local numberRe = regexp("^\d+$");

function checkTime(cb=null) {
  // Execute clock command, wait for "OK" and then time
  return at.cmd("AT+CLOCK?\r", at.expect("OK", numberRe), function(err, time) {
    if (err) return cb(err, null);
    server.log("external clock time: " + time);
    cb(null, time);

function checkTemp(cb=null) {
  // Execute check temperature command, wait for "OK" and then temperature
  return at.cmd("AT+TEMP?\r", at.expect("OK", numberRe), function(err, temp) {
    if (err) return cb(err, null);
    server.log("temperature reading: " + temp);
    cb(null, temp)

// Define callback to run when a sequence is complete
// `data` will be the result obtained by executing the sequence, i.e. the value
// asyncronously "returned" by the last command in the sequence
function onDone(err, data) {
  if (err) server.error("Error in sequence: " + err);
  else server.log("Sequence completed with result: " + data);

// Check time

// Check time, then temperature
  @(cb) checkTime(cb),
  @(cb) checkTemp(cb),
], onDone);

// Equivalently...
], onDone);

// Check time and temperature twice, doing something else in between
  function(cb) {
    try {
      // Do something...
      cb(null, data);
    catch (err) {
      cb(err, null);
], onDone);

// Check time and temperature twice, waiting 10 seconds in between
  @(cb) wait(10, cb),
], onDone);

// Equivalently...
// In this example we pass in a generator, by defining a generator function and
// calling it to get an instance of the generator.  There is little advantage to
// using a generator over an array for this example.
at.seq(function() {
  // no callback passed in (and the returned value is non-null and
  // non-function)`, thus `.seq()` will wait until the AT instance stops being
  // busy before continuing
  yield checkTime();
  yield checkTemp();
  // yielding an async function still works here, but check the next example to
  // see a more convenient way of using `.wait()` in this context
  yield @(cb) wait(10, cb);
  yield checkTime();
  yield checkTemp();
}(), onDone);

// Check time and temperature every 10 seconds forever (or until an error occurs)
// Here the generator shows its strength: we can use it to represent an
// infinite sequence, without loading an infinite number of functions (in an
// array) into memory
at.seq(function() {
  while (true) {
    yield checkTime();
    yield checkTemp();
    // `.wait()` is a kind of `.receive()` operation too, so we can `yield` to `.seq()`
    // without a callback just like we do when kicking off `.receive()` operations
    yield wait(10);
}(), onDone);

// Equivallently, using a function instead of a generator
local cmds = [checkTime, checkTemp, @(cb) wait(10, cb)];
local i = 0;
// The provided function is called at the end of each command to get the next
// command to run
at.seq(function() {
  // Get the next command
  local cmd = cmds[i];
  // Increment the index, wrapping around the end of the array
  i = (i + 1) % cmds.len();
  return cmd;
}, onDone);

// Check time continuously forever (or until an error occurs), as fast as possible.
// The `checkTime()` function can be used directly.  It is called to inititate
// each command in the sequence (in this case, always "check the time").  Since it
// returns a non-null, non-function value, `.seq()` will wait until the command it
// initiated completes before the calling the function again to initiate the next
// command.
at.seq(checkTime, onDone);

expect(expected[, n, ex])

A factory method for generating onData() callbacks to handle common use cases. Calling this method, with one or more arguments for configuration, will return a callback that can be used as an onData() callback. The callback will expect one or more matching responses in a given order, either exclusively (by default) or with potentially other responses in between. Completes the .receive() operation when matches have been seen for all expected responses in the correct order, or raises an exception.

Aliased to .ex().


Parameter Type Required Description
expected MatchSpecification or [MatchSpecification] Yes Specification(s) of expected response(s). Note that an array value will be assumed to be an array of MatchSpecifications each representing a single expected response, not an array-type MatchSpecification intended to match a single response with multiple potential values. If you wish to match a single response with an array-type MatchSpecification, simply wrap it in another array to indicate that you are expecting a sequence of length 1 - and the response should be matched against the inner array MatchSpecification. See the nested array examples below.
flags Integer (bitfield) No Effects the behaviour of the resulting callback function in various ways, see below.
n Integer No Index into expected array of response that should be passed on as data to the onDone() callback. E.g. if a .receive() operation should expect 3 responses, and only the second response contains meaningful data, then use n=1. Defaults to the last item, n=expect.len()-1

The flags argument to .expect() is a bitfield, which can be used to set various flags that effect the behaviour of the resulting callback function. All flags are off by default, and can be combined with bitwise OR, e.g. to set the flags UNORDERED and COLLECT_ALL, pass a flags value of UNORDERED | COLLECT_ALL. For a detailed explanation and examples of each flag, see the "Class Properties" section of this README. For a brief overview, see this table, and for some examples of common flag combinations, see the examples below.

Flag Value Description
NO_FLAGS 0 Does not set any flag, so has no effect. Can be used in place of 0 to explicitly not set any flags.
UNORDERED 1 Allow matches to come in any order.
IGNORE_NON_MATCHING 2 Silently ignore non-matching data, rather than treating them as errors.
ALLOW_REPEATS 4 Allow repeatedly matching each expected element.
COLLECT_ALL 8 Collect all matched data in an array to pass on to onData() at the end, rather than just the n-th.
USE_MATCH_RESULT 16 When a match is found, save the result of .match() to pass on to onData(), rather than the raw data that was matched.


// Expect an "OK" response
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect("OK"), onDone);

// Expect an "OK" response, then a "POWER DOWN" response
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect(["OK", "POWER DOWN"]), onDone);

// Expect an "OK" response, then either "POWER DOWN" or "POWER DOWN"
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect(["OK", ["POWER DOWN", "POWERED DOWN"]]), onDone);

// Expect either "POWER DOWN" or "POWER DOWN"
// NB: without the second layer of array, this would expect "POWER DOWN", *and
// then* "POWERED DOWN"
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect([["POWER DOWN", "POWERED DOWN"]]), onDone);

// Expect a "POWER DOWN" response eventually
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect("POWER DOWN", AT.IGNORE_NON_MATCHING), onDone);

// Expect an OK response, followed by some data, followed by another OK
// The data response (index 1) should be passed to `onDone()`
at.cmd("AT+VERSION\r", 10, at.expect(["OK", regexp("^data: .*$"), "OK"], AT.NO_FLAGS, 1), onDone);

// Expect an "OK" and a "POWER DOWN", in either order
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect(["OK", "POWER DOWN"], AT.UNORDERED), onDone);

// Expect an "OK" response, and a "POWER DOWN" response, in either order, and
// possibly with other non-matching responses in-between
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect(["OK", "POWER DOWN"], AT.UNORDERED | AT.IGNORE_NON_MATCHING), onDone);

// Expect at least one "OK", and at least one "POWER DOWN", and no other
// responses.  Calls `onDone()` as soon as both responses have been seen once or
// more.
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", 10, at.expect(["OK", "POWER DOWN"], AT.UNORDERED | AT.ALLOW_REPEATS), onDone);

// Expect some numbers, followed by an "OK"
// Collect all these responses into an array to pass to `onDone()`
at.cmd("AT+SENSORDATA?\r", 10, at.expect([regexp(@"^\d+$"), "OK"], AT.ALLOW_REPEATS | AT.COLLECT_ALL), onDone);


Enable or disable debugging for the AT instance. This will enable debug logs of incoming and outgoing data. Deriving classes may choose to implement further debug functionality.


Parameter Type Required Description
enable Boolean No Whether to enable debugging, or to disable it. Defaults to true, meaning to enable debugging.


// Enable debugging

// Do some troublesome operations
// ...

// Disable debugging again

Class Methods

match(spec, str)

Executes a match on a target string according to some specification. That specification is defined as a "MatchSpecification", documented below.


Parameter Type Required Description
spec MatchSpecification Yes Specification of match. See below.
str String Yes String to match against.


A match specification works in different ways depending on its type.

Type Behaviour
Boolean Always matches (if true) or doesn't match (if false), ignoring the contents of the string
String Matches if the strings are identical
Regexp Matches if the regexp matches the string according to the regexp.match() method
Function Is called, with the string as its only argument. The return value (a boolean) indicates whether there was a match
[MatchSpecification] Matches if the string matches any of the given array of MatchSpecifications
Class, Instance, or Table Must implement a .match() method, which is called with the string as its only argument, similar to using a function type MatchSpecification. You can pass in an instance of an object that implements custom matching logic (e.g. an instance of a custom Regexp class, or a custom parsing class), as long as you have implemented this .match() method.

If using regexps, it is important to know that regexp.match() checks if the regexp matches against the entire target string. This means that regexp("OK") will only match the exact string "OK", and not any other string that contains "OK". If you want the other behaviour, you could try making use of, perhaps by wrapping the regexp in a function or custom class, e.g.:

local re = regexp("OK");

// Make a function-type MatchSpecification, making use of
local matchOk = function(str) {
  return != null;

// Compare the pair...

at.match(re, "OK"); // true
at.match(matchOk, "OK"); // true

at.match(re, "--- OK ---"); // false
at.match(matchOk, "--- OK ---"); // true

Return Value

Can return any kind of value, depending on the MatchSpecification. For example, if the MatchSpecification is a simple boolean, string, or regexp, the return value will be a boolean, but if the MatchSpecification is a function then the return value will be the result of executing the function on the target string.

A return value of null or false is taken to mean "does not match", and any other value is taken to mean "does match" (notable examples include "" and 0).


// Always true
at.match(true, s);

// Always false
at.match(false, s);

// Matches "OK" exactly
at.match("OK", s);

// Matches if string contains "OK"
at.match(regexp(@"^.*OK.*$"), s);

// Matches "OK" case-insentively
at.match(function (str) {
  return str.toupper() == "OK";
}, s);

// Equivalently...
at.match(@(str) str.toupper() == "OK", s);

// Implement a custom Regexp class with a better `._tostring()` method for easier debugging
class RE {
    _re = null;
    _str = null;

    constructor(str) {
        _str = str;
        _re = ::regexp(str);

    // Debuggable _tostring() method
    function _tostring() {
        return "/" + _str + "/";

    // Defer to the interal regexp object for any other properties or methods
    function _get(idx) {
        local v = _re[idx]
        return typeof v == "function" ? v.bindenv(_re) : v;


// Matches if string contains "OK"
at.match(RE(@"^.*OK.*$"), s);

// Passes if string contains "OK", otherwise throws an error.  The error
// message will contain a stringified version of the MatchSpecification, which is
// now more readable with our custom RE class than it would have been for a raw
// regexp object
at.expectMatch(RE(@"^.*OK.*$"), s);

expectMatch(expected, str)

Utility method. Throws a nice error message if string str does not match MatchSpecification expected, according to the behaviour of .match(). Can be used inside of onData() callbacks to make assertions that throw meaningful error messages without extra boilerplate.


Parameter Type Required Description
expected MatchSpecification Yes Specification of match. See documentation of this type under that for .match().
str String Yes String to match against.


If no error is thrown from the assertion, returns the result of .match(expected, str). This is guaranteed to not be null or false, but could be any other value (including 0) depending on the expected MatchSpecification.


at.cmd("AT+CLOCK\r", function(data) {
  // Make sure that the format of the data matches what we expect
  at.expectMatch(regexp("^\d+$"), data);
  // Convert data to integer before passing to `onDone`
  return data.tointeger();
}, function(err, clockTime) {
  // ... handle the data

wait(t, onDone)

Like imp.wakeup() for your AT instance. Waiting is treated like a receiving, which means:

  • The AT instance is "busy" while waiting
  • You can stop your .wait() early with .stop()
  • .seq() can handle wait operations automatically, just like .receive() operations

Aliased to .w().


Parameter Type Required Description
t Float Yes Time to wait for, in seconds
onDone Function No Error-first callback to run when the wait is over

Return Value

Returns the AT instance (this).


See examples for .seq() for examples of .wait() used in context.


Alias for format(). This is expected to be a commonly used functions by deriving classes and application code, so this shorter alias is added for convenience.

Instance Properties


Short for "accumulator", this property is meant to be used, if necessary, by onData() callbacks to maintain state throughout the course of a .receive() operation. It is reset to null whenever a .receive() operation completes. An onData() callback can check if acc == null to check that this is the first time it is executing during this operation, and it may then initialise state into acc, which can be modified in other calls to the onData() callback.

Note that acc cannot be used from onDone(), since it will have already been cleared. To use the value of acc in onDone(), the .receive() operation should be ended by returning acc from onData(), or by passing acc to .stop();


You are sending a power down command to a device, and for whatever reason you want to count how many other extra responses you receive before the final "POWER DOWN" response, and log the number at the end. This example will illustrate two ways to do so: one without using acc, and the other with using acc.

// Define our callback for the end
function onDone(err, count) {
  if (err) {
    // Handle the error...
  server.log(format("Got %d extra responses before power down.", count));

// Define an `onData()` callback
// This version is a closure over the local variable `count`
local count = 0;
function countResponsesUntilPowerDown1(data) {
  if (data == "POWER DOWN") return count;
  else {
    // We have received an extra response while waiting for power down, count it
    return AT.CB_REPEAT;

// Define an `onData()` callback
// This version will use `acc`, to be repeatable
function countResponsesUntilPowerDown2(data) {
  // Initialise state (count)
  if (at.acc == null) at.acc = 0;
  // When we get "POWER DOWN", return the count (to be passed to the `onDone`
  // callback)
  if (data == "POWER DOWN") return at.acc;
  else {
    // We have received an extra response while waiting for power down, count it
    return AT.CB_REPEAT;

// This will work well - but only once.  The second time
// `countResponsesUntilPowerDown1()` is used, its state may already be non-zero
// from the last time.
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", countResponsesUntilPowerDown1, onDone);

// ...

// `countResponsesUntilPowerDown2()` is repeatable/reusable.  This is because
// the state stored in `acc` is reset by the AT instance when each `.receive()`
// completes.
at.cmd("AT+PWDWN\r", countResponsesUntilPowerDown2, onDone);

Class Properties


The default timeout for .receive() operations, if one is not explicitly configured for the instance by passing it to the constructor. The value is 60 seconds.


A constant defined to be used as a return value from onData() callbacks, to indicate that the same callback should be used again to handle the next available piece of data.



An error message string, passed to onDone() callbacks when a .receive() operation times out.


An error message string, thrown when attempting to .send() to the AT partner while already busy with a .receive() operation.

.expect() Flags


Just 0. Using this constant can make code more readable when you need to provide a value for flags, but you don't care to actually set any, for example when using the n argument of .expect(). See example below.

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see a number, then "OK"
expect([regexp(@"^\d+$"), "OK"]);

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see a number, then "OK"
// Will pass on the number to the onDone callback
expect([regexp(@"^\d+$"), "OK"], AT.NO_FLAGS, 0);

// (equivalently), less readable
expect([regexp(@"^\d+$"), "OK"], 0, 0);

// (equivalently), less readable
expect([regexp(@"^\d+$"), "OK"], null, 0);


Flag for controlling behaviour of onData() callbacks generated by .expect(). Indicates that expected values should be allowed to arrive in any order.

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see A, then B, then C
expect(["A", "B", "C"]);

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see exactly A, B, and C in any
// order
expect(["A", "B", "C"], AT.UNORDERED);


Flag for controlling behaviour of onData() callbacks generated by .expect(). Indicates that unexpected values should be ignored, rather than treated as unexpected errors.

// onData callback that expects to see 1 "OK" only

// onData callback that expects to see 1 "OK", but may will silently ignore any
// other responses that come before then


Flag for controlling behaviour of onData() callbacks generated by .expect(). Relevant only when AT.IGNORE_NON_MATCHING is not set. When AT.UNORDERED is also set, this flag will cause the callback to allow seeing multiple responses matching each element of expected. When matching in an ordered fashion, this will flag will allow repeated responses matching the same (current) expected element before moving onto the next one.

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see A, then B, then C
expect(["A", "B", "C"]);

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see 1 or more A`s, then one or
// more B's, then one or more C's
expect(["A", "B", "C"], AT.ALLOW_REPEATS);

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see exactly 1 A, 1 B, and 1 C, in
// any order
expect(["A", "B", "C"], AT.UNORDERED);

// Returns an onData callback that expects to see at least 1 A, B, and C, in
// any order.  It will complete a corresponding receive operation as soon as it
// has seen at least 1 of each.
expect(["A", "B", "C"], AT.UNORDERED | AT.ALLOW_REPEATS);


Flag for controlling behaviour of onData() callbacks generated by .expect(). Indicates that all matching data strings should be collected into an array to be passed to the onDone() callback at the end. The default (with AT.COLLECT_ALL not set) is to only pass on the last piece of data seen, or, if the n argument is passed to .expect(), to pass on the (n-1)-th element only.

// A regexp to match an integer
local nRe = regexp("^\d+$");

// Generates an onData callback that expects to see 3 numbers
// Only the last will be passed on to onDone
expect(array(3, nRe));

// Now only the 1st will be passed on to onDone
expect(array(3, nRe), 0);
// (equivalently)
expect(array(3, nRe), AT.NO_FLAGS, 0);

// Now an array containing all 3 numbers in the order they arrived will be
// passed on to onDone
expect(array(3, nRe), AT.COLLECT_ALL);


Flag for controlling behaviour of onData() callbacks generated by .expect().

When passed to .expect(), this flag will effect what data the resulting callback saves/collects to pass on to the onData() callback at the end. Normally, the incoming data/tokens are saved (if the result of .match() is truthy), but if this flag is set then the result of .match() will be saved instead. This means that for function-type MatchSpecifications, the result of the function call will be saved (rather than the incoming data, which was the input to the function).

// Regexp to match a numeric status report
local statusRe = regexp(@"^\+STATUS: (\d+)$");

// Returns result of `regexp.match()`: true
at.match(statusRe, "+STATUS: 12");

// Now using USE_MATCH_RESULT...

// This function will return the parsed integer on a match, and null otherwise
function matchStatus(str) {
  local groups = statusRe.capture(str);
  if (!groups) return null;
  return str.slice(groups[1].begin, groups[1].end).tointeger();

// Generates an onData() callback that checks for a status report followed by an "OK"
at.expect([matchStatus, "OK"], AT.USE_MATCH_RESULT, 0);

// Execute a status command, such that the status integer is passed to the into onDone()
at.cmd("AT+STATUS", at.ex([matchStatus, "OK"], AT.USE_MATCH_RESULT, 0), function(err, status) {
  if (err) return server.error("get status failed: " + err);

  // The status integer is now available as the `status` argument
  // ...

// Contrast the above to this version
// Here, the raw status string is passed into onDone(), and must be parsed
// there (if required)
at.cmd("AT+STATUS", at.ex([statusRe, "OK"], AT.NO_FLAGS, 0), function(err, data) {
  if (err) return server.error("get status failed: " + err);

  // `data` only contains the raw string response, so must now be parsed
  local results = statusRe.capture(data);
  local status = data.slice(results[1].begin, results[1].end);

  // The status integer is now available as `status`
  // ...


The AT library is licensed under the MIT License.


Manage async, text-based communications like AT commands







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